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Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    JZW 2016 Code Snippets

    This a thread featuring a small portion of my code in 2016. They're not able to be compiled because they're directly grabbed from my old project. If you want to try yourself, make sure that you have enough ASM & C knowledge! The main idea is still trying to introduce some related knowledge to...
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Quick Fix on Day/Night Item Held Evolution Routine

    This can be called a 'tiny' hack, which is requested by a friend of mine. Usage is listed in the comment. The routines are for FR, but can be easily ported to EM which is an obvious fact. You should change the values in .set to make it work. Day Item Held Evolution Routine: .thumb #For...
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR/EM | [in process] How to eliminate the multiple "showpokepic"

    /*This is a very tiny thread with some simple occasional findings*/ We will not talk about ruby because hidebox works in this version (as some people said). Many people used Andrea's Showpokepic Limit Editor, and it will eliminate the check to make you capable of showing more than 1...
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized][C+ASM] A EV-IV Display Screen [EMERALD UPDATE]

    The new version is here (no difference, but codes will be automatically inserted into the ROM): FIRERED: https://github.com/jiangzhengwenjz/EV-IV-Screen EMERALD: https://github.com/jiangzhengwenjz/EV-IV-Screen-EM Read Readme.md to know how to compile. Quick Preview: OLD POST: Hope you like it!
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Intro: In Ruby, many hackers uses the BG0 to make mugshots. However, the same way that simply writing tileset, tilemap and palette to the RAM won't work for FR & EM as it will be cleared by the MSGBOX. However, there's still a way to do it, which requires the knowledge of "rboxes". I've...
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    What's it: (Well, I still don't know which sub-forum to post this kind of stuff in, because it's neither script & ASM nor a tutorial. Therefore, I post it here) This hack is made with C, and the source code can be found here: https://github.com/jiangzhengwenjz/T-card This piece of code is...
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    [C] FR | A Custom cmdA6

    Been a while after my last thread of hacking, right? I haven't been hacking for about 2 months but I've learned C and I've figured out how to use it in GBA hacking. I did it today and it's my first attempt to hack in C. Actually I'm wondering if I should post the thread in the section Script...
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Herramienta] [Tool]Make your ROM inaccessible to map editors

    About 1 month ago I started to learn programming and I've made this useless tool. The tool is written in C and it will make your ROM inaccessible to map editors. (a-map, meh, e-map, etc.) Introduction: Many players use a-map to view maps in-game so that they can go through some...
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch)

    Hello everyone, after being subject to the exams, I've spent some time in making this hack, and i've successfully added some new movement bytes which can be used in "applymovement" of XSE scripts. This will only work for BPRE 1.0 ROM. The patch will write new data to the offset 0xF80000, so...
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Evolution via Callasm in FR

    Greetings. When I'm wandering here, I've found a thread written by the GREAT eing: http://whackahack.com/foro/t-28984/fr-finalizada-forzar-evolucion-asm Actually, this thread told us nothing other than the "evolution_starter" function located at 0xCDDA8. However, it has a huge glitch that we...
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Here's a new version of double wild battle: https://github.com/jiangzhengwenjz/Double_wild_battle All information is included in ReadMe.txt After inserting the first routine, there will be a table in this format: 0A 00 05 00 0B 00 05 00 0C 00 05 00...... (The table is in the first routine and...
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] The implementation of ROCK CLIMB in BPRE

    This post will only deal with the "rock climb" selected by the player in the pokemon selection scene, so please do the script on your own if you want to use rock climb by talking to a rock. This hack can judge the "playerfacing" and the number of the blocks you will climb. 1. Firstly we will...
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] some Information about "Chain Moves"

    First of all, chain moves are moves like "Bullet Seed". I have successfully expanded it so that it can support up to 99 hits. Actually, after some back trace, i have found that we can change battle script command 0x8d & 0x8e to hack it, so the modification will be veeeeeeeeery simple...
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Routine for "Oval Charm"

    The routine will increase the chance of getting eggs when it goes to that judgement if you have an oval charm in your bag. It's kinda simple and i did it long time ago but i hope that it will help. This piece of code is for "Firered USA" BPRE. First we should get a branch: branch.asm...
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    [FR] Script de Nivel no se inicia exactamente al entrar en el mapa.

    I'm not good at scripts, but I have some ideas. You can put "movesprite2 ......" in the third type of level script and it should work fine. If you put in the second type, the error you've indicated will occur. I've made the same mistake months ago. (If you've done that thing and got the...
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] FR | ASM | Wild Pokemon Level Flowing with Your Highest Party Level

    Hello everyone! As I'm still a beginner in ROM hacking, I can't do much great work. (Actually this piece of code was written yesterday and now I decide to release it. )It hijacks the level loading routine so that the level of wild pokemon will be related to the highest level in your team...
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Script] [ScriptFR]Get the highest level in your team

    I know that the script is very simple but for some guys who don't know script it's difficult and it will show the result in a textbox. Here's the code: #org @start lock faceplayer setvar 0x8004 0 copybyte 0x20370C0 0x20242d8 comparefarbytes 0x20370C0 0x202433c if 0 call @1 comparefarbytes...
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Parche] [PatchFR]Animated Keldeo in Titlescreen

    I've just created a patch with animated Keldeo in Titlescreen. The patch is for Firered USA. You can change the sprites to fit your hack. Original code: Development: Animating the FireRed titlescreen Preview: Download: LINK Credits: Darthatron: All of the research work karatekid552: Code...
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Problem]Branch for automatic transparent textboxes

    I've found Andrea's script codes to make the textbox transparent in Pokemon Ruby, so I decided to make it automatic. I will explain what I did: (1,2 are done correctly, 3 is the problem) 1. I found the script pointer table in Ruby, so I found the ASM code of "preparemsg" "waitmsg"...
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    Problem when learning limitations of "ldr"

    JPAN said in his guide(Click to get to that thread if you want the full document): After that he said a lot to explain how to solve the problem of misaligned code, such as adding "add r0, r0, #0x0" or other code without real meaning. I could not understand the above quoted words so I couldn't...