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Pokémon: LIFE Version

Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.


El Emperador Pálido

Un hack de Fire Red por Dionen

Thread translated by the amazing @Aguiar!

El juego trata acerca de tu relación con Jirachi y Hoopa.
Te guiarán, avisarán y engañarán. Todo, sin ebargo, por una causa mayor.
¿Confiarás en ellos?

Descubre lo que Benga y Lola tienen guardado para ti y tu Flabébé


Una nueva región: incluyendo Nendios, tu lugar de nacimiento. Naciste y creciste en Ohana Farm, estás listo para explorar el mundo por ti mismo.
Gráficos mejorados y nuevos ambientes: Ya noo estás en Kanto más.
Sprites Pokémon animados: Para darle un aire a HGSS cada sprite tiene dos frames de animación.
Eventos basados en el sistema DNS: Un Budew por la mañana y un Ghastly por la noche. "¿Quién es ese chico? No estaba ayer ahí"
Cristales azules: Son tus puntos de guardado. Ya no podrás guardar donde y cuando quieras.
No reaparecerás en un Centro Pokémon más: Una vez seas derrotado se acabó el juego (Espero que guardaras partida antes).
New side-quests: Designed to increment your gaming experience.
Nueva PokéDex: Una selección de 150 Pokémon escogidos a mano que tendrás que atrapar en toda tu aventura.
Movimientos, habilidades y daño mejorado: Movimientos y habilidades de nueva genreación para mejorar tu experiencia en combates.
Música del Black&White: Música de V Genración para deleitar tus oídos.
mejoras en la claridad: IVs en los datos del Pokémon, class-themed music, los entrenadores te miran, etc.
Mayor ratio de Pokémon shinys: Todavía son raros pero no imposibles. Hecho para gente con mala suerte como yo.

La PokéDex

Aunque un Pokémon no este aquí, no significa que no esté en el juego. Gible y Eevee, Estoy pensando en vosotros.
PD: Estos no son los sprites oficiales.


Dark Sneasel
Teh Blazer
FBI Agent
Team Fail
Flandre Scarlet
Shiny Quagsire
Si me olvidé de alguien, lo siento. Avisadme.


Pokémon: LIFE Verion Alpha 1
Latest version: 1.9
Release: 11/11/2015
Please read the ReadMe.txt before reporting any bugs.
(the file contain links that direct to PokéCommunity, but feel free to bug-report here in WaH)






OBS: The official hack is in english, not spanish
I can understand spanish, because I speak portuguese, but I'm an awful spanish speaker/writer.
So feel free to speak spanish!
Hope you like it!
See ya!
Última edición:


Colega de los colegas
Miembro del equipo
Xa vin este hack no tema de Pokeco mais nunca comentei antes.
Os gráficos son moi bos, asómbrome ao ver como aproveitas o tileset para que che entren todos eses gráficos de BW, seino ben de cerca que tamén o fixen eu e non é doado.
As animacións están moi ben elaboradas, tamén gustáronme moito.

Invítote a facer un cambio no mini do protagonista debido a que é moi pouco orixinal para un hack tan bo como este.

O "script preview" non me impresionou nada, non sei que queres mostrar exactamente, o golpe da vara do vello? Non sei jajajajajaja, penso que has de mostrarnos más scripts, porque nos gráficos xa levas un 9,5.

Unha perta moi forte, meu!

Pd: Se falas portugués non vexo ningún problema en que escribas o post nese idioma, entenderase mellor creo eu.
Pd2: Tomeime a liberdade de escribir en galego, creo que poderalo entender mellor.


El Emperador Pálido
Xa vin este hack no tema de Pokeco mais nunca comentei antes.
Os gráficos son moi bos, asómbrome ao ver como aproveitas o tileset para que che entren todos eses gráficos de BW, seino ben de cerca que tamén o fixen eu e non é doado.
As animacións están moi ben elaboradas, tamén gustáronme moito.
Gracias! c:
My way of preparing and inserting tilesets is what made me survive rom-hacking, jaja
Invítote a facer un cambio no mini do protagonista debido a que é moi pouco orixinal para un hack tan bo como este.
I was told this before, but I am probably keeping this one as the game is kind of a "Pokémon Black&White homage". Generation V is my favorite! I love the maps, tiles, pokés... And so the protagonist.
O "script preview" non me impresionou nada, non sei que queres mostrar exactamente, o golpe da vara do vello? Non sei jajajajajaja, penso que has de mostrarnos más scripts, porque nos gráficos xa levas un 9,5.
Jajaja, I understand. The script was only supposed to show that I want to use some extra animations to express what the minis want to say in a better way. It's better explained here (but I'll post this here too): The PokéCommunity Forums - View Single Post - FireRed hack: Pokémon: LIFE Version - We need your help!

Pd: Se falas portugués non vexo ningún problema en que escribas o post nese idioma, entenderase mellor creo eu.
Pd2: Tomeime a liberdade de escribir en galego, creo que poderalo entender mellor.
The thread was already done, so there was no point in translating it again, jajaja.

Thanks for the reply!
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

I loved this game in PokeCo and i still love it here, man your doing a great job keep it up!


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

wow, my favorite hack of Pokeco is here c:

I love your skills of choose graphics, and the ASM works are veeery goood (I'm working on a Xtransceiver routine, but the way of your use looks also good) but please change the textboxes, the FR defaults not looks good with the other graphics

Good luck with the hack!!!!


Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

This looks gr8, I'll follow this hackrom. I really liked your visual style, but original black&white stuff looks weird to me. I hope you release a beta, because I know this kind of projects and usually they get cancelled because it seems that people do hacks only for showcase (so we can't play them).
I hope this hack is different.

Oh and try to change textboxes. There's people out there w transparent textboxes and agsfdaggshd


El Emperador Pálido
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

I loved this game in PokeCo and i still love it here, man your doing a great job keep it up!
Thanks, Tron!
wow, my favorite hack of Pokeco is here c:

I love your skills of choose graphics, and the ASM works are veeery goood (I'm working on a Xtransceiver routine, but the way of your use looks also good) but please change the textboxes, the FR defaults not looks good with the other graphics

Good luck with the hack!!!!
I'm sorry but where did you see Xtransceiver here? lol I didn't mess with it yet
And yes, I'll probably change the textbox, but not to a coloured one. White is fabulous
This looks gr8, I'll follow this hackrom. I really liked your visual style, but original black&white stuff looks weird to me. I hope you release a beta, because I know this kind of projects and usually they get cancelled because it seems that people do hacks only for showcase (so we can't play them).
I hope this hack is different.

Oh and try to change textboxes. There's people out there w transparent textboxes and agsfdaggshd
I'm not as evil as you may imagine haha
If everything runs fine, beta 1 this semester. But university might delay it a little bit.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't like transparent textboxes (kill me) but ill change mine
But there is a dark textbox I didn't show yet, for signs and stuff.

Miembro eliminado 28262

Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

i don't have words to describe the hype that this produces on me
it's f*kin fantastic, rlly i get surprised by this.
Please keep it up!
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

A FR hack? Are you jocking? This is amazing!

The OW are identical to the BW.

The graphics are incredible!

I am waiting this beta.

PD: Sorry if my english is bad. Tampoco é moi bo o meu galego :XD:


El Aprendiz de Wah
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

Oh god! My favourite hack from PokeCommunity!
In my opinion, your hack is the best hack ever! Incredible story, incredible graphics, incredible scripts, everything I've seen is great!
I can't wait to play it!


El Emperador Pálido
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

i don't have words to describe the hype that this produces on me
it's f*kin fantastic, rlly i get surprised by this.
Please keep it up!
Thanks! C:
A FR hack? Are you jocking? This is amazing!
The OW are identical to the BW.
The graphics are incredible!
I am waiting this beta.
PD: Sorry if my english is bad. Tampoco é moi bo o meu galego :XD:
Well, they are the same overworlds
just a little bit color reduced. You know, we can't have 16 colors per overworlds :c
Oh god! My favourite hack from PokeCommunity!
In my opinion, your hack is the best hack ever! Incredible story, incredible graphics, incredible scripts, everything I've seen is great!
I can't wait to play it!
Thanks dude! You ain't seen nothing yet

I said that I would bring updates "next week" but I failed.
I'm living a total different life (pun not intended(there is no pun here)) right know, and I'm still learning how to manage my time.
First semester of university, new city, house, etc.
And I'm sorry, but grades>hack right now.

life is running slow, but running.
As I said in the comments, I wanted to release the first beta this semester, but it will probably be delayed.
BUT I can say what it features, if you want to know:

4 Cities, 1 is well known
5 Routes.
3 Special locations.
You will meet all the main characters, including Hoopa and Jirachi.
1st Gym
I know it's not much, but sorry, I'm perfectionist.
It's kinda sad because I keep redoing the same things again and again until I don't know what to change anymore, lol

(sorry for posting the same thing from PokéCo, I just needed to post something here c: )
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

You are a little monster?).
This hackroom is amazing!, i'm follow you from PokeCommunity
(Sorry for my bad english:()


El Emperador Pálido
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

Hello! Right now I'm working on some scripts, but nothing that I can show you :c [insert evil laugh here].
But here is something:

I've posted this before, but not here in wah c:
it's much easier than what it looks like, jaja
Thanks to Shiny Quagsire and xGGxTioZ


El Emperador Pálido
Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

Hello guys! currently I'm working in the new intro, that will replace the battle between gengar and nido c:

this is really experimental yet, and will probably change. hope you like it!​


Respuesta: [FireRed Hack:] Pokémon: LIFE Version

This hack is amazing! It's great in scripts and in sprites... Congratulations!


Sexador de pollos
When I saw the new grass BG i've puked rainbows but... now, with this update... ugh... i have no words...

you have to learn us to do this fucking awesome graphic things D;
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