• ¡Estamos buscando incorporaciones al Equipo de Staff! Si crees que puedes ayudarnos ¡no esperes más, Invitado! ¡Haz click abajo, infórmate y manda tu postulación!

    Muchas gracias a todos los interesados en mejorar la comunidad

Resultados de búsqueda

  1. E

    Thanks dude :D

    Thanks dude :D
  2. E

    Let me see!

    Let me see!
  3. E

    Ya bro esta bien cool B) Buena suerte y vas a hackear GBC pronto?

    Ya bro esta bien cool B) Buena suerte y vas a hackear GBC pronto?
  4. E

    I live in berlin you know cause I'm main stream lol

    I live in berlin you know cause I'm main stream lol
  5. E

    I'll go on kik XD

    I'll go on kik XD
  6. E

    Haha I know, What's up bruh?

    Haha I know, What's up bruh?
  7. E

    Hey my phone is dead D:<

    Hey my phone is dead D:<
  8. E

    [Act14/11/2014]Pokemon Dark Forest[MiniActu/Df In Wae][Beta 1.5 Descarga]

    Respuesta: [Act19/07/2014]Pokemon Dark Forest[Actualizacion 1.2 Descarga] Looking massive my friend! Glad to see the progress since I left and it just surprised me :) This game is hot right now! More hotter than your avatar ahaha! The new pause menu caught my eye bro, LOL the game box if you...
  9. E

    LOL I know

    LOL I know
  10. E

    Pokemon Distortion Black[Small Gameplay Video]

    Respuesta: Re: Pokemon Distortion Black Well that sounds nice. I hope you do keep the same amount of updates on all forums. I will look up for this hack.
  11. E

    Oh, It's nothing. Don't worry your messages make me want to start writing in proper format. As...

    Oh, It's nothing. Don't worry your messages make me want to start writing in proper format. As those messages do seem cold they also seem proffesional.
  12. E

    Huh? So many L's haha

    Huh? So many L's haha
  13. E

    I'm on lol

    I'm on lol
  14. E

    MY phones off I will turn it on

    MY phones off I will turn it on
  15. E

    Pokemon Distortion Black[Small Gameplay Video]

    Respuesta: Re: Pokemon Distortion Black Looking good :D I like the title screen will you change the title? Oh and it sorta looks like you use too much black to outline the protaganist mugshot :( Well thats How I feel but other than that It looks great that you are mostly making this hack by...
  16. E

    Hallo Bruder, ich bin mit einem Übersetzer LOL

    Hallo Bruder, ich bin mit einem Übersetzer LOL
  17. E

    Nun, ich weiß nicht viel fernsehen oder lesen sowieso ...

    Nun, ich weiß nicht viel fernsehen oder lesen sowieso ...
  18. E

    A shinygami :o Hi there!

    A shinygami :o Hi there!
  19. E

    Currently in usa :(

    Currently in usa :(
  20. E

    It is amazing to make it better but some swag on your charizard LOL

    It is amazing to make it better but some swag on your charizard LOL