
[DUDA] showpokepic boy or girl

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Héroe de WaH
How do I get in the showpokepic (mugshot) script boy or girl?

Ex: If I choose the BOY appear showpokepic it. If I choose GIRL to appear showpokepic her.
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Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
How do I get in the showpokepic (mugshot) script boy or girl?

Ex: If I choose the BOY appear showpokepic it. If I choose GIRL to appear showpokepic her.
For put a mugshot must replace an image of a Pokemon existing in the Pokédex, for example, you take away the image of ditto and it substituting by the mugshot of the protagonist, then you do a showpokepic to the image of ditto that now will be it of the protagonist. If you don´t want to replace any Pokemon also there a few blanks in the Pokédex, represented by a ??, those are also used to replace and then make the showpokepick. I don´t know if you referred to that.


Héroe de WaH
I've used the free space 252 Hex = FC.
If I start the game with Male protagonist appear his mugshot and start with Female appear mugshot of her.


Miembro de honor
There its the "Checkgender" command!

use it for show one or another mugshot :D
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