
[Base] [Rom Base FR] CFRU & DPE Implementado + HERRAMIENTAS! (Actu. 3/5/22)


Usuario de platino
Si se puede con advanced map, necesitas el 1.95 que tienes en el pack de herramientas, para el mapeado usa el 1.92
he probado todos, el 1.95 no puedo iniciarlo me da error al inicio. Me sale una venana con el texto "choose language etc" pero los espacios están en blanco, no me deja elegir nada y tengo que cerrar el programa


Usuario de platino
vale pues ese me da el mismo error que te digo, me sale una ventana para elegir idioma pero el campo está vacío y tengo que cerrar.
por cierto tengo una versión que al menos me funciona con el rom base fire red del que hablamos en el otro post y queria saber si puedo cambiar el lenguaje alemán que se encuentra cuando buscas una localización, no se si el problema es del advance map o del fire red rom, pero el caso es que me gustaría cambiarlo, porque obviamente no se alemán
edito vale el problema es del advance map, todas las localizaciones las pone en alemán no importa si la interfaz esté en inglés, español o lo que sea las localizaciones están en alemán y quiero cambiarlo


Fuck off!
Una última pregunta, ¿Al inyectar CFRU las funciones ya vienen activadas o tengo que activarlas yo previamente? Porque he hecho una prueba y creo que se ha quedado como estaba.
Si lo inyectas tu por tu cuenta ve a src/config.h y activa lo que quieras, luego en el cmd para compilar pon: python scripts/ (limpia anteriores compilaciones) y asi se veran los cambios que tu le hagas.


Fuck off!
Lo sé:
#dynamic 0xB00000

#org @inicio
setflag 0x91E

Lo intenté con un NPC y nada. Es como si no existiera la flag, pero es imposible porque de ser así no me dejaría compilarlo.
#dynamic 0xB00000

#org @start
checkflag 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet1
compare 0x4055 0x9
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
compare 0x4055 0x8
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
checkflag 0x82C
if 0x1 goto @snippet4
compare 0x4052 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
compare 0x4055 0x6
if 0x1 goto @snippet5
compare 0x4057 0x1
if 0x4 goto @snippet6
compare 0x4055 0x4
if 0x1 goto @snippet7
compare 0x4055 0x3
if 0x1 goto @snippet8
msgbox @string1 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Now, [player].\pInside those ..."

#org @snippet1
msgbox @string2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, t..."

#org @snippet2
call @snippet9
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x1 goto @snippet10

#org @snippet3
msgbox @string3 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Pokémon around the world wait for\..."

#org @snippet4
call @snippet9
compare 0x8009 0x3C
if 0x0 goto @snippet11
checkflag 0x89B
if 0x0 goto @snippet11
pause 0x1E
msgbox @string4 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, now this is excellent!\p[playe..."
goto @snippet12

#org @snippet5
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
compare 0x8009 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet13
goto @snippet2

#org @snippet6
msgbox @string5 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Oh, [player]!\nHow is my old ..."
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x105
preparemsg @string6 '"[player] delivered Oak's Parcel."
call @snippet14
removeitem 0x15D 0x1
msgbox @string7 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah! \nIt's the custom Poké Ball!\p..."
playsong 0x13B 0x0
msgbox @string8 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Gramps!"
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet15
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet16
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet17
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet17
msgbox @string9 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: I almost forgot!\nWhat di..."
pause 0x1E
sound 0x15
applymovement 0x4 @move1
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move2
waitmovement 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet18
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet19
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet20
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet21
msgbox @string10 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Oh, right!\nI have a request ..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet22
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet23
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet24
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet25
msgbox @string11 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"On the desk there is my invention,..."
pause 0x28
msgbox @string12 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: [player] and [rival].\nTake t..."
applymovement 0x4 @move3
waitmovement 0x0
hidesprite 0x9
pause 0xA
hidesprite 0xA
pause 0x19
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet26
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet27
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet28
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet29
pause 0xA
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x13E
preparemsg @string13 '"[player] received the Pokédex\nfro..."
call @snippet14
setflag 0x906
setflag 0x91E
setflag 0x829
special 0x181
setvar 0x407C 0x1
msgbox @string14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: You can't get detailed data\n..."
additem 0x4 0x5
loadpointer 0x0 @string15 '"[player] received five Poké Balls."
giveitem2 0x4 0x5 0x101
msgbox @string16 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"When a wild Pokémon appears,\nit's..."
setvar 0x8004 0x0
setvar 0x8005 0x1
special 0x173
msgbox @string17 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"To make a complete guide on all\nt..."
msgbox @string18 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: All right, Gramps!\nLeave..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet30
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet31
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet32
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet32
msgbox @string19 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player], I hate to say it, but yo..."
playsong 0x13C 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet33
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet34
hidesprite 0x8
setvar 0x4055 0x6
setvar 0x4057 0x2
setvar 0x4051 0x1
setvar 0x4058 0x1
setvar 0x44F 0x7C00
fadescreendelay 0x16 0x8
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet7
msgbox @string20 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: [player], raise your young\nP..."

#org @snippet8
msgbox @string21 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: If a wild Pokémon appears,\ny..."

#org @snippet9
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet35
special 0x188
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x1 call @snippet36
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x0 call @snippet37
call @snippet38

#org @snippet10
pause 0x28
preparemsg @string22 '"Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr!"
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet39
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet40
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet41
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet42
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x46
msgbox @string2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, t..."
setflag 0x2

#org @snippet11

#org @snippet12
msgbox @string23 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Recently, there have been sighting..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet43
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet44
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet45
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet45
msgbox @string24 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Hey, I heard that!\pGramp..."
msgbox @string25 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: I know, I know.\nOf course I ..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet46
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet47
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @string26 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Prof. Oak took both Pokédex\nunits..."
call @snippet14
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet48
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet49
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet50
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet51
showsprite 0x9
showsprite 0xA
pause 0x1E
msgbox @string27 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.] [.] ..."
hidesprite 0x9
hidesprite 0xA
pause 0x1E
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet26
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet27
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet28
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet29
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x13E
preparemsg @string28 '"[player]'s Pokédex was upgraded!"
call @snippet14
special 0x16F
msgbox @string29 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Now, [player] and [rival]!\pThis t..."
msgbox @string30 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Gramps, calm down.\nDon't..."
playsong 0x13C 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet33
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet34
hidesprite 0x8
setvar 0x4055 0x8

#org @snippet13
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet35
special 0x188
checkflag 0x24F
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
checkflag 0x247
if 0x1 goto @snippet52
checkitem 0x4 0x1
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet53
goto @snippet3

#org @snippet14
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

#org @snippet15
movesprite2 0x8 0x5 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move5
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet16
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet17
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet18
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet19
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move9
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet20
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet21
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move3
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet22
applymovement 0x4 @move11
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet23
applymovement 0x4 @move12
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move13
applymovement 0x8 @move13
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet24
applymovement 0x4 @move11
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move14
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet25
applymovement 0x4 @move11
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet26
applymovement 0x4 @move15
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet27
applymovement 0x4 @move16
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet28
applymovement 0x4 @move15
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move17
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet29
applymovement 0x4 @move15
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet30
applymovement 0x8 @move4
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet31
applymovement 0x8 @move3
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet32
applymovement 0x8 @move4
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet33
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move18
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet34
applymovement 0x8 @move18
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet35

#org @snippet36
msgbox @string31 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Ah, welcome!\pTell me, how is..."

#org @snippet37
msgbox @string32 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Good to see you!\nHow is your..."

#org @snippet38
setvar 0x8004 0x1F
special 0x17E
special 0x17D
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
copyvar 0x800A LASTRESULT
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
msgbox @string33 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"The amount of progress you've made..."
checkflag 0x2FF
if 0x0 call @snippet54
call @snippet55
compare 0x800A 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet56
setvar 0x8004 0x1
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
msgbox @string34 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"And your National Pokédex is:\p[bu..."
special2 LASTRESULT 0x1B0
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet57
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet58

#org @snippet39
applymovement 0x4 @move19
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet40
applymovement 0x4 @move20
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet41
applymovement 0x4 @move21
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet42
applymovement 0x4 @move22
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet43
movesprite2 0x8 0x5 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move5
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet44
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet45
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet46
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move3
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet47
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet48
applymovement 0x4 @move23
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet49
applymovement 0x4 @move24
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move13
applymovement 0x8 @move13
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet50
applymovement 0x4 @move23
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move14
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet51
applymovement 0x4 @move23
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet52
msgbox @string35 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Come see me sometime.\pAfter ..."

#org @snippet53
compare 0x4054 0x2
if 0x4 goto @snippet59
goto @snippet3

#org @snippet54
textcolor 0x0

#org @snippet55
copyvar 0x8004 0x8009
special 0xD5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 call @snippet60
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet61

#org @snippet56
special 0x17F

#org @snippet57
msgbox @string36 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"I'll be looking forward to seeing\..."
goto @snippet56

#org @snippet58
setflag 0x2F4
msgbox @string37 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Finally[.]\pYou've finally complet..."
goto @snippet56

#org @snippet59
msgbox @string38 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, [player]!\nHow is your Pokédex..."
additem 0x4 0x5
loadpointer 0x0 @string15 '"[player] received five Poké Balls."
giveitem2 0x4 0x5 0x101
setflag 0x247

#org @snippet60
fanfare 0x13D

#org @snippet61
fanfare 0x103

' Strings
#org @string1
= Oak: Now, [player].\pInside those three Poké Balls are\nPokémon.\pWhich one will you choose for\nyourself?

#org @string2
= Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, thank you!\lYou've made my dream a reality!

#org @string3
= Pokémon around the world wait for\nyou, [player]!

#org @string4
= Ah, now this is excellent!\p[player], I have another important\nfavor to ask of you.\pI need you to listen closely.

#org @string5
= Oak: Oh, [player]!\nHow is my old Pokémon?\pWell, it seems to be growing more\nattached to you.\pYou must be talented as a Pokémon\nTrainer.\pWhat's that?\nYou have something for me?

#org @string6
= [player] delivered Oak's Parcel.

#org @string7
= Ah! \nIt's the custom Poké Ball!\pI had it on order.\nThank you!

#org @string8
= [rival]: Gramps!

#org @string9
= [rival]: I almost forgot!\nWhat did you call me for?

#org @string10
= Oak: Oh, right!\nI have a request for you two.

#org @string11
= On the desk there is my invention,\nthe Pokédex!\pIt automatically records data on\nPokémon you've seen or caught.\pIt's a high-tech encyclopedia!

#org @string12
= Oak: [player] and [rival].\nTake these with you.

#org @string13
= [player] received the Pokédex\nfrom Prof. Oak.

#org @string14
= Oak: You can't get detailed data\non Pokémon by just seeing them.\pYou must catch them to obtain\ncomplete data.\pSo, here are some tools for\ncatching wild Pokémon.

#org @string15
= [player] received five Poké Balls.

#org @string16
= When a wild Pokémon appears,\nit's fair game.\pJust throw a Poké Ball at it and\ntry to catch it!\pThis won't always work, however.\pA healthy Pokémon can escape.\nYou have to be lucky!

#org @string17
= To make a complete guide on all\nthe Pokémon in the world[.]\pThat was my dream!\pBut, I'm too old.\nI can't get the job done.\pSo, I want you two to fulfill my\ndream for me.\pGet moving, you two.\pThis is a great undertaking in\nPokémon history!

#org @string18
= [rival]: All right, Gramps!\nLeave it all to me!

#org @string19
= [player], I hate to say it, but you\nwon't be necessary for this.\pI know! I'll borrow a Town Map\nfrom my sis!\pI'll tell her not to lend you one,\n[player]! Hahaha!\pDon't bother coming around to\nmy place after this!

#org @string20
= Oak: [player], raise your young\nPokémon by making it battle.\pIt has to battle for it to grow.

#org @string21
= Oak: If a wild Pokémon appears,\nyour Pokémon can battle it.\pWith it at your side, you should be\nable to reach the next town.

#org @string22
= Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr!

#org @string23
= Recently, there have been sightings\nof many rare Pokémon species.\pI'm talking about Pokémon that\nhave never been seen in Kanto.\pI would love to go see things for\nmyself, but I'm much too old.\pSince I can't do it, [player], I'd\nlike you to go in my place.

#org @string24
= [rival]: Hey, I heard that!\pGramps, what's with favoring\n[player] over me all the time?\pI went and collected more Pokémon,\nand faster, too.\pYou should just let me handle\neverything.

#org @string25
= Oak: I know, I know.\nOf course I need your help, too.\pNow, I need to see both your\nPokédexes.

#org @string26
= Prof. Oak took both Pokédex\nunits.

#org @string27
= [.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.]And that's done!\pNow these units can record data on\na lot more Pokémon.

#org @string28
= [player]'s Pokédex was upgraded!

#org @string29
= Now, [player] and [rival]!\pThis time, you really must work\ntowards filling your Pokédexes.\pI urge you to make them the best\nand the most complete of all time!\pTruly, this is a monumentally great\nundertaking in Pokémon history!

#org @string30
= [rival]: Gramps, calm down.\nDon't get so excited.\pI'll get the Pokédex completed,\ndon't you worry about a thing.\pI think I'll try looking around\nOne Island first[.]\pAnyways, I'm outta here!

#org @string31
= Oak: Ah, welcome!\pTell me, how is your Pokédex\ncoming along?\pWahaha!\pActually, I know how it is, but I\nlove seeing it anyway!\pLet's see[.]

#org @string32
= Oak: Good to see you!\nHow is your Pokédex coming along?\pHere, let me take a look.

#org @string33
= The amount of progress you've made\non your Pokédex is:\p[buffer1] Pokémon seen and\n[buffer2] Pokémon owned.\p\c\h06ÁProf. Oak's rating:

#org @string34
= And your National Pokédex is:\p[buffer1] Pokémon seen and\n[buffer2] Pokémon owned.

#org @string35
= Oak: Come see me sometime.\pAfter all, I want to know how your\nPokédex is coming along.

#org @string36
= I'll be looking forward to seeing\nyou fill the National Pokédex!

#org @string37
= Finally[.]\pYou've finally completed the\nPokédex!\pIt's magnificent!\nTruly, this is a fantastic feat!

#org @string38
= Ah, [player]!\nHow is your Pokédex shaping up?\p[rival] has already caught some\nPokémon and added to the data.\pSo, [player], let's have a look at\nyour Pokédex.\p[.]What's the matter?\nYou've added no new data at all.\pI'll give you these, so do try a\nlittle harder.

' Movements
#org @move1
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move2
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move3
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move4
#raw 0x4A 'Face Player
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move6
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move7
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move8
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move9
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move10
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move11
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move12
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move13
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move14
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move15
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move16
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move17
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move18
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move19
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move20
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x2A 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x2A 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move21
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x2B 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x2B 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move22
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x2C 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x2C 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move23
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move24
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
yo se lo puse cuando oak te da la pokedex y funciona perfecto


Aprendiz de leyenda
#dynamic 0xB00000

#org @start
checkflag 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet1
compare 0x4055 0x9
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
compare 0x4055 0x8
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
checkflag 0x82C
if 0x1 goto @snippet4
compare 0x4052 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet2
compare 0x4055 0x6
if 0x1 goto @snippet5
compare 0x4057 0x1
if 0x4 goto @snippet6
compare 0x4055 0x4
if 0x1 goto @snippet7
compare 0x4055 0x3
if 0x1 goto @snippet8
msgbox @string1 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Now, [player].\pInside those ..."

#org @snippet1
msgbox @string2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, t..."

#org @snippet2
call @snippet9
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x1 goto @snippet10

#org @snippet3
msgbox @string3 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Pokémon around the world wait for\..."

#org @snippet4
call @snippet9
compare 0x8009 0x3C
if 0x0 goto @snippet11
checkflag 0x89B
if 0x0 goto @snippet11
pause 0x1E
msgbox @string4 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, now this is excellent!\p[playe..."
goto @snippet12

#org @snippet5
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
compare 0x8009 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet13
goto @snippet2

#org @snippet6
msgbox @string5 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Oh, [player]!\nHow is my old ..."
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x105
preparemsg @string6 '"[player] delivered Oak's Parcel."
call @snippet14
removeitem 0x15D 0x1
msgbox @string7 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah! \nIt's the custom Poké Ball!\p..."
playsong 0x13B 0x0
msgbox @string8 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Gramps!"
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet15
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet16
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet17
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet17
msgbox @string9 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: I almost forgot!\nWhat di..."
pause 0x1E
sound 0x15
applymovement 0x4 @move1
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move2
waitmovement 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet18
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet19
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet20
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet21
msgbox @string10 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Oh, right!\nI have a request ..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet22
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet23
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet24
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet25
msgbox @string11 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"On the desk there is my invention,..."
pause 0x28
msgbox @string12 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: [player] and [rival].\nTake t..."
applymovement 0x4 @move3
waitmovement 0x0
hidesprite 0x9
pause 0xA
hidesprite 0xA
pause 0x19
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet26
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet27
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet28
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet29
pause 0xA
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x13E
preparemsg @string13 '"[player] received the Pokédex\nfro..."
call @snippet14
setflag 0x906
setflag 0x91E
setflag 0x829
special 0x181
setvar 0x407C 0x1
msgbox @string14 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: You can't get detailed data\n..."
additem 0x4 0x5
loadpointer 0x0 @string15 '"[player] received five Poké Balls."
giveitem2 0x4 0x5 0x101
msgbox @string16 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"When a wild Pokémon appears,\nit's..."
setvar 0x8004 0x0
setvar 0x8005 0x1
special 0x173
msgbox @string17 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"To make a complete guide on all\nt..."
msgbox @string18 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: All right, Gramps!\nLeave..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet30
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet31
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet32
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet32
msgbox @string19 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player], I hate to say it, but yo..."
playsong 0x13C 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet33
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet34
hidesprite 0x8
setvar 0x4055 0x6
setvar 0x4057 0x2
setvar 0x4051 0x1
setvar 0x4058 0x1
setvar 0x44F 0x7C00
fadescreendelay 0x16 0x8
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet7
msgbox @string20 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: [player], raise your young\nP..."

#org @snippet8
msgbox @string21 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: If a wild Pokémon appears,\ny..."

#org @snippet9
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet35
special 0x188
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x1 call @snippet36
checkflag 0x2F4
if 0x0 call @snippet37
call @snippet38

#org @snippet10
pause 0x28
preparemsg @string22 '"Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr!"
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet39
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet40
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet41
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet42
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x46
msgbox @string2 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, t..."
setflag 0x2

#org @snippet11

#org @snippet12
msgbox @string23 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Recently, there have been sighting..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet43
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet44
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet45
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet45
msgbox @string24 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Hey, I heard that!\pGramp..."
msgbox @string25 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: I know, I know.\nOf course I ..."
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet46
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet47
textcolor 0x3
msgbox @string26 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Prof. Oak took both Pokédex\nunits..."
call @snippet14
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet48
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet49
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet50
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet51
showsprite 0x9
showsprite 0xA
pause 0x1E
msgbox @string27 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.] [.] ..."
hidesprite 0x9
hidesprite 0xA
pause 0x1E
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet26
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet27
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet28
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet29
textcolor 0x3
fanfare 0x13E
preparemsg @string28 '"[player]'s Pokédex was upgraded!"
call @snippet14
special 0x16F
msgbox @string29 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Now, [player] and [rival]!\pThis t..."
msgbox @string30 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[rival]: Gramps, calm down.\nDon't..."
playsong 0x13C 0x0
compare PLAYERFACING 0x2
if 0x1 call @snippet33
compare PLAYERFACING 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x4
if 0x1 call @snippet34
compare PLAYERFACING 0x3
if 0x1 call @snippet34
hidesprite 0x8
setvar 0x4055 0x8

#org @snippet13
special 0x187
compare LASTRESULT 0x2
if 0x1 goto @snippet35
special 0x188
checkflag 0x24F
if 0x1 goto @snippet3
checkflag 0x247
if 0x1 goto @snippet52
checkitem 0x4 0x1
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet53
goto @snippet3

#org @snippet14
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

#org @snippet15
movesprite2 0x8 0x5 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move5
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet16
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet17
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet18
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet19
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move9
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet20
applymovement 0x4 @move4
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0xF
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
applymovement 0x4 @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet21
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move3
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet22
applymovement 0x4 @move11
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet23
applymovement 0x4 @move12
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move13
applymovement 0x8 @move13
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet24
applymovement 0x4 @move11
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move14
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet25
applymovement 0x4 @move11
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet26
applymovement 0x4 @move15
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet27
applymovement 0x4 @move16
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet28
applymovement 0x4 @move15
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move17
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet29
applymovement 0x4 @move15
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet30
applymovement 0x8 @move4
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet31
applymovement 0x8 @move3
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet32
applymovement 0x8 @move4
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move7
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet33
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move18
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet34
applymovement 0x8 @move18
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet35

#org @snippet36
msgbox @string31 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Ah, welcome!\pTell me, how is..."

#org @snippet37
msgbox @string32 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Good to see you!\nHow is your..."

#org @snippet38
setvar 0x8004 0x1F
special 0x17E
special 0x17D
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
copyvar 0x800A LASTRESULT
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
msgbox @string33 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"The amount of progress you've made..."
checkflag 0x2FF
if 0x0 call @snippet54
call @snippet55
compare 0x800A 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet56
setvar 0x8004 0x1
special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4
copyvar 0x8008 0x8005
copyvar 0x8009 0x8006
buffernumber 0x0 0x8008
buffernumber 0x1 0x8009
msgbox @string34 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"And your National Pokédex is:\p[bu..."
special2 LASTRESULT 0x1B0
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 goto @snippet57
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @snippet58

#org @snippet39
applymovement 0x4 @move19
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet40
applymovement 0x4 @move20
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet41
applymovement 0x4 @move21
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet42
applymovement 0x4 @move22
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet43
movesprite2 0x8 0x5 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move5
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet44
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet45
movesprite2 0x8 0x6 0xA
showsprite 0x8
playsong 0x13B 0x0
applymovement 0x4 @move7
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move8
applymovement 0x8 @move6
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet46
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move3
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet47
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move10
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet48
applymovement 0x4 @move23
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet49
applymovement 0x4 @move24
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move13
applymovement 0x8 @move13
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet50
applymovement 0x4 @move23
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER @move14
waitmovement 0x4

#org @snippet51
applymovement 0x4 @move23
waitmovement 0x0

#org @snippet52
msgbox @string35 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Oak: Come see me sometime.\pAfter ..."

#org @snippet53
compare 0x4054 0x2
if 0x4 goto @snippet59
goto @snippet3

#org @snippet54
textcolor 0x0

#org @snippet55
copyvar 0x8004 0x8009
special 0xD5
compare LASTRESULT 0x0
if 0x1 call @snippet60
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 call @snippet61

#org @snippet56
special 0x17F

#org @snippet57
msgbox @string36 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"I'll be looking forward to seeing\..."
goto @snippet56

#org @snippet58
setflag 0x2F4
msgbox @string37 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Finally[.]\pYou've finally complet..."
goto @snippet56

#org @snippet59
msgbox @string38 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Ah, [player]!\nHow is your Pokédex..."
additem 0x4 0x5
loadpointer 0x0 @string15 '"[player] received five Poké Balls."
giveitem2 0x4 0x5 0x101
setflag 0x247

#org @snippet60
fanfare 0x13D

#org @snippet61
fanfare 0x103

' Strings
#org @string1
= Oak: Now, [player].\pInside those three Poké Balls are\nPokémon.\pWhich one will you choose for\nyourself?

#org @string2
= Thank you, [player]!\nSincerely, thank you!\lYou've made my dream a reality!

#org @string3
= Pokémon around the world wait for\nyou, [player]!

#org @string4
= Ah, now this is excellent!\p[player], I have another important\nfavor to ask of you.\pI need you to listen closely.

#org @string5
= Oak: Oh, [player]!\nHow is my old Pokémon?\pWell, it seems to be growing more\nattached to you.\pYou must be talented as a Pokémon\nTrainer.\pWhat's that?\nYou have something for me?

#org @string6
= [player] delivered Oak's Parcel.

#org @string7
= Ah! \nIt's the custom Poké Ball!\pI had it on order.\nThank you!

#org @string8
= [rival]: Gramps!

#org @string9
= [rival]: I almost forgot!\nWhat did you call me for?

#org @string10
= Oak: Oh, right!\nI have a request for you two.

#org @string11
= On the desk there is my invention,\nthe Pokédex!\pIt automatically records data on\nPokémon you've seen or caught.\pIt's a high-tech encyclopedia!

#org @string12
= Oak: [player] and [rival].\nTake these with you.

#org @string13
= [player] received the Pokédex\nfrom Prof. Oak.

#org @string14
= Oak: You can't get detailed data\non Pokémon by just seeing them.\pYou must catch them to obtain\ncomplete data.\pSo, here are some tools for\ncatching wild Pokémon.

#org @string15
= [player] received five Poké Balls.

#org @string16
= When a wild Pokémon appears,\nit's fair game.\pJust throw a Poké Ball at it and\ntry to catch it!\pThis won't always work, however.\pA healthy Pokémon can escape.\nYou have to be lucky!

#org @string17
= To make a complete guide on all\nthe Pokémon in the world[.]\pThat was my dream!\pBut, I'm too old.\nI can't get the job done.\pSo, I want you two to fulfill my\ndream for me.\pGet moving, you two.\pThis is a great undertaking in\nPokémon history!

#org @string18
= [rival]: All right, Gramps!\nLeave it all to me!

#org @string19
= [player], I hate to say it, but you\nwon't be necessary for this.\pI know! I'll borrow a Town Map\nfrom my sis!\pI'll tell her not to lend you one,\n[player]! Hahaha!\pDon't bother coming around to\nmy place after this!

#org @string20
= Oak: [player], raise your young\nPokémon by making it battle.\pIt has to battle for it to grow.

#org @string21
= Oak: If a wild Pokémon appears,\nyour Pokémon can battle it.\pWith it at your side, you should be\nable to reach the next town.

#org @string22
= Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr!

#org @string23
= Recently, there have been sightings\nof many rare Pokémon species.\pI'm talking about Pokémon that\nhave never been seen in Kanto.\pI would love to go see things for\nmyself, but I'm much too old.\pSince I can't do it, [player], I'd\nlike you to go in my place.

#org @string24
= [rival]: Hey, I heard that!\pGramps, what's with favoring\n[player] over me all the time?\pI went and collected more Pokémon,\nand faster, too.\pYou should just let me handle\neverything.

#org @string25
= Oak: I know, I know.\nOf course I need your help, too.\pNow, I need to see both your\nPokédexes.

#org @string26
= Prof. Oak took both Pokédex\nunits.

#org @string27
= [.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.]\p[.]And that's done!\pNow these units can record data on\na lot more Pokémon.

#org @string28
= [player]'s Pokédex was upgraded!

#org @string29
= Now, [player] and [rival]!\pThis time, you really must work\ntowards filling your Pokédexes.\pI urge you to make them the best\nand the most complete of all time!\pTruly, this is a monumentally great\nundertaking in Pokémon history!

#org @string30
= [rival]: Gramps, calm down.\nDon't get so excited.\pI'll get the Pokédex completed,\ndon't you worry about a thing.\pI think I'll try looking around\nOne Island first[.]\pAnyways, I'm outta here!

#org @string31
= Oak: Ah, welcome!\pTell me, how is your Pokédex\ncoming along?\pWahaha!\pActually, I know how it is, but I\nlove seeing it anyway!\pLet's see[.]

#org @string32
= Oak: Good to see you!\nHow is your Pokédex coming along?\pHere, let me take a look.

#org @string33
= The amount of progress you've made\non your Pokédex is:\p[buffer1] Pokémon seen and\n[buffer2] Pokémon owned.\p\c\h06ÁProf. Oak's rating:

#org @string34
= And your National Pokédex is:\p[buffer1] Pokémon seen and\n[buffer2] Pokémon owned.

#org @string35
= Oak: Come see me sometime.\pAfter all, I want to know how your\nPokédex is coming along.

#org @string36
= I'll be looking forward to seeing\nyou fill the National Pokédex!

#org @string37
= Finally[.]\pYou've finally completed the\nPokédex!\pIt's magnificent!\nTruly, this is a fantastic feat!

#org @string38
= Ah, [player]!\nHow is your Pokédex shaping up?\p[rival] has already caught some\nPokémon and added to the data.\pSo, [player], let's have a look at\nyour Pokédex.\p[.]What's the matter?\nYou've added no new data at all.\pI'll give you these, so do try a\nlittle harder.

' Movements
#org @move1
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move2
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move3
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move4
#raw 0x4A 'Face Player
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move6
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move7
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move8
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move9
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move10
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move11
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move12
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move13
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move14
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move15
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move16
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move17
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move18
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move19
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move20
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x2A 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x2A 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move21
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x2B 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x2B 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move22
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x2C 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x2C 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move23
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x2E 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements

#org @move24
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1A 'Delay3
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
yo se lo puse cuando oak te da la pokedex y funciona perfecto
Ya pasé del tema, siempre que intento inyectar CFRU me sucede algún problema que no logro solucionar. Intentaré utilizar esta base e inyectar de nuevo DPE agregando nuevos pokémons a ver que sucede. Gracias por intentar ayudarme.
Última edición: