
Ini Yape?

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Usuario de platino
Buenas que tengo puesto mal en la ini de yape que no me funciona en mi hack?

asi es como tengo ahora mismo la ini:
NumPkmn = 999
NumDexEntries = 386
NumAttacks = 355
NumAbilities = 78

# These help us catch if stat offset
# is wrong or stat data is bad
MaxTypeVal = 17
MaxEggGroupVal = 15
MaxLvlRateVal = 5
MaxColorVal = 9

# 125 is the max used in game. It might
# be possible to put this as high as 175
# though...
MaxEscapeVal = 125

# HM data is not stored the same way as TM
# data. This lets us show HMs anyway though.
HM1 = 0x00f
HM2 = 0x013
HM3 = 0x039
HM4 = 0x046
HM5 = 0x094
HM6 = 0x0f9
HM7 = 0x07f
HM8 = 0x123

# Fire Red
RomName = Pokémon Fire Red (E)
PkmnStatsOffset = 0x726058
PkmnNamesOffset = 0x07238b4
ItemNamesOffset = 0x3DB028
AttackNamesOffset = 0x0901800
AbilityNamesOffset = 0x0950000
EvoDataOffset = 0x080927c
MovesLearnedOffset = 0x072c550
TMCompatOffset = 0x0740410
TMDataOffset = 0x045a80c
DexNumbersOffset = 0x0738654
HoennNumbersOffset = 0x0737f1c
DexDataOffset = 0x44e874
MaxMovesLearned = 4036
NumItems = 500
MaxDexText = 39064
DexFormat = FRLG

y asi es la ini del hack:

pokemon stats: 0726058
poke leamable moves: 072c550
poke names: 07238b4
type names: 0961b50
evolution table: 080927c
eggmove compat: 0964700
attack names: 0901800
abilities: 0950000
tm compat: 0740410
tm list: 045a80c
front sprite table 072d500
bakc sprite table: 072f1e4
normal palette: 0730ec8
shiny pallete: 0732bac
move tutor compat: 07420ec
enemy Y table: 0735700
player Y table: 0734890
enemy altitude table: 0736570
icon sprite table: 0736d10
icon palette table: 0737b80
icon palettes: 03d3740
national order: 0737f1c
foot print table: 074cf78
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