
duda con movimientos (MO)

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Giving multiple moves the same effect
You may want to allow several different moves to do the same thing, e.g. let the moves Slash, Leaf Blade and Night Slash also do what Cut does. Rather than copy out all the Cut-related scripts again for each new move, you can instead put in the following modifications:

def Kernel.pbCut
if $DEBUG || $Trainer.badges[BADGEFORCUT]
for i in possiblemoves
if movefinder
Kernel.pbMessage(_INTL("This tree looks like it can be cut down!\1"))
if Kernel.pbConfirmMessage(_INTL("Would you like to cut it?"))
speciesname=!movefinder ? $ :
Kernel.pbMessage(_INTL("{1} used {2}!",speciesname,PBMoves.getName(move)))
return true
Kernel.pbMessage(_INTL("This tree looks like it can be cut down.")) if i==possiblemoves[possiblemoves.length-1]
Kernel.pbMessage(_INTL("This tree looks like it can be cut down."))
return false
Something similar should be done for the other existing moves. You may need to edit an "Events.onAction" procedure rather than a proper def as above. Basically, just find where the actual effect is handled (not the checks for whether the move could be used or not) and the use messages are shown, and add in the modifications in some way.

You will also need to add in the following two lines of script, below the "CanUseMove" and "UseMove" handlers respectively for Cut (put them at the very bottom of the script section PokemonHiddenMoves for convenience):

Obviously, the highlighted part will be a list of all the moves that can do what Cut does. These two extra lines allow the move to show up in the party screen menu and to be used from there. All new move effects should have some version of these two lines (just change the move names).

si no entendieron aqui esta la pagina
Me podrian explicar como funciona mi ingles es malo y no entiendo mucho lo de los script.

Si el titulo no es detallado o al mensaje le falta algo avísenme para editar.
Te explico.

Puedes añadir distintos ataques que realicen la misma acción, por ejemplo Corte que lo puedas hacer con arañazo, cuchillada y más. Es bastante sencillo de modificar. Fijate en lo subrayado amarillo.

Yo lo estoy planteando para el mio, tengo hecho con objetos pero quizas es buena idea dar variedad al jugador.

Si sigues sin entenderlo o necesitas algo mas especifico dilo y tratare de explicarme mejor (a veces soy como un libro en llamas agitado explicandome XDDD)
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