
[Scripts] ¿Alguien podria ayudarme con este script? (Applymovement)

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Hola a todos... Queria saber si alguien podria ayudarme o hacerme este script, pues no he podido hacer los applymovements nuevos y por otras razones que no diré no pude hacerlo.....
El script es el del Prof Oak, y pues el script s desordenó al cambiar de posicion el laboratorio:

#org 0x8006EF
setvar 0x4001 0x0
goto 0x8801934

#org 0x801934
setvar 0x8004 0x0
setvar 0x8005 0x2
special 0x174
textcolor 0x0
pause 0x1E
playsong 0x12E 0x0
preparemsg 0x8801A6F '"OAK: Hey! Wait!\nDon't go out!"
pause 0x55
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
sound 0x15
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75DB
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x1E
showsprite 0x3
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A19
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A25
pause 0x1E
msgbox 0x8801B55 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"OAK: That was close!\nWild POKéMON..."
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A3D
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A31
special 0x187
special 0x188
special 0x9D
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C1E
msgbox 0x8801B8D MSG_KEEPOPEN '"OAK: Whew[.]\pOAK: A POKéMON can a..."
playsong 0x12E 0x0
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A49
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A5C
setdooropened 0x10 0xD
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C21
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C25
waitmovement 0x0
setdoorclosed 0x10 0xD
setvar 0x4055 0x1
clearflag 0x2B
setvar 0x4050 0x1
setflag 0x2C
setflag 0x4001
warp 0x4 0x3 0xFF 0x6 0xC

#org 0x801A19
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C2A
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A25
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C35
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A3D
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C44
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A31
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C41
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A49
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C47
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C5D
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A5C
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C72
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C89
waitmovement 0x0

' Strings
#org 0x801A6F
= OAK: Hey! Wait!\nDon't go out!

#org 0x801B55
= OAK: That was close!\nWild POKéMON live in tall grass!

#org 0x801B8D
= OAK: Whew[.]\pOAK: A POKéMON can appear at any\ntime in tall grass.\pYou need your own POKéMON for your\nown protection.\pI know!\pHere, come with me!

' Movements
#org 0x1A75ED
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x1A75DB
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C1E
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C21
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C25
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C2A
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C35
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C44
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C41
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C47
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C5D
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C72
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C89
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x8006FA
setvar 0x4001 0x1
goto 0x8801934

#org 0x801934
setvar 0x8004 0x0
setvar 0x8005 0x2
special 0x174
textcolor 0x0
pause 0x1E
playsong 0x12E 0x0
preparemsg 0x8801A6F '"OAK: Hey! Wait!\nDon't go out!"
pause 0x55
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
sound 0x15
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75DB
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x1E
showsprite 0x3
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A19
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A25
pause 0x1E
msgbox 0x8801B55 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"OAK: That was close!\nWild POKéMON..."
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A3D
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A31
special 0x187
special 0x188
special 0x9D
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C1E
msgbox 0x8801B8D MSG_KEEPOPEN '"OAK: Whew[.]\pOAK: A POKéMON can a..."
playsong 0x12E 0x0
compare 0x4001 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x8801A49
compare 0x4001 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8801A5C
setdooropened 0x10 0xD
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C21
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C25
waitmovement 0x0
setdoorclosed 0x10 0xD
setvar 0x4055 0x1
clearflag 0x2B
setvar 0x4050 0x1
setflag 0x2C
setflag 0x4001
warp 0x4 0x3 0xFF 0x6 0xC

#org 0x801A19
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C2A
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A25
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C35
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A3D
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C44
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A31
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C41
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A49
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C47
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C5D
waitmovement 0x0

#org 0x801A5C
applymovement 0x3 0x8801C72
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8801C89
waitmovement 0x0

' Strings
#org 0x801A6F
= OAK: Hey! Wait!\nDon't go out!

#org 0x801B55
= OAK: That was close!\nWild POKéMON live in tall grass!

#org 0x801B8D
= OAK: Whew[.]\pOAK: A POKéMON can appear at any\ntime in tall grass.\pYou need your own POKéMON for your\nown protection.\pI know!\pHere, come with me!

' Movements
#org 0x1A75ED
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x1A75DB
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C1E
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C21
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C25
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C2A
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C35
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C44
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C41
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C47
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C5D
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C72
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org 0x801C89
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

Pues eso, espero que me ayudeis, pues os agradeceria muchiiiiisimo
Última edición:


Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
Descarga la herramienta "Move It" Con ella podrás saber todos los tipos de movimientos para todas las roms bases, es sencillo y eficaz.
Lo sé, es la que utilizo, pero no sé porque en este script los movimientos quedan peor :(
Por ejemplo, oak pasa de largo y por encima de los arboles y todo


Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
Por favor, soluciona la imagen del mapa, y lo mejor sería que empezaras de nuevo el script, yo cuando tengo errores con los applymovement es lo que hago, hay que admitir que a vezes los movimientos son muy liosos, te recomiendo empezar de nuevo


Dejad de cambiar de nick
Miembro de honor
La imagen no se ve, te recomiendo que la subas a photobucket u otro servicio de hosting de imágenes.
Respecto al script.
Lo que veo yo ahí es un laaargo script que no tengo ganas de leer. Dinos:
- Qué quieres hacer
- Qué problema te has encontrado al hacerlo
- Cómo has intentado resolverlo/qué exactamente no sabes hacer

Al no haber leído el script y no saber exactamente que problema tienes no puedo saber si esto es la solución, pero: ¿Puede ser que estés escribiendo en direcciones ya usadas? (no estás cambiando la dirección en #org)
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.