
[DUDA] Hacer la guardería gratis

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Miembro de honor
Uso base FR.

Bien, estaba viendo el script de la guardería y la verdad es que no tengo ni idea de como hacerlo.

¿Alguien sabe como hacer que la guardería sea gratis?

Vamos que cuando vayas a por tu Pokémon, te lo dejen a precio amigo, 0€.

EDITO: Para los vagos como yo.
#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet1
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x178
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
msgbox @String1 MSG_YESNO '"I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
msgbox @String2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come again."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet1

#org @snippet2
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x179
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x5 call @snippet5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 call @snippet6
special 0x177
msgbox @String3 MSG_YESNO '"You owe me [$][buffer2] for the re..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet7
goto @snippet8

#org @snippet3
special2 LASTRESULT 0x84
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet9
msgbox @String4 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Which POKéMON should I raise?"
fadescreen 0x1
hidemoney 0x0 0x0
special 0xBC
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
compare 0x8004 0x6
if 0x4 goto @snippet8
special2 LASTRESULT 0x85
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet10
special2 0x8005 0xBA
msgbox @String5 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffe..."
cry 0x8005 0x0
msgbox @String6 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come see me in a while."
special 0x176
cmdc3 0x2F
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet4
hidemoney 0x0 0x0

#org @snippet5
msgbox @String7 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nY..."

#org @snippet6
msgbox @String8 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You're back already?\pYour [buffer..."

#org @snippet7
special2 LASTRESULT 0x83
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 goto @snippet11
special2 LASTRESULT 0xC5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet12
msgbox @String9 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You don't have enough money."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet8
msgbox @String10 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine.\nCome anytime you like."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet9
msgbox @String11 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwit..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet10
msgbox @String12 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwha..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet11
msgbox @String13 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You can't take this POKéMON back\n..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet12
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x17A
special 0xC6
updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
copyvar 0x8008 LASTRESULT
subvar LASTRESULT 0x1
bufferpartypokemon 0x0 LASTRESULT
copyvar LASTRESULT 0x8008
msgbox @String14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON."
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @String15 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom ..."
call @snippet13
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet13
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

' Strings
#org @String1
= I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould you like me to raise one of\nyour POKéMON?

#org @String2
= Come again.

#org @String3
= You owe me [$][buffer2] for the return\nof this POKéMON.

#org @String4
= Which POKéMON should I raise?

#org @String5
= Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffer1] for a while.

#org @String6
= Come see me in a while.

#org @String7
= Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nYes, quite a lot, I'd say.\pLet me see[.]\nBy level, it's grown by [buffer2].\pAren't I great?

#org @String8
= You're back already?\pYour [buffer1] needs to spend\nsome more time with me.

#org @String9
= You don't have enough money.

#org @String10
= Fine.\nCome anytime you like.

#org @String11
= Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwith you.

#org @String12
= If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?

#org @String13
= You can't take this POKéMON back\nif you've got no room for it.

#org @String14
= Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON.

#org @String15
= [player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom the DAY-CARE MAN.
Última edición:


Usuario mítico
No vi el script, pero supongo que revisará con el comando checkmoney, si tenemos X cantidad de dinero para pagar. El script era bastante complejo creo recordar :\


El mejor Nuv de todos ;^)
Mmm estoy viendo el script, y tiene que ver con checkmoney, showmoney y hidemoney. Intenta quitarlos del Script, y hacer un mensaje que en ves que diga que tu pokemon vale "nº de pokedolares" lo cambias por algo como "Por ser mi cliente nº 1000 te dejo tu pokemon ¡gratis!" <--el mensaje a tu gusto


Without Heart
CryStal KcK dijo:
Imagino que como buen scripter ya has de haber chequeado el script, yo nunca he tocado ese script, pero solo se que es un special el que llama esta acción, asi que, de ser asi tendrías que editar la función ASM del special para quitar el código que comprueba el dinero, repito, no estoy seguro, pero eso creo que es


Usuario mítico
Checkmoney: revisa el dinero
Showmoney: abre la caja donde nos dice nuestro dinero (como en el mart)
Hidemoney: nos quita dinero

Me encantaría investigar como funciona el script, ya que si el pokemon no sube ningún nivel nos cobra $100 en cambio si sube 1 nos cobra $200 y así sucesivamente. Pero todavía no tengo la PC. :C


Miembro de honor
GRacias a los 3 por ayudar, pero creo que el que mas cerca a estado es Crystal, pues en el script no hay ningún checkmoney.

Solo Showmoney, Hidemoney y updatemoney.

Y me gustaría aclarar que hidemoney no te quita el dinero, si no que hace desaparecer la caja del dinero, lo que te hace pagar es "paymoney", que por cierto, tampoco está...


Más raro que algo raro.
#org @snippet12
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x17A
special 0xC6
updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0

copyvar 0x8008 LASTRESULT
subvar LASTRESULT 0x1
bufferpartypokemon 0x0 LASTRESULT
copyvar LASTRESULT 0x8008
msgbox @String 14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON."
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @String 15 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom ..."
call @snippet13
goto @snippet4

La string 14 es la que habla justamente después de pagar, quita lo que tengo en negrita o algo parecido y me dices. O prueba alguna parte, pero sea lo que sea, tiene que estar en esa parte ya que es donde te lo quita.


Jefazo Scripter
Pues ahora no me deja recuperarlo, me dice que no tengo dinero, y dinero me sobra XD
Aquí te lo dejo modificado. Ya no te tiene que decir nada.

#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet1
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x178
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
msgbox @String 1 MSG_YESNO '"I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
msgbox @String 2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come again."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet1

#org @snippet2
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x179
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x5 call @snippet5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 call @snippet6
special 0x177
msgbox @String 3 MSG_YESNO '"You owe me [$][buffer2] for the re..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet7
goto @snippet8

#org @snippet3
special2 LASTRESULT 0x84
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet9
msgbox @String 4 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Which POKéMON should I raise?"
fadescreen 0x1
hidemoney 0x0 0x0
special 0xBC
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
compare 0x8004 0x6
if 0x4 goto @snippet8
special2 LASTRESULT 0x85
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet10
special2 0x8005 0xBA
msgbox @String 5 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffe..."
cry 0x8005 0x0
msgbox @String 6 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come see me in a while."
special 0x176
cmdc3 0x2F
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet4
hidemoney 0x0 0x0

#org @snippet5
msgbox @String 7 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nY..."

#org @snippet6
msgbox @String 8 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You're back already?\pYour [buffer..."

#org @snippet7
special2 LASTRESULT 0x83
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 goto @snippet11
goto @snippet12

#org @snippet8
msgbox @String 10 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine.\nCome anytime you like."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet9
msgbox @String 11 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwit..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet10
msgbox @String 12 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwha..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet11
msgbox @String 13 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You can't take this POKéMON back\n..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet12
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x17A
special 0xC6
updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
copyvar 0x8008 LASTRESULT
subvar LASTRESULT 0x1
bufferpartypokemon 0x0 LASTRESULT
copyvar LASTRESULT 0x8008
msgbox @String 14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON."
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @String 15 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom ..."
call @snippet13
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet13
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

' Strings
#org @String 1
= I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould you like me to raise one of\nyour POKéMON?

#org @String 2
= Come again.

#org @String 3
= You owe me [$][buffer2] for the return\nof this POKéMON.

#org @String 4
= Which POKéMON should I raise?

#org @String 5
= Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffer1] for a while.

#org @String 6
= Come see me in a while.

#org @String 7
= Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nYes, quite a lot, I'd say.\pLet me see[.]\nBy level, it's grown by [buffer2].\pAren't I great?

#org @String 8
= You're back already?\pYour [buffer1] needs to spend\nsome more time with me.

#org @String 9
= You don't have enough money.

#org @String 10
= Fine.\nCome anytime you like.

#org @String 11
= Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwith you.

#org @String 12
= If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?

#org @String 13
= You can't take this POKéMON back\nif you've got no room for it.

#org @String 14
= Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON.

#org @String 15
= [player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom the DAY-CARE MAN.
Última edición:


Miembro de honor
Aquí te lo dejo modificado. Ya no te tiene que decir nada.

#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet1
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x178
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
msgbox @String 1 MSG_YESNO '"I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
msgbox @String 2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come again."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet1

#org @snippet2
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x179
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x5 call @snippet5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 call @snippet6
special 0x177
msgbox @String 3 MSG_YESNO '"You owe me [$][buffer2] for the re..."
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet7
goto @snippet8

#org @snippet3
special2 LASTRESULT 0x84
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet9
msgbox @String 4 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Which POKéMON should I raise?"
fadescreen 0x1
hidemoney 0x0 0x0
special 0xBC
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
compare 0x8004 0x6
if 0x4 goto @snippet8
special2 LASTRESULT 0x85
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet10
special2 0x8005 0xBA
msgbox @String 5 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffe..."
cry 0x8005 0x0
msgbox @String 6 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Come see me in a while."
special 0x176
cmdc3 0x2F
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet4
hidemoney 0x0 0x0

#org @snippet5
msgbox @String 7 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nY..."

#org @snippet6
msgbox @String 8 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You're back already?\pYour [buffer..."

#org @snippet7
special2 LASTRESULT 0x83
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 goto @snippet11
goto @snippet12

#org @snippet8
msgbox @String 10 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Fine.\nCome anytime you like."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet9
msgbox @String 11 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwit..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet10
msgbox @String 12 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwha..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet11
msgbox @String 13 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"You can't take this POKéMON back\n..."
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet12
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0x17A
special 0xC6
updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
copyvar 0x8008 LASTRESULT
subvar LASTRESULT 0x1
bufferpartypokemon 0x0 LASTRESULT
copyvar LASTRESULT 0x8008
msgbox @String 14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON."
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @String 15 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom ..."
call @snippet13
goto @snippet4

#org @snippet13
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

' Strings
#org @String 1
= I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould you like me to raise one of\nyour POKéMON?

#org @String 2
= Come again.

#org @String 3
= You owe me [$][buffer2] for the return\nof this POKéMON.

#org @String 4
= Which POKéMON should I raise?

#org @String 5
= Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffer1] for a while.

#org @String 6
= Come see me in a while.

#org @String 7
= Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nYes, quite a lot, I'd say.\pLet me see[.]\nBy level, it's grown by [buffer2].\pAren't I great?

#org @String 8
= You're back already?\pYour [buffer1] needs to spend\nsome more time with me.

#org @String 9
= You don't have enough money.

#org @String 10
= Fine.\nCome anytime you like.

#org @String 11
= Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwith you.

#org @String 12
= If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?

#org @String 13
= You can't take this POKéMON back\nif you've got no room for it.

#org @String 14
= Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON.

#org @String 15
= [player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom the DAY-CARE MAN.
Puees... Ahora me sigue cobrando, es como la guardería normal.


Miembro de honor
Prueba teniendo menos dinero, a ver si se queja.

Luego lo miro que no tengo tiempo.

Lo que te había dicho era comprobaba tu dinero, en el snippet 12 diria que el special 0xC6 es el que te cobra.
Te voy a tener que hacer una piruleta gigante!

Pues si el puto 0xC6 es el que te cobra, el resto es editar y gozar.

Muchas gracias puto! Cierro tema.
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.