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[Scripting] FR | Tutorial WBTO


A la luz del quinto día, mira al este
Miembro insignia

He estado mirando en el foro y no he encontrado ningun tutorial acerca de como se usan, para que sirven o nada sobre los WBTO, tampoco he visto ningún aporte sobre los offset de la RAM del FR. Por eso he decidido hacer este pequeño tutorial, se que a algunos les parecerá un poco tonto pero no dudo en que a más de uno le sirva para saber que es este fantástico comando.


Los WBTO o writtebytetooffset es un comando especial del XSE que, en resumidas cuentas, sirve para sobreescribir un byte (número hexadecimal del 00 al FF) en determinada offset de la memoria RAM, porque como ya sabréis no se puede editar la ROM a la hora de jugar.


El comando WBTO se usa así en el compilador XSE:

writtebytetooffset 0x(byte, del 00 al FF) 0x(número del offset de la RAM que quieras sobreescribir su contenido)

Map of FireRed's RAM
0x02002D40 ? Start of data that apparently controls
the colors of the pixels inside of the
current box (menu, msgbox, etc.).

0x020204B4 12b Dialog box 1
0x020204C0 12b Dialog box 2
0x020204CC 12b Dialog box 3
0x020204D8 12b Dialog box 4
0x020204E4 12b Dialog box 5
0x020204F0 12b Dialog box 6
0x020204FC 12b Dialog box 7
0x02020508 12b Dialog box 8
0x02020514 12b Dialog box 9
0x02020520 12b Dialog box 10
0x0202052C 12b Dialog box 11
0x02020538 12b Dialog box 12
0x02020544 12b Dialog box 13
0x02020550 12b Dialog box 14
0x0202055C 12b Dialog box 15
0x02020568 12b Dialog box 16
0x02020574 12b Dialog box 17
0x02020580 12b Dialog box 18
0x0202058C 12b Dialog box 19
0x02020598 12b Dialog box 20
0x020205A4 12b Dialog box 21
0x020205B0 12b Dialog box 22
0x020205BC 12b Dialog box 23
0x020205C8 12b Dialog box 24
0x020205D4 12b Dialog box 25
0x020205E0 12b Dialog box 26
0x020205EC 12b Dialog box 27
0x020205F8 12b Dialog box 28
0x02020604 12b Dialog box 29
0x02020610 12b Dialog box 30
0x0202061C 12b Dialog box 31
0x02020628 12b Dialog box 32

0x02021CD0 32b String buffer 0
0x02021CF0 20b String buffer 1
0x02021D04 20b String buffer 2
0x02021D18 ? String to be displayed in a message box

0x02022B4B 1b Flags for current battle?
0x02022B4C 4b Flags for current battle? Set to 0x8 by repeattrainerbattle.

0x02023E8A 1b Repeattrainerbattle: Unknown. Loaded if battle type is 9.

0x02024029 1b Repeattrainerbattle: Unknown. Loaded if battle type is 9.

0x0202402C 100b Enemy Pokemon 1
0x02024090 100b Enemy Pokemon 2
0x020240F4 100b Enemy Pokemon 3
0x02024158 100b Enemy Pokemon 4
0x020241BC 100b Enemy Pokemon 5
0x02024220 100b Enemy Pokemon 6
0x02024284 100b Party Pokemon 1
0x020242E8 100b Party Pokemon 2
0x0202434C 100b Party Pokemon 3
0x020243B0 100b Party Pokemon 4
0x02024414 100b Party Pokemon 5
0x02024478 100b Party Pokemon 6

0x02031DB4 1b Previous map bank number
0x02031DB5 1b Previous map number
0x02031DB6 1b Warp through which the player entered the current map?
0x02031DB7 1b Padding?
0x02031DB8 2b X where player entered previous map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DBA 2b Y where player entered previous map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DBC 1b Current map bank number
0x02031DBD 1b Current map number
0x02031DBE 1b Warp through which the player entered the current map?
0x02031DBF 1b Padding?
0x02031DC0 2b X where player entered current map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DC2 2b Y where player entered current map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DC3 1b Padding?
0x02031DC4 1b Current2 map bank number
0x02031DC5 1b Current2 map number
0x02031DC6 1b Warp through which the player entered the current2 map?
0x02031DC7 1b Padding?
0x02031DC8 2b X where player entered current2 map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DCA 2b Y where player entered current2 map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DCC 1b Current3 map bank number
0x02031DCD 1b Current3 map number
0x02031DCE 1b Warp through which the player entered the current3 map?
0x02031DCF 1b Padding?
0x02031DD0 2b X where player entered current3 map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DD2 2b Y where player entered current3 map, or 0xFFFF if unused.
(Only seems to be used when the warp was a door.)
0x02031DD4 3b? Warping: Unknown. Always set to 01 01 00 when "warp" and
"warpmuted" finish, but not when "warp3" finishes. While
walking into a door warp, the second byte is 02.
0x02031DD7 1b Warping: Unknown. Seems to always be 0x03.
0x02031DD8 1b Warping: Unknown. If non-zero, "warp" fails to play a

0x02031DDA 2b? Unknown. Changes every time you warp.

0x02036E38 36b OW 00 (player)
0x02036E5C 36b OW 01
0x02036E80 36b OW 02
0x02036EA4 36b OW 03
0x02036EC8 36b OW 04
0x02036EEC 36b OW 05
0x02036F10 36b OW 06
0x02036F34 36b OW 07
0x02036F58 36b OW 08
0x02036F7C 36b OW 09
0x02036FA0 36b OW 10
0x02036FC4 36b OW 11
0x02036FE8 36b OW 12
0x0203700C 36b OW 13
0x02037030 36b OW 14
0x02037054 36b OW 15

0x02037078 1b Three least-significant bits control player speed.
0x02037079 1b Something to do with switching into biking OW?
0x0203707A 1b Is a D-pad button pressed (player attempting to move)?
0x0203707B 1b Is the player actually moving?
0x0203707C 1b Unknown.
0x0203707D 1b Person number to be controlled by the D-pad.
0x0203707E 1b If set to 0x01, all OW movement is locked. (lockall flag?)

0x020370B8 2b Script variable 0x8000
0x020370BA 2b Script variable 0x8001
0x020370BC 2b Script variable 0x8002
0x020370BE 2b Script variable 0x8003
0x020370C0 2b Script variable 0x8004
0x020370C2 2b Script variable 0x8005
0x020370C4 2b Script variable 0x8006
0x020370C6 2b Script variable 0x8007
0x020370C8 2b Script variable 0x8008
0x020370CA 2b Script variable 0x8009
0x020370CC 2b Script variable 0x800A
0x020370CE 2b Script variable 0x800B
0x020370D0 2b Script variable 0x800D // there is no var 0x800C?
0x020370D2 2b Script variable 0x800E // overwritten by "trainerbattle"?
0x020370D4 2b Script variable 0x800F

0x020386AC 2b Trainerbattle: Battle type.
0x020386AE 2b Trainerbattle: Trainer flag.
0x020386B0 2b Trainerbattle: Argument 3.
Some battle types save it into var 0x800E.
0x020386B2 2b Unknown.
0x020386B4 4b Trainerbattle: Arg4 (types 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8) or null (others).
0x020386B8 4b Trainerbattle: A4 (0, 3, 5), A5 (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9), or null.
0x020386BC 4b Trainerbattle: Argument 5 (type 9) or null (others).
0x020386C0 4b Trainerbattle: Argument 6 (types 6, 8) or null (others).
0x020386C4 4b Trainerbattle: Offset of next script command byte.
0x020386C8 4b Trainerbattle: A6 (types 1, 2), A7 (types 6, 8), or null.
0x020386CC 2b Trainerbattle: Unknown.

0x0203AAA8 4b Unknown. Written to by the "setbyte" command.

0x0203ADFA 1b Unknown.
If equal to 0x2, "warp" fails to play a sound.
If lower than 0x04, "setworldmapflag" fails to set
the specified flag.
If equal to 1, trainerbattle types 5 and 7 will
clear this byte and then some sections of RAM.

0x0203ADFC 4b Unknown. A pointer used by trainerbattle types 5 and 7.

0x0203AE04 4b? Unknown. Cleared by "trainerbattle" (types 5, 7) if the byte
at 0x0203ADFA is 0x01.
0x0203AE08 4b? Unknown. Used and cleared by "trainerbattle" (types 5, 7)
if the byte at 0x0203ADFA is 0x01.

0x0203AE8C 4b? Unknown. Cleared by "trainerbattle" (types 5, 7) if the byte
at 0x0203ADFA is 0x01.

0x0203AE98 ? Unknown.

0x0203AF98 ? Unknown. A pointer used by trainerbattle types 5 and 7.

0x0203B01E 2b Unknown. Read by a reused ASM routine in script commands'

0x0203B0EE 1b Help: Player's opened it before? Y / N, 0x00 / 0x01.

0x0203B1A0 14291b Help: unknown. // to 0x0203E973
0x0203E973 2050b Help: unknown. Cleared only when opening help for the 1st
time. // to 0x0203F175
0x0203F176 1b Help: start of GUI state data.

0x0203F194 1b Help: number of menu options.
0x0203F195 1b Help: Unknown.
0x0203F196 1b Help: number of menu options visible on-screen.

0x0203F199 1b Help: Unknown. Apparently 0x04 for top-level menu or 0x15
for submenus.

0x0203F19C 1b Help: scroll position in a menu.
0x0203F19D 1b Help: cursor position in a menu (relative to scroll).
0x0203F19E 1b Help: unknown. Apparently 0x00 for top-level menu, 0x03
for submenus, and 0x06 for static pages.

0x0203F1AC ?b Help: start of menu data. String pointer (not aligned),
followed by menu item number. List is terminated with

0x0203E000 4096b Unused RAM found by JPAN (is used by D/N patch)

0x0203F3C0 1856b RAM used in JPAN's Hacked Engine.

0x03000EA8 1b Unknown. Set by (defunct?) "choosecontestpkmn" command, and
also set to 0x1 by "repeattrainerbattle".

0x03000EB0 74b Script engine RAM

0x03000F9C 1b 0x01 if the screen is fading, 0x00 otherwise.

0x03000FC0 4b Music for the current map (truncated to 2b when read)
0x03000FC4 1b Warping: Unknown.

0x03005000 4b Current PRNG seed

0x03005008 4b Pointer to a DMA-protected save block (map data)
0x0300500C 4b Pointer to a DMA-protected save block (personal data)
0x03005010 4b Pointer to a DMA-protected save block (box data)

0x03005074 1b Trainerbattle: number of the OW we are battling, or 0x10 if
invalid. This offset is used by special 13A, which in turn
is called by some of the scripts (yes, scripts) that
trainerbattle calls.

0x03005E88 1b? Unknown. Cleared by "trainerbattle" (types 5, 7) if the byte
at 0x0203ADFA is 0x01.

0x03007324 2b Warping: Unknown. Related to the fade timer.
0x03007326 2b Warping: Unknown. Related to the fade timer.
0x03007328 2b Warping: Timer used for fades. Duration varies with type
of map being entered.
[0x03005008] + 0x0000 2b Camera X-position
[0x03005008] + 0x0002 2b Camera Y-position
[0x03005008] + 0x0004 1b Current map.
[0x03005008] + 0x0005 1b Current map bank.

Map of DMA-protected RAM:

[0x0300500C] + 0x0000 8b Character name including terminator, padded to end with 0xFFs
[0x0300500C] + 0x0008 1b Gender (00/01 m/f)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0009 1b Unknown
[0x0300500C] + 0x000A 2b Trainer ID
[0x0300500C] + 0x000C 2b Secret ID (halfword)
[0x0300500C] + 0x000E 2b Playtime (hours)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0010 1b Playtime (minutes)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0011 1b Playtime (seconds)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0012 1b Playtime (frames)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0013 1b Unknown
[0x0300500C] + 0x0014 2b Options // this and above thanks to hackmew's asm tut pt. 1
[0x0300500C] + 0x001A 1b If 0xDA, then National Dex is enabled.
[0x0300500C] + 0x0F20 4b Unknown (encryption key for hidden vars)
[0x0300500C] + 0x0F24 End (byte after)

Créditos a Missingyep Pokecommunity por la lista de los offsets

Se que ha sido un tuto corto pero no hay mucho más que contar sobre los WBTO, y como siempre, si alguine tiene alguna duda que no de en preguntar.


A long time ago I used to call myself "Subzero".
Respuesta: [FR]|[GBA] Tutorial WBTO

No es que nadie nunca haya dicho en este foro que es un writebytetooffset, muchos tutoriales de scripting los mencionan, entre ellos el más completo actualmente, entre ellos el de Xabier2012 y el de Javi4315 si no me equivoco.
Pero, me alegra que te hayas tomado la molestia en explicar que es y que hace ese comando además, los datos que aportaste sobre las direcciones importantes de la RAM, no está nada mal!

Para quien le interese, estas son otras cosas que se pueden hacer con wbto (las comparto porque no las veo en el tuto XD)

Efecto de cinemáticas con bandas negras

Efecto de iluminación y sombra en los tiles

Efecto flashback


Caminante del cielo
gran aporte, ahora el 2do paso es traducir todo eso al español para hacer más ameno su uso. te daría reputación si aun estuviera activada esa opcion saludos!!!