
Problem with prof. Oak script \ problema con el script del prof. oak

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Hi, i'm working with fire red, as we know at the begining of the game, if we try to go to the north, the prof. oak will say us that it's dangerous, until that is all ok, but then when we follow him to the laboratory and he start talking to gary and us, the text script have an error, gary says to prof. oak 'gramps! im fed up with waiting' and the next text is 'g around to my place after this', then the script jumps until this text 'Hey!Gramps!No fair!what about me?' and Oak say him to be patient, and the script ends. I tried to find that script, but i couldn't. I just can see the script when oak says that its dangerous, the script when oaks give us the pokedex, and the script where we have to choose our pokemon. Can someone help me? i've already tried playing the original rom and its ok, but my hackrom has this problem.

Hola, estoy editando el fire red, como sabemos al inicio del juego el prof. oak nos detiene cuando queremos subir porque es peligroso y luego nos lleva hasta el laboratorio,hasta ahi todo bien, pero el problema surge cuando luego de eso nos empieza a hablar a gary y a nosotros, el script comienza hablando gary al prof. oak 'gramps! im fed up with waiting' el siguiente texto que aparece es este 'g around to my place after this' luego el script se adelanta hasta la parte que dice 'Hey!Gramps!No fair!what about me?' luego el prof. oak le dice que se calme y luego termina el script. He tratado de buscar aquel script para arreglar esa parte, pero no lo encuentro, solo he hallado los scripts de cuando el prof. oak nos lleva al laboratorio, el script de cuando nos dan la pokedex y el script de cuando debemos elegir nuestro pokemon. Alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar ese bendito script? Ya probé el rom sin editar y funciona bien, pero mi rom tiene ese problema.
Última edición:

Miembro eliminado 28262

A level script is a script that starts when you enter in a map, it happens because a variable value is assigned.
You must to go up there to this section :)

Sorry but i use it in spanish :cool:


A level script is a script that starts when you enter in a map, it happens because a variable value is assigned.
You must to go up there to this section :)

Sorry but i use it in spanish :cool:
which Adv Map version do u use? i have this one, i can't see what u tell

im latin, if u can speak spanish its ok.

Miembro eliminado 28262

It is but.. why are you using the spanish version? xD
Yes you're right this is the Header
Now press ctrol+H to see the simple version instead the advanced :^)


榎本 提山さん;399204 dijo:
It is but.. why are you using the spanish version? xD
Yes you're right this is the Header
Now press ctrol+H to see the simple version instead the advanced :^)
yes, i've noticed that, I found the script now, thanks!!! n.n
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