
[RH - Otros] Ayuda con doanimation 0x19

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Versekr Dark

Usuario mítico
Buenas tardes acudo aca para saber si alguien me puede decir como cambiar la posición de esto:


Haber el de color azul lo puedo eliminar dejándolo con fondo azul pero el otro no se si se pueda mover de lugar, he visto que en pokemon GS Chronicles Ruki llego a moverlo pero siendo sincero no se como, si alguien tiene alguna dirección o si alguien me indica en que documento lo puedo modificar en pokefirered seria de mucha ayuda.


Dejo una captura de GS Chronicles:


Espero no les moleste esta pregunta y disculpen mi ignorancia.


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Cito la information tal y como Skeli lo encontró:

3CAF90 - The image for the Poke Balls and flashing screen. Open it in NSE with dimensions 32x72.
3CAFB0 - The palette for the Poke Balls and screens.
3CC014, 3CC01C, 3CC024 - A byte located at each of these controls the width between the two columns of Poke Balls on the healing machine.
83BB0 - A byte which controls the X coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the Poke Balls on the healing machine. Fiddle around with it until you get the result you want.
83BB4 - A byte which controls the Y coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the Poke Balls on the healing machine.
83BB9 - A byte which controls the X coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the flashing screen.
83BBC - A byte which controls the Y coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the flashing screen.
*NOTE: None of these bytes are coordinates in A-Map so don't go setting it to those.

Versekr Dark

Usuario mítico
Cito la information tal y como Skeli lo encontró:

3CAF90 - The image for the Poke Balls and flashing screen. Open it in NSE with dimensions 32x72.
3CAFB0 - The palette for the Poke Balls and screens.
3CC014, 3CC01C, 3CC024 - A byte located at each of these controls the width between the two columns of Poke Balls on the healing machine.
83BB0 - A byte which controls the X coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the Poke Balls on the healing machine. Fiddle around with it until you get the result you want.
83BB4 - A byte which controls the Y coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the Poke Balls on the healing machine.
83BB9 - A byte which controls the X coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the flashing screen.
83BBC - A byte which controls the Y coordinate proportional to the player sprite, of the flashing screen.
*NOTE: None of these bytes are coordinates in A-Map so don't go setting it to those.
Muchas gracias ruki la verdad no sabia donde estaba intente buscar en quick and research pero no encontre nada al respecto, te agradezco demasiado ;).
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