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/*This is a very tiny thread with some simple occasional findings*/
We will not talk about ruby because hidebox works in this version (as some people said).
Many people used Andrea's Showpokepic Limit Editor, and it will eliminate the check to make you capable of showing more than 1 pokepic. The compatible byte changes by the tool as such:
However, a big problem is that the script command hide box in FR and EM will simply do nothing:
Luckily, I've found a very nice special in FR which can eliminate the boxes and it's special 0x15A. So I will show you how to use it in FR at first:
Note: better to write 00 00 00 00 at 0xCADDE.
So here it is:
But for emerald it's not the case as the function doesn't exist. So I write a custom function:
Compile it and place it into free space.
Or use the binaries here:
So the script should be:
Credit: Andrea
We will not talk about ruby because hidebox works in this version (as some people said).
Many people used Andrea's Showpokepic Limit Editor, and it will eliminate the check to make you capable of showing more than 1 pokepic. The compatible byte changes by the tool as such:
FR: place 00 at 0x9D31E
EM: place 00 at 0xE2916
ldr r1, [r0, #8]
add r1, #4
str r1, [r0, #8]
mov r0, #0
bx lr
#org @start
showpokepic 1 1 1
showpokepic 2 15 1
msgbox @thisisastring 6
special 0x15A//call it twice as we used showpokepic twice
special 0x15A
#org @thisisastring
= Hello World.
So here it is:
But for emerald it's not the case as the function doesn't exist. So I write a custom function:
.code 16
push {r4, r5, lr}
ldr r0, =0x80E2899
ldr r3, =0x80A921D
bl bx_r3
lsl r0, r0, #0x18
lsr r5, r0, #0x18
cmp r5, #0xFF
beq back
lsl r0, r5, #2
add r0, r0, r5
lsl r0, r0, #3
ldr r1, =0x3005E00
add r4, r0, r1
mov r1, #8
ldrsh r0, [r4, r1]
cmp r0, #0
blt back
cmp r0, #2
ble loc1
cmp r0, #3
beq loc2
b back
mov r0, #0xC
ldrsh r1, [r4, r0]
lsl r0, r1, #4
add r0, r0, r1
lsl r0, r0, #2
ldr r1, =0x2020630
add r0, r0, r1
ldrb r1, [r4, #0xC]
ldr r3, =0x80B6071
bl bx_r3
ldrb r0, [r4, #0x12]
bl sub_new
mov r0, r5
ldr r3, =0x80A909D
bl bx_r3
b back
ldrb r0, [r4, #0x12]
bl sub_new
mov r0, r5
ldr r3, =0x80A909D
bl bx_r3
pop {r4, r5, pc}
push {r4, lr}
mov r4, r0
lsl r4, r4, #0x18
lsr r4, r4, #0x18
mov r0, r4
ldr r3, =0x80038A5
bl bx_r3
mov r0, r4
mov r1, #1
ldr r3, =0x8197DF9
bl bx_r3
mov r0, r4
ldr r3, =0x8003575
pop {r4, pc}
bx_r3: bx r3
Or use the binaries here:
30 B5 18 48 18 4B 00 F0 4F F8 00 06 05 0E FF 2D 27 D0 A8 00 40 19 C0 00 14 49 44 18 08 21 60 5E 00 28 1E DB 02 28 02 DD 03 28 13 D0 19 E0 0C 20 21 5E 08 01 40 18 80 00 0D 49 40 18 21 7B 0D 4B 00 F0 32 F8 A0 7C 00 F0 19 F8 28 1C 0A 4B 00 F0 2B F8 06 E0 A0 7C 00 F0 11 F8 28 1C 06 4B 00 F0 23 F8 30 BD 99 28 0E 08 1D 92 0A 08 00 5E 00 03 30 06 02 02 71 60 0B 08 9D 90 0A 08 10 B5 04 1C 24 06 24 0E 20 1C 05 4B 00 F0 0E F8 20 1C 01 21 03 4B 00 F0 09 F8 20 1C 02 4B 10 BD A5 38 00 08 F9 7D 19 08 75 35 00 08 18 47
#org 0xF10000
showpokepic 0x1 0x1 0x1
showpokepic 0x4 0xF 0x1
msgbox 0x81E8ACF 0x6 //a built-in string
callasm 0x8XXXXXX+1//call the inserted function, call it twice for there're 2 showpokepics
callasm 0x8XXXXXX+1
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