
[Duda] Lista de Fanfare

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Usuario mítico
Tengo entendido que le fanfare son sonidos/efectos de sonido dentro del juego. ¿Alguien tiene una lista de estos? Porque solo he encontrado la lista de temas musicales que es esta:

0105 = Healing (RS)
0106 = Level Up
0107 = Evolution Start
0108 = Evolution/Safari
0109 = Battle 1
010A = Battle 2
010B = Unknown/Not listed in Sappy
010C = Fanfare 1
010D = Fanfare 2
010E = You Fail It!
010F = You Fail It Again!
0110 = Follow Me
0111 = Game Corner
0112 = Evil Lurks
0113 = Gym
0114 = Jigglypuff's Song
0115 = Introduction
0116 = Pokemon Theme
0117 = Cinnabar Island
0118 = Lavender Town
0119 = Healing
011A = Bicycle
011B = Encounter 1
011C = Encounter 2
011D = Encounter 3
011E = You're In The Hall of Fame!
011F = Viridian Forest
0120 = Mount Moon
0121 = Abandoned Place
0122 = End Credits
0123 = Route Theme 1
0124 = Route Theme 2/Intro
0125 = Route Theme 3
0126 = Route Theme 4
0127 = Indigo Plateau
0128 = Battle 3
0129 = Battle 4
012A = Battle 5
012B = Battle 6
012C = Pallet Town
012D = Oak's Lab
012E = Oak's Theme
012F = Pokemon Center
0130 = SS Anne
0131 = Surf's Up
0132 = Pokemon Tower
0133 = Silph Co.
0134 = Cerulean City
0135 = Celadon City
0136 = Victory 1
0137 = Victory 2
0138 = Victory 3
0139 = Vermillion City
013A = Viridian City and Pewter City
013B = Gary's Theme
013C = Gary's Theme (bis)
013D = Fanfare 3
013E = Fanfare 4
013F = You caught a Pokemon!
0140 = Trainer Card Photo
0141 = Gamefreak
0142 = Victory 2 (bis)
0143 = Intro Message 1
0144 = Intro Message 2
0145 = Intro Message 3
0146 = Game Corner (+1)
0147 = Game Corner (+2)
0148 = Net Corner
0149 = Mystery Connection
014A = Game Corner (+3)
014B = Mount Ember
014C = Follow Me (alt)
014D = Water Labyrinth
014E = Tanoby Ruins
014F = Islands 1-3
0150 = Islands 4-5
0151 = Islands 6-7(AKA Violet City Theme from GSC)
0152 = PokeFlute
0153 = Battle - Deoxys
0154 = Battle 5 (+1)
0155 = Battle 5 (+2)
0156 = Encounter 4
0157 = Deoxys Encounter
0158 = Trainer Tower
0159 = Pallet Town (fame mix)
015A = Teachy TV

Y lo estoy pidiendo para fire red. Si alguien la tiene se lo agradecería. en concreto necesito la del sonido de cuando sale una exclamación

Bueno ya he encontrado los sounds de fire red. Si alguien los quieres son estos:
0001: When you give a Potion to a Pokémon
0002: PC Access
0003: PC Off
0004: PC On
0005: Talking to someone blip sound
0006: Start menu open
0007: Bumping into a wall
0008: RSE Door Open
0009: Exit a building
000A: Ledge jump
000B: Bicycle Bell
000C: "It's not very effective" sound
000D: Normal damage to a Pokemon
000E: "It's super effective" sound
000F: Swap out a Pokemon in battle
0010: Pokémon fainting
0011: Running from a wild Pokémon
0012: Sliding door open
0013: Traveling in the Seagallop
0014: Ho-Oh encounter wing flap
0015: (!) pop-up sound
0016: Fail!
0017: Poké Balls placed in Pokémon Center healing machine
0018: Game Corner slot stop
0019: PokéDex search finish R/S
001A: Incorrect
001B: EXP Gain
001C: Acro Bike hop
001D: ???
001E: ???
001F: ???
0020: ???
0021: Drown in sand
0022: Ice cracking
0023: Ice breaking
0024: Falling through hole
0025: Landing after falling
0026: Door lock (for big metal doors that need setmaptile to close)
0027: Teleport panel warp (take-off)
0028: Teleport panel warp (land)
0029: Teachy TV static (White Noise)??
002A: RSE truck intro
002B: RSE truck stopping
002C: RSE truck gas letout
002D: RSE truck door open
002E: Looping whining sound
002F: Saved game
0030: Pokémon catching sound 1
0031: Pokémon catching sound 2
0032: Pokémon catching sound 3
0033: Pokémon catching sound 4
0034: Pokémon catching sound 5
0035: Pokémon catch throwing Poké Ball
0036: Throw Pokeball
0037: Secret Base Music Pad - Low C
0038: Secret Base Music Pad - D
0039: Secret Base Music Pad - E
003A: Secret Base Music Pad - F#
003B: Secret Base Music Pad - G
003C: Secret Base Music Pad - A
003D: Secret Base Music Pad - B
003E: Secret Base Music Pad - High C
003F: Step in water
0040: Cash register
0041: Safari Zone ding-dong
Última edición:


ᴛᴜ ᴀᴍɪɢᴏ ᴇʟ ᴇsᴘᴀᴅᴀᴄʜíɴ
Usuario de Oro
Jo7a hace poco aportó una lista de sound extensa, completa y en español. Si quieres algún sonido en concreto aquí la encontrarás :)

Un abrazo.

(Link al tema:

Sé que no es para nada innovador, pero no he visto aún ninguna lista de sounds completa al 100% y en español, quiza la haya, pero me he tomado la molestia de hacer yo la mia y poner los nombres de cada sound lo mas "identificativos" posible, aunque algunos me ha costado describirlos xD

sound 0x1 - Recuperando vida
sound 0x2 - Entrando en caja del PC
sound 0x3 - Cerrando PC
sound 0x4 - Abriendo PC
sound 0x5 - Seleccionando / Cerrando el menú
sound 0x6 - Abriendo el menú
sound 0x7 - Chocanco con la pared
sound 0x8 - Abriendo puerta
sound 0x9 - Warp
sound 0xA - Salto
sound 0xB - Usando la bici
sound 0xC - Golpe debil
sound 0xD - Golpe normal
sound 0xE - Golpe crítico
sound 0xF - Pokémon regresando a la pokeball en combate
sound 0x10 - Pokémon derrotado
sound 0x11 - Huida
sound 0x12 - Puerta centro pokémon
sound 0x13 - SS aqua
sound 0x14 - Abriendo puerta con golpe
sound 0x15 - Pitido suave (signo de exclamacion)
sound 0x16 - Pitido grave (Error)
sound 0x17 - Colocando pokéball en el CP para curar
sound 0x18 - Decidiendo los puestos en concurso (R/Z/E)
sound 0x19 - Captando la atención en concursos (R/Z/E)
sound 0x1A - Error
sound 0x1B - Barra de nivel aumentando
sound 0x1C - Bote bici acrobacias (R/Z/E)
sound 0x1D - Apretando botón
sound 0x1E - Apretando botón 2
sound 0x1F - Puerta atascada
sound 0x20 - Puerta atascada 2
sound 0x21 - Cuando entras en agujero de arena (4º gimnasio R/Z/E)
sound 0x22 - Blindado
sound 0x23 - Rompiendo hielo
sound 0x24 - Quebrando hielo
sound 0x25 - Cayendo
sound 0x26 - Abriendo puerta pesada
sound 0x27 - Teletransportacion ida
sound 0x28 - Teletransportacion regreso
sound 0x29 - Parecido al sound 2D
sound 0x2A - Sonido barras 6º gimnasio R/Z/E
sound 0x2B - Camión en marcha (infinito)
sound 0x2C - Camión deteniéndose
sound 0x2D - Antes de abrir la puerta del camión (R/Z/E)
sound 0x2E - Abriendo puerta (Camión R/Z/E)
sound 0x2F - Como un avión (infinito)
sound 0x30 -Partida guardada
sound 0x31-0x34 - Botes pokeball
sound 0x35 - Metiendo pokémon salvaje en pokeball
sound 0x36 - Lanzar pokeball
sound 0x37-0x3E - Pitidos (cada vez mas agudos)
sound 0x3F - Pisando agua
sound 0x40 - Al andar por puente
sound 0x41 - Pagando
sound 0x42 - Ding Dong
sound 0x43 - Al pisar un globo de agua
sound 0x44 - Al pisar un globo de agua 2
sound 0x45 - Rompiendo globo de agua
sound 0x46 - Golpe (parece un disparo)
sound 0x47 - Presionando palanca
sound 0x48 - Veneno
sound 0x49 - Bola de fuego
sound 0x4A - Lluvia (infinito)
sound 0x4B - Lluvia (1 segundo)
sound 0x4C - Lluvia fuerte (infinito)
sound 0x4D - Lluvia fuerte (1 segundo)
sound 0x4E - Lluvia ligera (infinito)
sound 0x4F - Lluvia ligera (1 segundo)
sound 0x50 - Trueno
sound 0x51 - Trueno (mas leve)
sound 0x52 - Maquinilla
sound 0x53 - Pokemon con poca vida (infinito)
sound 0x54 - Al llenar la barra de Exp al máximo
sound 0x55 - Furgoneta (dura un rato)
sound 0x56 - Parando furgoneta
sound 0x57 - Aleteos (infinito)
sound 0x58 - Comprando
sound 0x59 - Sonido al conseguir un corazon en concursos (R/Z/E)
sound 0x5A - Abriendo puerta corredera
sound 0x5B - Cerrando puerta corredera
sound 0x5C - Pulsar botón grande
sound 0x5D - Prendiendo cerrila?
sound 0x5E - Siguiente turno (concursos) (R/Z/E)
sound 0x5F - Brillo / PKMN Shiny
sound 0x60 - Sonido final intro ruby (como honda expansiva)
sound 0x61 - Parecido al anterior (más leve)
sound 0x62 - Gente gritando
sound 0x63 - Andando por puente metálico
sound 0x64 - Cuando brilla la esfera roja/azul (R/Z/E)
sound 0x65 - Pitido leve (Pokenav)
sound 0x66 - Al moverte por Pokenav
sound 0x67 - Abrir Pokenav
sound 0x68 - Cerrar pokenav
sound 0x69 - Te llaman al pokenav!
sound 0x6A - Sonido al abrirse el huevo
sound 0x6B - Papel de lija?
sound 0x6C - Cuando te mueves por PC
sound 0x6D - Picotazo muy leve
sound 0x6E - Al usar Flauta

sound 0xF1 -Abriendo puerta 2
sound 0xF2 -Apretando botón 3
sound 0xF3 -Parecido al 2D
sound 0xF4 -Al abrir T-card
sound 0xF5 -Sonido al moverte entre los objetos de la mochila
sound 0xF6 -Sonido al cambiar el bolsillo de la mochila
sound 0xF7 -Como un paso (muy leve)
sound 0xF8 -Sonido al comprar
sound 0xF9 -Sirena del barco al zarpar
sound 0xFA -Sonido al entrar al menú ayuda (L R)
sound 0xFB -Sonido al salir del menú ayuda (L R)
sound 0xFC -Igual que el FA pero con sonido de error al final
sound 0xFD -Sonido triángulo Deoxys
sound 0xFE -Curando (Exactamente igual que el AC)
sound 0xFF -Error (exactamente igual que el 1A)

(Sonidos de ataques):

sound 0x6F -Rayo (1º descarga)
sound 0x70 -Electricidad
sound 0x71 -Blindado 2
sound 0x72 -PKMN Maldito
sound 0x73 -1º golpe demolición
sound 0x74 -Patada baja
sound 0x75 -Burbuja
sound 0x76 -Chapoteolodo (cuando cae)
sound 0x77 -Burbuja antes de hidropulso
sound 0x78 -Lluvia corta
sound 0x79 -Corte
sound 0x7A -Viento cortante
sound 0x7B -Rayo confuso (2º sonido)
sound 0x7C -ROCAS
sound 0x7D -Tornado (infinito)
sound 0x7E -Medio tornado
sound 0x7F -Destructor
sound 0x80 -Doble equipo
sound 0x81 -Corte 2
sound 0x82 -Hielo
sound 0x83 -Onda trueno (solo descarga)
sound 0x84 -Golpe menor
sound 0x85 -Recargando rayo solar
sound 0x86 -Golpe mayor
sound 0x87 -Mini burbuja
sound 0x88 -Lanzando Pin misil
sound 0x89 -Quemadura
sound 0x8A -Quemadura 2
sound 0x8B -Lanzallamas
sound 0x8C -Puño fuego
sound 0x8D -veneno
sound 0x8E -Fuego (mas corto)
sound 0x8F -Lanzallamas 2
sound 0x90 -Fuego (mucho mas corto)
sound 0x91 -Desarrollo
sound 0x92 -Viento (infinito)
sound 0x93 -Viento (muy leve)
sound 0x94 -Arañazo
sound 0x95 -Golpe (sonido raro)
sound 0x96 -Aleteo
sound 0x97 -Vuelo
sound 0x98 -Ataque arena
sound 0x99 -Picotazo ven (sin el veneno)
sound 0x9A -Mordisco
sound 0x9B -Salpicar 1
sound 0x9C -Salpicar 2
sound 0x9D -Salpicar 3
sound 0x9E -Hidrobomba
sound 0x9F -Picotazo
sound 0xA0 -Salpicadura
sound 0xA1 -(Parece una escoba)
sound 0xA2 -Hoja afilada (cuando salen las hojas)
sound 0xA3 -Atadura
sound 0xA4 -Foco energía
sound 0xA5 -Canto
sound 0xA6 -Canto mortal
sound 0xA7 -Campanilla
sound 0xA8 -Excavar
sound 0xA9 -Confuso
sound 0xAA -Autodestrucción (solo 1 explosión)
sound 0xAB -Explosión (solo 1 explosión)
sound 0xAC -Curando
sound 0xAD -Picotazo (absorver/chupavidas)
sound 0xAE -Chirrido
sound 0xAF -Rayo aurora
sound 0xB0 -Rayo hielo
sound 0xB1 -Confusión
sound 0xB2 -Tambor
sound 0xB3 -Amnesia
sound 0xB4 -Hueslo palo
sound 0xB5 -Lengüetazo
sound 0xB6 -Rencor
sound 0xB7 -Finta
sound 0xB8 -Danza espada
sound 0xB9 -Destello/Malicioso
sound 0xBA -Contoneo
sound 0xBB -Frustración
sound 0xBC -Deseo (brillo)
sound 0xBD -Rayo confuso (1º sonido)
sound 0xBE -Ronquido/Descanso
sound 0xBF -Bola hielo
sound 0xC0 -Burbujas
sound 0xC1 -Más Psique
sound 0xC2 -Rayo solar (disparo)
sound 0xC3 -Día soleado
sound 0xC4 -Danza dragón
sound 0xC5 -Danza dragón (al reves)
sound 0xC6 -Impresionar
sound 0xC7 -Doble filo (sin golpe)
sound 0xC8 -Deseo (estrella fugaz)
sound 0xC9 -Parecido al anterior
sound 0xCA -Inversión (brillo)
sound 0xCB -Como un botón
sound 0xCC -Deseo (cuando te cura)
sound 0xCD -Encanto
sound 0xCE -Carga
sound 0xCF -Temblor (special 136)
sound 0xD0 -Parecido a malicioso
sound 0xD1 -Disparo lodo
sound 0xD2 -Inversión (cuando salen las bolitas)
sound 0xD3 -Lodo
sound 0xD4 -Tormenta arena
sound 0xD5 -Rizo defensa
sound 0xD6 -Trueno
sound 0xD7 -Impresionar (1º sonido)
sound 0xD8 -Gente gritando (dura menos que el 62)
sound 0xD9 -Relevo
sound 0xDA -Parecido al C8 pero mas corto
sound 0xDB -Atracción (al impactar)
sound 0xDC -Atracción (despúes de impactar)
sound 0xDD -Día soleado 2
sound 0xDE -Golpe seco
sound 0xDF -Ciclón
sound 0xE0 -Silbato (diferente)
sound 0xE1 -???????
sound 0xE2 -Buceo (al sumergirte)
sound 0xE3 -Terremoto
sound 0xE4 -Viento
sound 0xE5 -Dulce aroma
sound 0xE6 -Bostezo
sound 0xE7 -Mov. sísmico
sound 0xE8 -Sonido al subir stats en batalla
sound 0xE9 -Giro fuego
sound 0xEA -Gente gritando (1 segundo)
sound 0xEB -Congelado
sound 0xEC -Masa cósmica
sound 0xED -Danza caos
sound 0xEE -Sonido al bajar stats en batalla
sound 0xEF -Rabia
sound 0xF0 -Parecido al anterior

El único sound que me ha sido imposible identificar y definir a sido el E1 (por eso se llama ??????). Que os sirva.

Última edición:


Αρμονíα μέλου
Tajaros también recopiló una lista muy completa de sounds de Fire Red, aunque está en inglés :-/

Contrasta esta lista con la de Felix y seguro que estarán todos los fanfares ^^

0x0 - Blank Noise (Stops BGM, not other S.E.)
0x1 - Use Item
0x2 - Log onto PC
0x3 - Turn off PC
0x4 - Turn on PC
0x5 - Click Noise
0x6 - Open Menu
0x7 - Wall Bump
0x8 - Door Open
0x9 - Exit Room
0xA - Jump
0xB - Bike Bell
0xC - Loud Crash (Like dropping of a heavy object)
0xD - Loud Crash (Higher pitch, and with echo)
0xE - Loud Crash (3 in rapid sucession, with long echo)
0xF - Low Pitch Pokeball Open
0x10 - Pokeball Close
0x11 - Flee S.E.
0x12 - PokeCenter Door Open
0x13 - Strange Noise (Like Water at the beginning, then like electricity)
0x14 - Low Pitch crash
0x15 - Super high pitch beep
0x16 - Error / False sound
0x17 - PokeCenter Pokeball Load up (Pokeballs being placed onto the heal machine.)
0x18 - PokeCasino Reel Stop
0x19 - Insert Coin into Machine
0x1A - Buzz (False/fail at Casino)
0x1B - EXP gauge
0x1C - Hop (Like on an Acro Bike)
0x1D - Lock / Break small rock?
0x1E - Unlock
0x1F - Strange Sound (Like a dor being locked, but different...)
0x20 - Strange Sound (A singular version of the previous sound)
0x21 - Crash sound (With echo)
0x22 - Singular Metal attack Sound (Like when using steel wing, but singular)
0x23 - Ice Break
0x24 - Ice Crack
0x25 - Falling
0x26 - Strange Sound (Super Low Pitch Ice Break?)
0x27 - Warp Away
0x28 - Warp Return
0x29 - Electricity?
0x2A - Turn Winch (Like in Winona's Gym)
0x2B - Truck Driving (Loop)
0x2C - Truck Stoping
0x2D - Truck Brake
0x2E - Truck Open
0x2F - Airplane Turbines
0x30 - Save
0x31 - Pokeball Bounce (Like in a trade)
0x32 - Pokeball Bounce (Quieter)
0x33 - Pokeball Bounce (Even Quieter)
0x34 - Pokeball Bounce (Even Quieter Still)
0x35 - Pokeball Open (Like in a trade)
0x36 - Throw Pokeball
0x37 - Musical Decoration Pad (Low C)
0x38 - Musical Decoration Pad (D)
0x39 - Musical Decoration Pad (E)
0x3A - Musical Decoration Pad (F#)
0x3B - Musical Decoration Pad (G)
0x3C - Musical Decoration Pad (A)
0x3D - Musical Decoration Pad (B)
0x3E - Musical Decoration Pad (High C)
0x3F - Mud Ball Smash
0x40 - Wodden Board
0x41 - Get Money
0x42 - P.A. (Like when an elevator is done, or end of Safari Zone)
0x43 - Water Baloon Pop (Low)
0x44 - Water Baloon Pop (Med)
0x45 - Water Baloon Pop (High)
0x46 - Wodden Smash
0x47 - Wooden Break
0x48 - Poison Afliction
0x49 - Conveyor Belt
0x4A - Conveyor Belt 2 (Loop)
0x4B - Conveyor Belt 2 (end)
0x4C - Loud Noise (Like a low conveyor belt 2) (Loop)
0x4D - Loud Noise (End)
0x4E - Light noise (Like a High conveyor belt 2) (Loop)
0x4F - Light Noise (End)
0x50 - Strange Noise (Like sonething being absorbed into a dark void. Sound goes from high to low)
0x51 - Strange Noise (Like an extension of hte previous sound. Sound goes from Low to Super Low)
0x52 - Buzz (Like a Circular Saw)
0x53 - Low Health Alert (Loop) (Can Not Be Turned Off Without Map Refresh)
0x54 - Level Up Ding
0x55 - Low Grumbling (Like a Diesel Engine) (Loop)
0x56 - Low Grumbling (End)
0x57 - Swipe Sound (Loop)
0x58 - Sell Item
0x59 - Low Ding (Like a really low "Low C" note)
0x5A - High Pitch Swipe
0x5B - High Pitch Swipe (Reverse)
0x5C - Smack
0x5D - Small Noise (Like a person kicking dirt)
0x5E - VS Seeker?
0x5F - Light Jingle
0x60 - Explosion
0x61 - Explosion (After Effect / Cont)
0x62 - STRONG Wind (Or Crowd Screaming? My PC to slow to tell...)
0x63 - Low Slamming sound (Like someone setting down a heavy box.)
0x64 - Red / Blue Orb
0x65 - Computer Chatter (One High Pitch Blip)
0x66 - Computer Chatter (2 Blips, pattern: MedHi-High)
0x67 - Computer Chatter (High Pitch PC on?)
0x68 - Computer Chatter (High Pitch PC off?)
0x69 - Computer Chatter (PC Scanning)
0x6A - Glass Breaking?
0x6B - Light Shuffle sound (Like feet sliding across the floor)
0x6C - High Pitch Quiet Blip
0x6D - Small Sound (Like a twig snaping)
0x6E - Strange Sound (Like low pitch Ice Shimmering, or Use of Flute)
0x6F - Loud Bang (Like a gun shot, but different)
0x70 - Lout Buzz
0x71 - Metal Sheen (Like on steel wing, but a little longer)
0x72 - Curse Attack
0x73 - Baton Pass Attack (Like a swipeing / falling sound)
0x74 - Low Crash
0x75 - Bubble Attack (Launch)
0x76 - Substitute attack?
0x77 - Watyer Gun Attack (Launch)
0x78 - Rain Dance Attack
0x79 - Slash Attack
0x7A - Gust Attack?
0x7B - Very Strange Sound (Like a downward Spiral?)
0x7C - Rock Smash Attack? (In Battle or not? I Can't tell)
0x7D - Powerful Wind (Loop)
0x7E - Powerful Wind (End)
0x7F - Pound Attack?
0x80 - Throwing Sound (Like Bait in the Safari Zone)
0x81 - Deep Slashing noise
0x82 - Ice Ball Attack
0x83 - Loud Swipe?
0x84 - Deep Bang (Like someone hit something hard with a big log...)
0x85 - Beam Attack Charge Sound. (Like Solar Beam's Charging sound)
0x86 - Deep Bang (Similar to 0x84)
0x87 - Bubbling Noise
0x88 - Throwing noise (Slightly Higher Pitch)
0x89 - VERY DEEP Throwing sound
0x8A - Deep Explosion like sound
0x8B - Deep Wave-like sound
0x8C - Strange Sound (A Smack Noise, tehn a Short Deep Explosion-ish sound)
0x8D - Deep Bubbling
0x8E - Deep Crash (Like a super deep opening pokeball)
0x8F - Deep Fire
0x90 - Deep Smack
0x91 - Low Whirling
0x92 - High Pitch Powerful Wind (Loop)
0x93 - High Pitch Powerful Wind (End)
0x94 - High Pitch Shuffling
0x95 - Loud Noise (No Explaination)
0x96 - Wing Flapping (Singular)
0x97 - Wing Flapping (Decending Octaves, High To Low)
0x98 - Kicking Sand?
0x99 - High Pitch Whips Sound
0x9A - Strange Sound (No Explaination)
0x9B - Whirling Upwards (Short....)
0x9C - Super Strong Wind Burst
0x9D - MEGA ULTRA Strong wind burst. (I think....)
0x9E - MEGA ULTRA Strong wind burst. (Pitch Goes up, then down, more like actual wind...)
0x9F - Small Noise (Like a twig breaking)
0xA0 - Splash Attack Flopping sound (Singular)
0xA1 - Sandpaper-ish?
0xA2 - Small Noise (No Explaination)
0xA3 - Stretching noise?
0xA4 - Speeding up fan? (Pitch raises, that is all)
0xA5 - Sing Attack
0xA6 - Perish Song Attack
0xA7 - Ice? (Souns like when a pokemon gets frozen...)
0xA8 - Noise (No Explaination)
0xA9 - Little Sound (No explaination...)
0xAA - Loud Sound (No Explaination)
0xAB - Explosion-ish Sound
0xAC - Recover Attack
0xAD - Absorb Smack (The sound before the absorbtion)
0xAE - Metal Sound?
0xAF - Aurora Beam (Small)
0xB0 - Aurora Beam (Main)
0xB1 - Confusion
0xB2 - Drum?
0xB3 - Amnesia "?" Appear
0xB4 - Egg Crack?
0xB5 - Amnesia (Deeper ? Sound)
0xB6 - Loud Hover Sound (Decending)
0xB7 - Loud Hover Sound (Acending)
0xB8 - Strange Sound (Sounds like a speed up, then an upward whirling noise)
0xB9 - Smack (With Echo)
0xBA - Wooshing noise
0xBB - Frustration "Angry" Symbols
0xBC - Small Metalic "Bling" sound
0xBD - Whisping noise
0xBE - Rest Attack
0xBF - Shattering Ice
0xC0 - Deep Watery noise
0xC1 - Strange Noise (No Explaination)
0xC2 - Solar Beam (Launch)
0xC3 - Sunny Day Attack
0xC4 - Strange Noise (Sounds like a small absorption, but not from any absorb attacks...)
0xC5 - Strange Noise (Previous sound, in reverse)
0xC6 - Small Noise (No Explaination)
0xC7 - Swift Attack (Singular - higher pitch)
0xC8 - Swift Attack (Singular - Longer)
0xC9 - Swift Attack (Singular - Lower Pitch)
0xCA - Odor Sleuth Attack
0xCB - Small Noise (Like a twig Snapping... again)
0xCC - Strange noise (Like... Ding, Dong... Ding, Dong....)
0xCD - Strange noise (Frustration "Angry" Symbols... highrt pitch)
0xCE - Noise (Decending Sound)
0xCF - Loud Crash (Very Deep)


Usuario mítico
ZeNix~♪;339817 dijo:
Tajaros también recopiló una lista muy completa de sounds de Fire Red, aunque está en inglés :-/

Contrasta esta lista con la de Felix y seguro que estarán todos los fanfares ^^

0x0 - Blank Noise (Stops BGM, not other S.E.)
0x1 - Use Item
0x2 - Log onto PC
0x3 - Turn off PC
0x4 - Turn on PC
0x5 - Click Noise
0x6 - Open Menu
0x7 - Wall Bump
0x8 - Door Open
0x9 - Exit Room
0xA - Jump
0xB - Bike Bell
0xC - Loud Crash (Like dropping of a heavy object)
0xD - Loud Crash (Higher pitch, and with echo)
0xE - Loud Crash (3 in rapid sucession, with long echo)
0xF - Low Pitch Pokeball Open
0x10 - Pokeball Close
0x11 - Flee S.E.
0x12 - PokeCenter Door Open
0x13 - Strange Noise (Like Water at the beginning, then like electricity)
0x14 - Low Pitch crash
0x15 - Super high pitch beep
0x16 - Error / False sound
0x17 - PokeCenter Pokeball Load up (Pokeballs being placed onto the heal machine.)
0x18 - PokeCasino Reel Stop
0x19 - Insert Coin into Machine
0x1A - Buzz (False/fail at Casino)
0x1B - EXP gauge
0x1C - Hop (Like on an Acro Bike)
0x1D - Lock / Break small rock?
0x1E - Unlock
0x1F - Strange Sound (Like a dor being locked, but different...)
0x20 - Strange Sound (A singular version of the previous sound)
0x21 - Crash sound (With echo)
0x22 - Singular Metal attack Sound (Like when using steel wing, but singular)
0x23 - Ice Break
0x24 - Ice Crack
0x25 - Falling
0x26 - Strange Sound (Super Low Pitch Ice Break?)
0x27 - Warp Away
0x28 - Warp Return
0x29 - Electricity?
0x2A - Turn Winch (Like in Winona's Gym)
0x2B - Truck Driving (Loop)
0x2C - Truck Stoping
0x2D - Truck Brake
0x2E - Truck Open
0x2F - Airplane Turbines
0x30 - Save
0x31 - Pokeball Bounce (Like in a trade)
0x32 - Pokeball Bounce (Quieter)
0x33 - Pokeball Bounce (Even Quieter)
0x34 - Pokeball Bounce (Even Quieter Still)
0x35 - Pokeball Open (Like in a trade)
0x36 - Throw Pokeball
0x37 - Musical Decoration Pad (Low C)
0x38 - Musical Decoration Pad (D)
0x39 - Musical Decoration Pad (E)
0x3A - Musical Decoration Pad (F#)
0x3B - Musical Decoration Pad (G)
0x3C - Musical Decoration Pad (A)
0x3D - Musical Decoration Pad (B)
0x3E - Musical Decoration Pad (High C)
0x3F - Mud Ball Smash
0x40 - Wodden Board
0x41 - Get Money
0x42 - P.A. (Like when an elevator is done, or end of Safari Zone)
0x43 - Water Baloon Pop (Low)
0x44 - Water Baloon Pop (Med)
0x45 - Water Baloon Pop (High)
0x46 - Wodden Smash
0x47 - Wooden Break
0x48 - Poison Afliction
0x49 - Conveyor Belt
0x4A - Conveyor Belt 2 (Loop)
0x4B - Conveyor Belt 2 (end)
0x4C - Loud Noise (Like a low conveyor belt 2) (Loop)
0x4D - Loud Noise (End)
0x4E - Light noise (Like a High conveyor belt 2) (Loop)
0x4F - Light Noise (End)
0x50 - Strange Noise (Like sonething being absorbed into a dark void. Sound goes from high to low)
0x51 - Strange Noise (Like an extension of hte previous sound. Sound goes from Low to Super Low)
0x52 - Buzz (Like a Circular Saw)
0x53 - Low Health Alert (Loop) (Can Not Be Turned Off Without Map Refresh)
0x54 - Level Up Ding
0x55 - Low Grumbling (Like a Diesel Engine) (Loop)
0x56 - Low Grumbling (End)
0x57 - Swipe Sound (Loop)
0x58 - Sell Item
0x59 - Low Ding (Like a really low "Low C" note)
0x5A - High Pitch Swipe
0x5B - High Pitch Swipe (Reverse)
0x5C - Smack
0x5D - Small Noise (Like a person kicking dirt)
0x5E - VS Seeker?
0x5F - Light Jingle
0x60 - Explosion
0x61 - Explosion (After Effect / Cont)
0x62 - STRONG Wind (Or Crowd Screaming? My PC to slow to tell...)
0x63 - Low Slamming sound (Like someone setting down a heavy box.)
0x64 - Red / Blue Orb
0x65 - Computer Chatter (One High Pitch Blip)
0x66 - Computer Chatter (2 Blips, pattern: MedHi-High)
0x67 - Computer Chatter (High Pitch PC on?)
0x68 - Computer Chatter (High Pitch PC off?)
0x69 - Computer Chatter (PC Scanning)
0x6A - Glass Breaking?
0x6B - Light Shuffle sound (Like feet sliding across the floor)
0x6C - High Pitch Quiet Blip
0x6D - Small Sound (Like a twig snaping)
0x6E - Strange Sound (Like low pitch Ice Shimmering, or Use of Flute)
0x6F - Loud Bang (Like a gun shot, but different)
0x70 - Lout Buzz
0x71 - Metal Sheen (Like on steel wing, but a little longer)
0x72 - Curse Attack
0x73 - Baton Pass Attack (Like a swipeing / falling sound)
0x74 - Low Crash
0x75 - Bubble Attack (Launch)
0x76 - Substitute attack?
0x77 - Watyer Gun Attack (Launch)
0x78 - Rain Dance Attack
0x79 - Slash Attack
0x7A - Gust Attack?
0x7B - Very Strange Sound (Like a downward Spiral?)
0x7C - Rock Smash Attack? (In Battle or not? I Can't tell)
0x7D - Powerful Wind (Loop)
0x7E - Powerful Wind (End)
0x7F - Pound Attack?
0x80 - Throwing Sound (Like Bait in the Safari Zone)
0x81 - Deep Slashing noise
0x82 - Ice Ball Attack
0x83 - Loud Swipe?
0x84 - Deep Bang (Like someone hit something hard with a big log...)
0x85 - Beam Attack Charge Sound. (Like Solar Beam's Charging sound)
0x86 - Deep Bang (Similar to 0x84)
0x87 - Bubbling Noise
0x88 - Throwing noise (Slightly Higher Pitch)
0x89 - VERY DEEP Throwing sound
0x8A - Deep Explosion like sound
0x8B - Deep Wave-like sound
0x8C - Strange Sound (A Smack Noise, tehn a Short Deep Explosion-ish sound)
0x8D - Deep Bubbling
0x8E - Deep Crash (Like a super deep opening pokeball)
0x8F - Deep Fire
0x90 - Deep Smack
0x91 - Low Whirling
0x92 - High Pitch Powerful Wind (Loop)
0x93 - High Pitch Powerful Wind (End)
0x94 - High Pitch Shuffling
0x95 - Loud Noise (No Explaination)
0x96 - Wing Flapping (Singular)
0x97 - Wing Flapping (Decending Octaves, High To Low)
0x98 - Kicking Sand?
0x99 - High Pitch Whips Sound
0x9A - Strange Sound (No Explaination)
0x9B - Whirling Upwards (Short....)
0x9C - Super Strong Wind Burst
0x9D - MEGA ULTRA Strong wind burst. (I think....)
0x9E - MEGA ULTRA Strong wind burst. (Pitch Goes up, then down, more like actual wind...)
0x9F - Small Noise (Like a twig breaking)
0xA0 - Splash Attack Flopping sound (Singular)
0xA1 - Sandpaper-ish?
0xA2 - Small Noise (No Explaination)
0xA3 - Stretching noise?
0xA4 - Speeding up fan? (Pitch raises, that is all)
0xA5 - Sing Attack
0xA6 - Perish Song Attack
0xA7 - Ice? (Souns like when a pokemon gets frozen...)
0xA8 - Noise (No Explaination)
0xA9 - Little Sound (No explaination...)
0xAA - Loud Sound (No Explaination)
0xAB - Explosion-ish Sound
0xAC - Recover Attack
0xAD - Absorb Smack (The sound before the absorbtion)
0xAE - Metal Sound?
0xAF - Aurora Beam (Small)
0xB0 - Aurora Beam (Main)
0xB1 - Confusion
0xB2 - Drum?
0xB3 - Amnesia "?" Appear
0xB4 - Egg Crack?
0xB5 - Amnesia (Deeper ? Sound)
0xB6 - Loud Hover Sound (Decending)
0xB7 - Loud Hover Sound (Acending)
0xB8 - Strange Sound (Sounds like a speed up, then an upward whirling noise)
0xB9 - Smack (With Echo)
0xBA - Wooshing noise
0xBB - Frustration "Angry" Symbols
0xBC - Small Metalic "Bling" sound
0xBD - Whisping noise
0xBE - Rest Attack
0xBF - Shattering Ice
0xC0 - Deep Watery noise
0xC1 - Strange Noise (No Explaination)
0xC2 - Solar Beam (Launch)
0xC3 - Sunny Day Attack
0xC4 - Strange Noise (Sounds like a small absorption, but not from any absorb attacks...)
0xC5 - Strange Noise (Previous sound, in reverse)
0xC6 - Small Noise (No Explaination)
0xC7 - Swift Attack (Singular - higher pitch)
0xC8 - Swift Attack (Singular - Longer)
0xC9 - Swift Attack (Singular - Lower Pitch)
0xCA - Odor Sleuth Attack
0xCB - Small Noise (Like a twig Snapping... again)
0xCC - Strange noise (Like... Ding, Dong... Ding, Dong....)
0xCD - Strange noise (Frustration "Angry" Symbols... highrt pitch)
0xCE - Noise (Decending Sound)
0xCF - Loud Crash (Very Deep)
Vale ya tengo todos.
Por cierto. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre el comando fanfare y el sound?


Αρμονíα μέλου
Vale ya tengo todos.
Por cierto. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre el comando fanfare y el sound?
Si mal no recuerdo, los fanfares interrumpen la canción que suena de fondo para sonar solos. Por ejemplo, cuando consigues un objeto y suena esa cancioncilla.

Los sounds suenan a la vez que la canción del mapa sin interrumpirla. Por ejemplo, cuando chocas contra la pared.

No sé si me he explicado o_O
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.