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    No he querido mover los Tileset headers esperando ver que pasa con el nuevo editor de mapas.
    Uso el sistema de "obediencia sensible" del Pyrite.
    Debido a la habilidad de zigzagoon en mi hack, el uso de rare candys se restringe por obediencia para evitar abusos de nivel.
    Investigo la carga independiente de colores en el menu pokemon
    La investigacion anterior me llevo a poder modificar el color de los minis en los mapas, que al parecer es rojo por default.
    Eso y no haberlo encontrado es lo mismo jajajaja.

    Dile a Javc que si puede hacerle arreglos para roms en ingles?
    Also, that was supposed to be x31 instead of x30 in my example, since what I actually wrote would try to put 3 rows into 0 columns. But yeah. Hope it works :)
    Oh, you don't actually need those 99% of the time. That is just for if you wanted to have it run a custom ASM script before making the menu. You can just use the same bank that you used for the text and use x0000 for the "2b pointerSCR" and it will just load the menu without any custom ASM running. I looked at the menu data for the chalkboard in the pokemon school to make sure. So, for example:

    [byte][x30][x00][Text Bank][Text Pointer][Text Bank][x0000]

    where [byte] = The byte with whichever options you want, such as only allowing A button

    That should create a menu with 3 choices for the 3 starter Pokemon, no extra columns and no space between them (since there is only 1 column). Then you could just do 00s for the ASM pointer, since you shouldn't need any additional asm script to run before making the menu, so you can leave that blank.
    Honestly, I would probably just use interpretmenu2 and make it so pressing B just looped you back to the menu again so you had to select one.

    But let me look and see if I can figure out how to explain InterpretMenu1's format
    Oh wait, the format that I used in the document was for InterpretMenu2 instead of InterpretMenu1. InterpretMenu1 uses a slightly different format, so that might be why it is crashing.
    Another example of the format for menu data can be found in the notes and things I sent you for Sterling Silver, in a text file called "Shop menu data instructions.txt"
    Did you insert any menu data for that command to interpret?

    First you have to use command x4F to load menu data, then use command x57 to interpret it. You would use x4F and then a 2-byte pointer to the menu data. The menu data is not in a format that PKSV understands, so you would have to insert it with a hex editor.

    The data structure for the menu looks like this:

    [Byte][Y start][X start][Y end][X end][2b pointer to data structure2][Default index for arrow]

    If 1.byte:

    Bit3 = No button sounds (buggy; Bug fix : 0x1E64--> FA)
    Bit4 = Interprets sprites via the OAM sprite routine (Ingame clear ram from C508 for C1 bytes!)
    Bit6 = 1 --> Write backup of later menu tiles to ram; Set bit0 of the written data
    Bit6 = 0; Bit7 = 1 --> Write backup of later menu tiles to ram; Set bit0 of the written data
    Bit6 = 0; Bit7 = 0 --> Don’t write backup of later menu tiles to ram; Reset bit0 of the w data

    (Copy and pasted from the Gold and Silver scripting compendium by Tauwasser).
    justo estaba haciendo la tarea para entregartela compa , porque cerrastes la escuela :( no me puedes dar clases solo ami , tengo ganas de aprender mas del room hack GBC y al igual que ustedes , yo tambien quiero hacer mi proyecto , pero aun me falta mucho por aprender y no quiero hacer algo sin saber mucho , jamas podre estar ala par con ustedes , ya que ustedes son veteranos y tan solo yo un novato mas , pero quiero aprender , quiero hacer casi las mismas cosas que ustedes hacen con su hack , asta quisiera superarlos :D jeje , espero que reconsideres lo mencionando y reabras la escuela , y si alguien no cumple debería ser sancionado con warp , para que así tengas mas responsabilidad
    compa noooo !!! por que cerrastes la escuela :( yo quiero seguir en la escuela compa :D , o hay alguna manera de poder seguir tus lecciones , quiero aprender de ti compa :D
    Me da pereza ponerme a buscar temas, pero te pasaré alguno que tengo en mente ;)
    Pokémon fuertes. Pokémon débiles. Esa es la visión egoísta que tiene todo
    el mundo. Si un entrenador es bueno, debería ser capaz de ganar con sus

    ¿Quien era que había dicho eso? xD Lance? Oak? Silver? No recuerdo jaja
    Tío, cambias mas de nick que de calzoncillos xD! nora por el nuevo proyecto!
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