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  • another question do you need testers for your hack?
    As a proof:I tested Pokemon Girantina Legend,Pokemon Fluorite,Pokemon Spice,Pokemon Discovery and If you want I report you every bug on Pokemon Magama Ruby as Proff if youre anoyed just ignore this message lol that was my try xD and Im a beta tester not a guy wich want to play games before see it as help ignore this if you want by the way on magma ruby the 3D maps are buggy on DSTWO ( a nds flashcard) I dont think that theres a soltion,Im asking for the first and last time
    do you need help with spriting overworlds too?Would like to help since I go still to scholl I have a lot of free time
    I think its close to the orginal now:
    imgur: the simple image sharer

    Youre a nice guy do you have skype`?
    Made the backsprite closer to orginal spiced up some things and organized it insert this:
    imgur: the simple image sharer
    I make finishing touches but its hard to make since its splitted in so much pieces
    progress so far :D
    imgur: the simple image sharer
    is it ok If I just make the first sprite for the moment?
    I already figured out how I will make the backsprite if you dont understand me
    cauz If you use the edior you can insert the backsprite into a test rom and rip the narc from here
    and another question can you understand me? by the way I think I know how I can make the backsprite safley
    Hmm intresting I already changed backsprites before but theres a tool on pockecommunity
    its a backsprite editor for dpp and hgss
    need to find it first and I already have a bit expirence in Nds hacking I changed ows,pokemon sprites and the intro sprite in platinum
    I would like to make backsprites for the hero do you speak english ?
    e gustaría hacer backsprites para el héroe habla usted english?
    Traducido con google traductor
    Hey al final no me ha dado tiempo a hacer el modelado de los interiores. De verdad que lo siento.

    Me retiro del RH, no creo que vuelva a hackear pero quería despedirme colega.
    Seguiré viendo cómo avanza el Light Platinum y si algún día tienes problemas con el hack (Cosa que dudo) intentaré ayudarte.

    Bueno, mucha suerte con el hack ;)
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