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[BLUE]: Pokemon Prehistoric Going GB/Gen1!!

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Hello you guys!!

Here is a first glimpse at my upcoming Gen1 Hack (the base Rom is Pokemon Blue) "Pokémon Prehistoric". You may or may not remember my efforts to do
Pokémon Prehistoric on the GBA, based on FireRed. However it was always my dream to make a Gen1 Hack out of the idea since I grew up with the old GB and GBC Pokémon Games. When I discovered Pokered and its quite awesome capabilities, I decided to make a Pokémon Prehistoric version for the Original Gameboy, so Gen1! I managed to change the sprites and dialogue already. I plan on replacing all 151 Pokémon with new, prehistoric ones! :D

Please have a look at this first showcase/demo video:

While I can handle pretty much anything I need, I still have a question about how to change the types of Pokémon in Gen1 and, far more important, how to change the attacks they learn at certain levels. Please see my question here if you have any advice for me on that:

Anways I hope you like the little preview of "Pokémon Prehistoric - GB Version"!


Última edición:


Enfrentando a La Organización
Miembro insignia
Just wanting to ask, why is this in the "ROM Hacking (Advanced)" Zone?
The rules of the zone says clearly:

[COLOR=Orange][B].:Helix Boo♪:.[/B][/COLOR] dijo:
You can't post a HackROM in this zone.
You need to create a proper thread in "Rom Hacking (First Steps)" first, and, if you think the Hack is worked on enough, you can ask via PM a Moderator to move it.
Also, you linked the video incorrectly.
If a link looks like this:
Then the bolded and underlined code is what you need to put between the tags:

Note: Without the "*"

Like this:
Última edición:
OK sorry, I must have missed that rule... Thanks for telling me!!

@Some Moderator: Can you please move this thread to Primeros Pasos?

And yeah, I will edit the link so you and everyone else can see the video!!

Thanks again!




Hernii Coronel (Youtuber)
After watch the whole video all I've to say is that I love it! And I love that sense of humour. I definitely suscribe to your project (sorry about my poor English xd)
Awesome, thank you for the nice feedback! I hope I will find some time in early 2016 to dedicate myself more to the project - after I finished my well-paid pixel art job I am currently working on (the game will be released on PS4+Vita and XBox so yeah...)

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