
[Base] [Rom Base FR] CFRU & DPE Implementado + HERRAMIENTAS! (Actu. 3/5/22)


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Buenas, me voy a colar por aquí para dejarles este config.h, tal vez a algunos les sirva.

/*===== Debugging Options =====*/
//#define DEBUG_MEGA //Mega Evolution can always be used
//#define DEBUG_HMS //HMs can always be used from the party screen, Surf, Waterfall, and Rock Climb can always be used
//#define DEBUG_OBEDIENCE //Traded Pokemon never have obedience issues
//#define DEBUG_DYNAMAX //Dynamax can be used in Dynamax battles without a Dynamax Band

/*===== General Vars =====*/
#define VAR_TERRAIN 0x5000 //Set to a terrain type for a battle to begin with the given terrain
#define VAR_TOTEM 0x5001 //to var + 3 (0x5004)
#define VAR_BACKSPRITE_SWITCH 0x5006 //This var can be set to a number to change the Player's backsprite
//#define VAR_BATTLE_BG 0x5007 //Set this var to a custom background id
#define VAR_SWARM_INDEX 0x5008 //Set by the engine
#define VAR_SWARM_DAILY_EVENT 0x5009 //Set by the engine. Used to tell the game if a swarm has already been generated for the day. (Uses + 1 var also)
#define VAR_DEFAULT_WALKING_SCRIPT 0x500B //Walking scripts from JPAN's engine. His engine used 0x407E.
#define VAR_DEXNAV 0x500C //Set by the engine indicating which Pokemon has been registered to find in the OW
#define VAR_STATUS_INDUCER 0x500D //Causes wild Pokemon to be spawned with the given status condition. Status + 0x100 clears var after battle.

#define VAR_SECOND_OPPONENT 0x5010 //Set this to the var used to store the Trainer Id of the second opponent in Multi Battles (can be any free var)
#define VAR_PARTNER 0x5011 //Set this to the var used to store the Trainer Id of your partner in Multi Battles (can be any free var)
#define VAR_PARTNER_BACKSPRITE 0x5012 //Set this to the var used to store the backsprite number of your partner in Multi Battles (can be any free var)

/*===== General Flags =====*/
#define FLAG_INVERSE 0x900 //Set this flag for all battles to become Inverse Battles
#define FLAG_SKY_BATTLE 0x901 //Set this flag to indicate the Sky Battle rules should be followed in the next battle.
#define FLAG_NO_CATCHING 0x902 //The player cannot catch Pokemon in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_NO_RUNNING 0x903 //The player cannot run in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_NO_CATCHING_AND_RUNNING 0x904 //The player cannot run or catch Pokemon in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_CATCH_TRAINERS_POKEMON 0x905 //Setting this flag will allow you to capture trainers' pokemon. Comment this line to remove this feature
#define FLAG_EXP_SHARE 0x906 //Used to indicate if the Gen 6+ Exp Share is enabled
#define FLAG_DOUBLE_BATTLE 0x907 //Setting this flag will automatically trigger a double battle if possible
#define FLAG_TAG_BATTLE 0x908 //This flag is set by the engine when trainerbattle 0x10 is used to activate a tag battle
#define FLAG_TWO_OPPONENTS 0x909 //This flag is set by the engine when trainerbattle 0x11 is used to activate a dual opponent battle
#define FLAG_ACTIVATE_TUTORIAL 0x90A //Setting this flag will allow you to activate Oak's tutorial in any kind of battle (including doubles). Comment this line to remove this feature
#define FLAG_WILD_CUSTOM_MOVES 0x90B //Setting this flag lets you assign wild Pokemon custom moves
#define FLAG_SMART_WILD 0x90C //Set this flag is you don't want wild Pokemon to act randomly (useful for one time smarter wild battles). This is cleared at the end of the battle.
#define FLAG_SCALE_WILD_POKEMON_LEVELS 0x90D //If this flag is set, all random wild Pokemon (other than scripted ones) will have their level scaled to the lowest level in the player's party
#define FLAG_SCALE_TRAINER_LEVELS 0x90E //If this flag is set, all Trainer Pokemon levels will be set to the highest in your party
#define FLAG_HIDDEN_ABILITY 0x90F //If this flag is set, generated wild Pokemon will have their hidden abilities
#define FLAG_GIGANTAMAXABLE 0x928 //If this flag is set, generated wild and gift Pokemon will have their Gigantamax bit set
#define FLAG_DOUBLE_WILD_BATTLE 0x910 //If this flag is set, a wild battles will be against two Pokemon
#define FLAG_NO_RANDOM_WILD_ENCOUNTERS 0x911 //If this is set, wild Pokemon won't appear when walking/surfing in grass, caves, water, etc.
#define FLAG_REMOVE_EVO_ITEM 0x912 //Flag to toggle item removal after leveling up (set by the engine)
#define FLAG_SHINY_CREATION 0x913 //Flag to cause next battle to be against a shiny Pokemon
#define FLAG_AUTO_RUN 0x914 //Flag to enable auto-run (toggled by L-button). If this feature is used, L=A will not work. Comment out this line for it to work again.
#define FLAG_RUNNING_ENABLED 0x82F //The player can only run if this flag is set. If commented, the player will start the game with running shoes.
#define FLAG_BIKE_TURBO_BOOST 0x91F //The bike moves extra fast if this flag is set or if the player holds B.
#define FLAG_DISABLE_BAG 0x915 //The bag can't be used in-battle if this flag is set
#define FLAG_MOVE_RELEARNER_IGNORE_LEVEL 0x916 //When set, the move relearner shows all level-up moves up to MAX_LEVEL
#define FLAG_EGG_MOVE_RELEARNER 0x917 //When set, the move learner loads egg moves instead
#define FLAG_DYNAMAX_BATTLE 0x918 //When set, Pokemon can Dynamax in battle
#define FLAG_RAID_BATTLE 0x919 //When set, wild Pokemon will appear Dynamaxed and be fought Raid Battle style.
#define FLAG_RAID_BATTLE_NO_FORCE_END 0x91A //When set, if FLAG_RAID_BATTLE is set, then raid battles won't be force ended.
#define FLAG_FAST_BATTLE_MESSAGES 0x925 //When set, battle messages have no wait time once they've completed printing
#define FLAG_FOLLOWER_IGNORE_ACTIVE_SCRIPT 0x926 //If set, the follower will reappear and move even when a script is in progress
#define FLAG_KEEP_CONSUMABLE_ITEMS 0x927 //If set, consumable items are returned after battles
#define FLAG_DAILY_EVENTS_START 0xE00 //To flag + 0xFF, resets every new day.

/*===== Start Menu/Poketools Flags =====*/
#define FLAG_SYS_BAG_HIDE 0x91B //Toggle bag off
#define FLAG_SYS_PLAYER_HIDE 0x91C //Toggle [player] off
#define FLAG_SYS_SAVE_HIDE 0x91D //Toggle save off
#define FLAG_SYS_DEXNAV 0x91E //Flag to turn dexnav on/off in start menu (if undefined, this will eliminate dexnav from the start menu)

/*===== Pedometer Flags as in JPAN Engine =====*/
#define FLAG_LONG_PEDOMETER 0x920 //32 bit / 4 bytes / Max 4 294 967 295 steps
#define FLAG_MED_PEDOMETER 0x921 //16 bit / 2 bytes / Max 65 535 steps
#define FLAG_SMALL_PEDOMETER_1 0x922 //8 bit / 1 byte / Max 255 steps
#define FLAG_SMALL_PEDOMETER_2 0x923 //8 bit / 1 byte / Max 255 steps

/*===== Battle Tower Options =====*/
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TIER 0x5018 //Var
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TRAINER1_NAME 0x5019 //Empty var. Will be set to 0xFFFF after every battle.
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TRAINER2_NAME 0x501A //Empty var. Will be set to 0xFFFF after every battle.
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_SONG_OVERRIDE 0x501B //Set this var to the song id to be played during Link Battles and in the Battle Tower.

enum //These vars need to be one after the other (hence the enum)
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID = 0x501C, //An index in the gTowerTrainers table, not Trainer ID
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID_2, //0x501D //Index of the second trainer for Multi Battlers in the gTowerTrainers table, the var should be 1 after the first one
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID_PARTNER, //0x501E //If your partner is randomized, its Id would be found in this var

/*===== Character Customization Vars =====*/
#define VAR_PLAYER_WALKRUN 0x501F //Change walking, running player sprite. 0x4054 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_BIKING 0x5020 //Change biking player sprite. 0x4055 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_SURFING 0x5021 //Change player surfing sprite. 0x4056 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_HM_USE 0x5022 //Change field move usage sprite. 0x4057 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_FISHING 0x5023 //Change fishing sprite. 0x4058 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_VS_SEEKER 0x503D //Change vs seeker usage sprite. NOT in JPAN's engine
#define VAR_PLAYER_VS_SEEKER_ON_BIKE 0x5024 //Change vs seeker on bike sprite. 0x4059 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_UNDERWATER 0x5025 //Change underwater sprite.
#define VAR_TRAINERCARD_MALE 0x5026 //Change trainer card image (male). 0x4060 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_TRAINERCARD_FEMALE 0x5027 //Change trainer card image (female). 0x4061 in JPAN engine.

#define VAR_RUNTIME_CHANGEABLE 0x5028 //'Secret Base' variables, save 15 consecutive variables for this. 0x4080 in JPAN engine.

/*===== Healing Place as in JPAN's Engine =====*/
#define VAR_HEALINGMAP 0x5037 //0x405A in JPAN's Engine
#define VAR_HEALING_XPOS 0x5038 //0x405B in JPAN's Engine
#define VAR_HEALING_YPOS 0x5039 //0x405C in JPAN's Engine

/*===== TM/HM/Tutor Options (Vastly improved from other versions!) =====*/
//#define EXPANDED_TMSHMS //Comment this out if you want to keep 50 tms/8 hms
//#define EXPANDED_MOVE_TUTORS //Comment this out if you want to keep 16 move tutors and the ultimate elemental moves being exclusive to Kantonian starters
#define NUM_TMS 50 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_TMSHMS is not!!
#define NUM_HMS 8 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_TMSHMS is not!!
#define NUM_MOVE_TUTORS 16 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_MOVE_TUTORS is not!! If using DPE, set to 128.
#define LAST_TOTAL_TUTOR_NUM 24 //Should be equal to (NUM_MOVE_TUTORS - 1) + 9. Must be set to an actual integer or the compilation will not work.
//#define TMS_BEFORE_HMS //Uncomment this if you want the HMs to appear after the TMs in your bag
//#define DELETABLE_HMS //Uncomment this if you want HMs to be deletable without the Move Deleter
//#define REUSABLE_TMS //if defined, don't forget to give all TMs a Mystery byte of 1!

/*===== Time of Day Options =====*/
#define TIME_MORNING_START 4 //4:00 AM / 4:00
#define TIME_DAY_START 8 //8:00 AM / 8:00
#define TIME_EVENING_START 17 //5:00 PM / 17:00
#define TIME_NIGHT_START 20 //8:00 PM / 20:00

/*===== General Number Options =====*/
#define KANTO_DEX_COUNT 151

#define MAX_LEVEL 100 //Also change this in the file "asm_defines.asm" found in the root
#define NUM_TRAINER_CLASSES 107 //Vanilla FR has 107
#define EVOS_PER_MON 5 //The number of maximum evolutions per Pokemon. Vanilla FR has 5. DPE has 16!!!
#define EV_CAP 252 //Also change this in the file "asm_defines.s" found in the root
#define POWER_ITEM_EV_YIELD 8 //Set to 4 for older mechanic

#define DUSK_BALL_MULTIPLIER 30 //Change this line to 35 to make the catch rate for the Dusk Ball 3.5x like before Gen 7
#define STANDARD_IV 10 //Change this to be the number of IVs Pokemon owned by random trainers should have (all stats will have this number)
#define SWARM_CHANCE 50 //Change this to the percentage that swarming Pokemon will appear if they can be found on the current route.
#define WILD_DOUBLE_RANDOM_CHANCE 50 //Change this to the percentage that a wild double battle will be initiated if the player is in special grass.
#define CREATE_WITH_X_PERFECT_IVS 3 //Change this to the number of set 31 IVs you'd like Pokemon defined in gSetPerfectXIvList to have.
#define CREATE_ROAMER_WITH_X_PERFECT_IVS 3 //Change this to the number of set 31 IVs you'd like roaming pokemon to have.
#define EGG_HATCH_LEVEL 1 //The level eggs hatch at
#define AI_TRY_TO_KILL_RATE 50 //In battles against a trainer with AI flags of 1, the AI will try to use a move to knock out the opponents XX percent of the time

/*===== Metatile Behaviours =====*/
#define MB_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_JUMP 0x7F //The tile behaviour byte that can be jumped over in all directions
#define MB_LOCKED_DOOR 0xA4 //The tile behaviour byte for doors that are locked and cannot be opened
#define MB_ROCK_CLIMB_WALL 0xA5 //The tile behaviour byte that can be climbed up using Rock Climb
#define MB_LAVA 0xA6 //The tile beahviour byte that can be lava surfed on. Comment out to remove Lava Surf

#define MAP_PLAYER_HOME ((4 << 8) | 0) //The map bank and map number of the player's home

/*===== Expanded Coins Options =====*/
#define MAX_COINS_DIGITS 9 //Max number of digits for game corner coins (eg. 4 = 9999, 9 = 999,999,999). maximum of 9

/*===== Badge Obedience Options =====*/

/*===== OW Palette Options =====*/
#define TREE_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1105 //The NPC palette id of the tree disguise movement permission.
#define ROCK_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1104 //The NPC palette id of the mountain disguise movement permission.
#define WEIRD_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1103 //The NPC palette id of the weird disguise movement permission.

/*===== Pre-Battle Mugshot Options ====*/
#define FR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_STYLE //The FR Elite Four and Champion use their GF defined mugshots
#define VAR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_STYLE 0x503A //Used for changing between big, two bars, etc.
#define VAR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_SPRITE 0x503B //Used for determining if the Vs. sprite should show
#define VAR_MUGSHOT_PLAYER_PAL 0x503C //Used to change the player's tilemap palette in the Two Bar mugshot style
#define FLAG_LOAD_MUGSHOT_SPRITE_FROM_TABLE 0x924 //Load custom mugshot for pre-battle transition

/*=====Safari Zone Options=====*/
#define EXPAND_SAFARI_BALLS //Hold up to 0xFFFF safari balls
#define SAFARI_ZONE_MAX_STEPS 600 //Number of safari zone steps the player has
#define SAFARI_ZONE_BALL_START 30 //Number of safari balls the player starts with
#define MAX_SAFARI_BALLS 30 //Total safari balls player can get (maximum is 0xFFFF or 0xFF if EXPAND_SAFARI_BALLS is defined or not)

/*=====Randomizer Options=====*/
//#define FLAG_POKEMON_RANDOMIZER 0x940 //Setting randomizes Pokemon species that are created.
//#define FLAG_POKEMON_LEARNSET_RANDOMIZER 0x941 //Setting randomizes Pokemon learnsets.
//#define FLAG_ABILITY_RANDOMIZER 0x942 //Setting randomizes Pokemon abilities.
#define NUM_SPECIES_RANDOMIZER NUM_SPECIES_GEN_7 //The final number of Pokemon (+ 1) of species that can appear in the randomizer. Change to NUM_SPECIES for Gen 8

/*===== Pre-existing Offsets =====*/
//#define EXISTING_FOSSIL_IMAGE_TABLE_ADDRESS 0x81a4600 //Uncomment this if you've already inserted a fossil image table
//#define EXISTING_OW_TABLE_ADDRESS 0x81a2000 //Uncomment if you don't want new overworld NPC tables to be generated. DON'T TOUCH IF YOU DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS FOR!

/*===== Other General Options =====*/
#define TIME_ENABLED //Comment this line to disable time based features. All time dependent features will default in Daytime.
#define DNS_IN_BATTLE //Comment this line to disable the Day/Night system from working in battle
#define OVERWRITE_RIVAL //Comment this line to disable to loading of your rival's name into trainer classes 0x51, 0x59, and 0x5A
#define TRAINER_CLASS_POKE_BALLS //Comment this line to disable creating Trainer's pokemon with Poke Balls specific to their trainer class
//#define TRAINERS_WITH_EVS //Uncomment this line to enable the Trainers with EVs hack, (only avaible with custom moveset and held item)
//#define CONTINUE_LOST_BATTLES //Uncommenting this line will allow using trainerbattle 0x9 to continue lost battles if var 0x8000 is set to 0xFEFE
#define DISPLAY_REAL_MOVE_TYPE_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move type will be displayed (such as Hidden Power, Weather Ball in Weather, etc.)
#define DISPLAY_REAL_ACCURACY_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move accuracy will be displayed (Eg. The move Psychic on a Pokemon with Compound Eyes will have its accuracy appear as 130)
#define DISPLAY_REAL_POWER_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move power will be displayed (Eg. Moves like Fury Cutter will show their correct power)
#define DISPLAY_EFFECTIVENESS_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, move types will have their effectiveness indicated on the move menu by highlighting the move type
#define OVERWRITE_BG_FOR_LEADER_CHAMPION //If this remains uncommented, special Battle Background palettes will be loaded in for battles against Gym Leaders and the Champion
#define BRIDGE_FIX //If this remains uncommented, the water battle background will only be loaded if the player's surfing sprite is shown
#define MEGA_EVOLUTION_FEATURE //Comment this line to remove Mega Evolutions
#define DYNAMAX_FEATURE //Comment this line to remove Dynamax and Raid Battles
#define TUTORIAL_BATTLES //Comment this line to remove Oak's Tutorial
#define TANOBY_RUINS_ENABLED //The Tanoby Ruins will be the only location Unown can be encountered
#define ALTERING_CAVE_ENABLED //The Altering Cave from FR will work as intended provided the proper var is set
#define SWEET_SCENT_ONLY_IN_CLEAR_WEATHER //Sweet Scent won't attract any wild Pokemon if the weather is not clear
#define SWEET_SCENT_WILD_DOUBLE_BATTLES //Sweet Scent can be used (with respect to WILD_DOUBLE_RANDOM_CHANCE) to encounter two wild Pokemon at once
#define OBEDIENCE_BY_BADGE_AMOUNT //Determines obedience based on the number of badges the Player has, rather than which badges the player has
#define SAVE_BLOCK_EXPANSION //Commenting this requires you to also manually remove Save Expansion Hooks found in hooks. It will also break several features. DO NOT COMMENT OUT!
#define SELECT_FROM_PC //Comment this out to remove select-from-pc hack
//#define SET_HEALING_PLACE_HACK //Uncomment this if you want custom map/bank whiteout respawn locations
//#define FOSSIL_IMAGE_HACK //Uncommenting includes JPANs fossil image hack (see EXISTING_FOSSIL_IMAGE_TABLE_ADDRESS)
#define EVO_HOLD_ITEM_REMOVAL //Comment this out if you want leveling up/hold item evolution (eg. sneasel) to remove the item (like normal)
#define EXPAND_MOVESETS //Comment this out if you're using the Dynamic Pokemon Expansion repo to expand the movesets
//#define FATHER_PASSES_TMS //Uncomment this out if you want TMs the father knows to be passed through breeding
//#define INHERIT_MASTER_CHERISH_BALL //Uncomment this if you want Master and Cherish balls to be inherited by daycare offspring
//#define GIVEPOKEMON_CUSTOM_HACK //Alows custom Pokemon to be given by setting the second last byte of the givepokemon scripting command
//#define GIVEPOKEMON_BALL_HACK //Allows Pokemon to be given with a custom ball by setting the last byte of the givepokemon scripting command
#define FRLG_ROAMING //When a roaming Pokemon is created, it will either be a Entei, Raikou, or Suicune, depending on the player's starter choice
#define CAN_RUN_IN_BUILDINGS //Comment this line out to prevent the player from running indoors.
//#define NO_POISON_IN_OW //Uncommenting this line will stop Pokemon from taking Poison damage in the overworld.
#define POISON_1_HP_SURVIVAL //Comment this line to allow Pokemon to faint from Poison in the overworld.
#define BW_REPEL_SYSTEM //Keep this uncommented if you want the game to ask the user to re-use another repel when it runs out
#define AUTO_NAMING_SCREEN_SWAP //Comment out if you don't want naming screens to auto-swap to lower-case after first upper-case letter
#define MULTIPLE_PREMIER_BALLS_AT_ONCE //Comment out if you don't want the player received a Premier ball for every 10 Poke Balls purchased (only 1 no matter how many over 10 balls the player buys)
#define NON_TRAINER_SPOTTING //Comment out if you don't want regular NPCs to be able to spot the player in the oveworld (vanilla only trainers can or the game will crash)
//#define BIKE_ON_ANY_NON_INSIDE_MAP //Uncomment if you still want to be able to bike on any non-inside map
//#define GEN_4_PLAYER_RUNNING_FIX //Uncomment to increase the lag between frames as the player OW runs, to simulate a more accurate Gen 4 running effect
#define EXPAND_MOVE_REMINDER_DESCRIPTION //Keep this defined to have 5 lines for the move description as opposed to 4 in the move reminder menu
//#define ITEM_PICTURE_ACQUIRE //If uncommented, item images will be shown when the player finds or obtains an item. Breaks FR Game Corner prize room
//#define ITEM_DESCRIPTION_ACQUIRE //If uncommented, item descriptions will be shown the first time an item is added to the Bag. ITEM_PICTURE_ACQUIRE must be defined to work
#define EXPANDED_TEXT_BUFFERS //Expands the number of scripting string buffers available. Comment out to keep original buffer text
#define FOOTSTEP_NOISES //Sounds will be played when any object moves through grass or across sand
#define CAN_ONLY_USE_OMNIDRECTIONAL_JUMP_ON_HEIGHT_2 //The omnidirectional jump tiles can only be used if the player is standing on a tile of height 2 (movement permission 0xC in AdvanceMap)
#define HOOPA_CHANGE_IN_PC //Hoopa-Unbound will revert to confined form when placed in or withdrawn from a box
#define SHAYMIN_CHANGE_IN_PC //Shaymin-Sky will revert to sky from when placed in or withdrawn from a box
#define HIGH_PITCH_MEGA_PRIMAL_CRY //Mega Pokemon cries will be higher pitched. This is useful if you're using the base form cries for Mega Evolutions
//#define SCROLLING_MULTICHOICE //Enables scrolling multichoice menus by using special 0x158.
//#define REPLACE_SOME_VANILLA_SPECIALS //Replaces the sp07C, sp07D, sp09E, sp156, sp18B, & the Coins scripting commands with modified versions. Breaks vanilla FR compatability.
#define REPLACE_ASH_WEATHER_WITH_WHITE_SANDSTORM //Replaces the falling ash weather effect with a white version of the sandstorm weather effect
//#define ONLY_CHECK_ITEM_FOR_HM_USAGE //Allows HMs to be used if the HM is the Bag, and as long as there is a Pokemon in the party that can learn the HM
//#define FADE_NPCS_IN_FOG //Blends the NPC palettes in foggy weather to create the illusion that they're under the fog. Breaks FR Pokemon Tower healing zone

/*===== Misc Battle Effect Options =====*/
//#define OLD_BURN_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line if you want burn damage to do 1/8 of max health instead of 1/16
//#define OLD_PARALYSIS_SPD_DROP //Uncomment this line if you want paralysis to lower Spd down to 1/4 instead of 1/2
//#define OLD_CONFUSION_CHANCE //Uncomment this line if you want the chance that confusion will stop your attack to 50% instead of 33%
//#define INFINITE_WEATHER //Uncomment this line if you want weather abilities to last for infinite turns
//#define INFINITE_TERRAIN //Uncomment this line if you want terrain abilities to last for infinite turns
//#define NO_SHEER_COLD_NERF //Uncomment this line to remove all Gen 7 Sheer Cold nerfs
//#define OLD_MOVE_SPLIT //Uncomment this line to use the Physical/Special split based on move types. Status moves are still set with the split byte.
//#define OLD_CONFUSION_HEAL_BERRIES //Uncomment this line for berries like Figy and Wiki Berry to restore only 1/8 max HP when HP is below 1/2
//#define GEN_7_CONFUSION_HEAL_BERRIES //Uncomment this line for berries like Figy and Wiki Berry to restore 1/2 max HP (Gen 8 is 1/3) when HP is below 1/4

/*===== Ability Options =====*/
//#define OLD_GALE_WINGS //Uncomment this line if you want Gale Wings to activate regardless of the user's HP
//#define OLD_PRANKSTER //Uncomment this line if you want Prankster to be able to affect Dark-Types

/*===== Damage Calculation Options =====*/
//#define OLD_CRIT_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line if you want Critical hits to do 2x damage, and 3x with Sniper
//#define CRIT_CHANCE_GEN_6 //Uncomment this line if you want the Gen 6 crit chance
//#define CRIT_CHANCE_GEN_2_TO_5 //Uncomment this line if you want the Gens 2-5 crit chance
//Uncommenting both of the above two lines will default in the Gen 6 crit chance
//#define BADGE_BOOSTS //Uncomment this line to allow Badges to give stat boosts
//#define OLD_ATE_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make 'ate' abilities give a 1.3 boost instead of 1.2
//#define OLD_GEM_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Gems give a 1.5 boost instead of 1.3
//#define OLD_TERRAIN_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Terrains give a 1.5 boost instead of 1.3
//#define OLD_EXPLOSION_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Exploding moves halve the target's defense
//#define OLD_HIDDEN_POWER_BP //Uncomment this line for Hidden Power to have its Base Power calculated from the Pokemon's IVs
//#define PORTAL_POWER //Uncomment this line to enable Hoopa-Unbound's special ability in Pokemon Unbound, Portal Power (reduces power of non-contact moves by 25%)
//#define OLD_SOUL_DEW_EFFECT //Uncomment this line if you want the Soul Dew to double Latios + Latias' Sp. Atk & Sp. Def
//#define OLD_PARENTAL_BOND_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line to make the second hit of Parental Bond do 50% of the original damage instead of 25%
#define GEN_6_POWER_NERFS //Comment out for moves that had powers nerfed in Gen 6 to retain their original base powers.
#define GEN_7_POWER_NERFS //Comment out for Sucker Punch to retain its original base power.
#define BUFFED_LEECH_LIFE //Comment out for Leech Life to retain its original base power.
#define DARK_VOID_ACC_NERF //Comment out for Dark Void to retain its original accuracy.

/*===== Capturing Pokemon Options =====*/
//#define NO_HARDER_WILD_DOUBLES //In Gen 5, Pokemon encountered in double wild battles were harder to catch (based on how many species are owned). Uncomment this line to remove the catch rate decrement.
#define CRITICAL_CAPTURE //Comment this line to remove the Critical Capture feature

/*===== Exp Gain Options =====*/
//#define OLD_EXP_SHARE //Uncomment this line to make the Exp. Share work like it did before Gen 6
//#define TRAINER_EXP_BOOST // Uncomment this line to give the Exp boost for battling a Trainer's Pokemon (Pre Gen 7)
//#define OLD_EXP_SPLIT //Uncomment this line to split the Exp amongst all participating pokemon (Pre Gen 6)
//#define FLAT_EXP_FORMULA //Uncomment this line to use a Flat Exp calculation formula (Gens 2 - 4, 6)
#define GEN_7_BASE_EXP_YIELD //Base Exp Yield is read from gBaseExpBySpecies to use larger values that match Gen 7
#define CAPTURE_EXPERIENCE //Experience is awared upon capturing Pokemon.
#define EXP_AFFECTION_BOOST //Pokemon with friendship >= 220 gain boosted experience

/*===== Other Battle Options =====*/
//#define NO_GHOST_BATTLES //Uncomment this line to disable the Ghost battle feature from Pokemon Tower in Lavender town
//#define GEN4_PLUS_SELECTION_SCREEN //Uncommenting this line does not give you the Gen 4+ selection screen, it only adds features that supports it
//#define OBEDIENCE_CHECK_FOR_PLAYER_ORIGINAL_POKEMON //Uncommenting line line will open up the possibility that the Player's Pokemon can disobey them (not just traded mons)
//#define WILD_ALWAYS_SMART //Uncomment this line if you want all Wild Pokemon to act smartly
//#define HAIL_IN_BATTLE //Uncommenting this line enables the Hail weather effect in battle when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_STEADY_SNOW (0x7)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect in battle. Don't uncomment this line without uncommenting one of the lines below!
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_1 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_1 (0x6)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_2 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_2 (0x9)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_3 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_3 (0xA)
#define HIDE_HEALTHBOXES_DURING_ANIMS //Commenting this line prevents the health boxes from being hidden during move animations and some special animations.
//#define DONT_HIDE_HEALTHBOXES_ATTACKER_STATUS_MOVES //Uncommenting this line doesn't hide the healthboxes when the attacker is using a status move that targets itself (Gen 4).
//#define ENCOUNTER_MUSIC_BY_CLASS //Plays music when a trainer spots the player based on the trainer class rather than the value set in the trainer data.
#define OKAY_WITH_AI_SUICIDE //The AI is allowed to use self-destructing moves
//#define HEALTHBAR_TYPE_ICONS //Pokemon types will always be shown next to the healthbar

/* DexNav Options */
//See "include/new/dexnav_config.h"

//#define INSTANT_TEXT // Enable Instant Text. Some Hack Authors might want this disabled because of the effects instant text has on pacing

Tambien les dejo los offsets libres de la Rom.

· De 71C440 a 7FFFF0

· De 800070 a 8FFFF0

· De A21E40 a CFFFF0

· De EB0B20 a 13BFFF0

· De 13E7DD0 a 17FFFF0

· De 1FE1B20 a 1FFFFF0

Andaba traduciendo los ataques y habilidades pero sinceramente me dio flojera XD
Si de repente me pica el b*cho termino lo que empeze y la subo, pero lo dudo.
Eso es todo espero les sirva estas cosillas que deje, aunque lo dudo :v

Feliz año ^^!


Fuck off!
Buenas, me voy a colar por aquí para dejarles este config.h, tal vez a algunos les sirva.

/*===== Debugging Options =====*/
//#define DEBUG_MEGA //Mega Evolution can always be used
//#define DEBUG_HMS //HMs can always be used from the party screen, Surf, Waterfall, and Rock Climb can always be used
//#define DEBUG_OBEDIENCE //Traded Pokemon never have obedience issues
//#define DEBUG_DYNAMAX //Dynamax can be used in Dynamax battles without a Dynamax Band

/*===== General Vars =====*/
#define VAR_TERRAIN 0x5000 //Set to a terrain type for a battle to begin with the given terrain
#define VAR_TOTEM 0x5001 //to var + 3 (0x5004)
#define VAR_BACKSPRITE_SWITCH 0x5006 //This var can be set to a number to change the Player's backsprite
//#define VAR_BATTLE_BG 0x5007 //Set this var to a custom background id
#define VAR_SWARM_INDEX 0x5008 //Set by the engine
#define VAR_SWARM_DAILY_EVENT 0x5009 //Set by the engine. Used to tell the game if a swarm has already been generated for the day. (Uses + 1 var also)
#define VAR_DEFAULT_WALKING_SCRIPT 0x500B //Walking scripts from JPAN's engine. His engine used 0x407E.
#define VAR_DEXNAV 0x500C //Set by the engine indicating which Pokemon has been registered to find in the OW
#define VAR_STATUS_INDUCER 0x500D //Causes wild Pokemon to be spawned with the given status condition. Status + 0x100 clears var after battle.

#define VAR_SECOND_OPPONENT 0x5010 //Set this to the var used to store the Trainer Id of the second opponent in Multi Battles (can be any free var)
#define VAR_PARTNER 0x5011 //Set this to the var used to store the Trainer Id of your partner in Multi Battles (can be any free var)
#define VAR_PARTNER_BACKSPRITE 0x5012 //Set this to the var used to store the backsprite number of your partner in Multi Battles (can be any free var)

/*===== General Flags =====*/
#define FLAG_INVERSE 0x900 //Set this flag for all battles to become Inverse Battles
#define FLAG_SKY_BATTLE 0x901 //Set this flag to indicate the Sky Battle rules should be followed in the next battle.
#define FLAG_NO_CATCHING 0x902 //The player cannot catch Pokemon in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_NO_RUNNING 0x903 //The player cannot run in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_NO_CATCHING_AND_RUNNING 0x904 //The player cannot run or catch Pokemon in battles when this flag is set
#define FLAG_CATCH_TRAINERS_POKEMON 0x905 //Setting this flag will allow you to capture trainers' pokemon. Comment this line to remove this feature
#define FLAG_EXP_SHARE 0x906 //Used to indicate if the Gen 6+ Exp Share is enabled
#define FLAG_DOUBLE_BATTLE 0x907 //Setting this flag will automatically trigger a double battle if possible
#define FLAG_TAG_BATTLE 0x908 //This flag is set by the engine when trainerbattle 0x10 is used to activate a tag battle
#define FLAG_TWO_OPPONENTS 0x909 //This flag is set by the engine when trainerbattle 0x11 is used to activate a dual opponent battle
#define FLAG_ACTIVATE_TUTORIAL 0x90A //Setting this flag will allow you to activate Oak's tutorial in any kind of battle (including doubles). Comment this line to remove this feature
#define FLAG_WILD_CUSTOM_MOVES 0x90B //Setting this flag lets you assign wild Pokemon custom moves
#define FLAG_SMART_WILD 0x90C //Set this flag is you don't want wild Pokemon to act randomly (useful for one time smarter wild battles). This is cleared at the end of the battle.
#define FLAG_SCALE_WILD_POKEMON_LEVELS 0x90D //If this flag is set, all random wild Pokemon (other than scripted ones) will have their level scaled to the lowest level in the player's party
#define FLAG_SCALE_TRAINER_LEVELS 0x90E //If this flag is set, all Trainer Pokemon levels will be set to the highest in your party
#define FLAG_HIDDEN_ABILITY 0x90F //If this flag is set, generated wild Pokemon will have their hidden abilities
#define FLAG_GIGANTAMAXABLE 0x928 //If this flag is set, generated wild and gift Pokemon will have their Gigantamax bit set
#define FLAG_DOUBLE_WILD_BATTLE 0x910 //If this flag is set, a wild battles will be against two Pokemon
#define FLAG_NO_RANDOM_WILD_ENCOUNTERS 0x911 //If this is set, wild Pokemon won't appear when walking/surfing in grass, caves, water, etc.
#define FLAG_REMOVE_EVO_ITEM 0x912 //Flag to toggle item removal after leveling up (set by the engine)
#define FLAG_SHINY_CREATION 0x913 //Flag to cause next battle to be against a shiny Pokemon
#define FLAG_AUTO_RUN 0x914 //Flag to enable auto-run (toggled by L-button). If this feature is used, L=A will not work. Comment out this line for it to work again.
#define FLAG_RUNNING_ENABLED 0x82F //The player can only run if this flag is set. If commented, the player will start the game with running shoes.
#define FLAG_BIKE_TURBO_BOOST 0x91F //The bike moves extra fast if this flag is set or if the player holds B.
#define FLAG_DISABLE_BAG 0x915 //The bag can't be used in-battle if this flag is set
#define FLAG_MOVE_RELEARNER_IGNORE_LEVEL 0x916 //When set, the move relearner shows all level-up moves up to MAX_LEVEL
#define FLAG_EGG_MOVE_RELEARNER 0x917 //When set, the move learner loads egg moves instead
#define FLAG_DYNAMAX_BATTLE 0x918 //When set, Pokemon can Dynamax in battle
#define FLAG_RAID_BATTLE 0x919 //When set, wild Pokemon will appear Dynamaxed and be fought Raid Battle style.
#define FLAG_RAID_BATTLE_NO_FORCE_END 0x91A //When set, if FLAG_RAID_BATTLE is set, then raid battles won't be force ended.
#define FLAG_FAST_BATTLE_MESSAGES 0x925 //When set, battle messages have no wait time once they've completed printing
#define FLAG_FOLLOWER_IGNORE_ACTIVE_SCRIPT 0x926 //If set, the follower will reappear and move even when a script is in progress
#define FLAG_KEEP_CONSUMABLE_ITEMS 0x927 //If set, consumable items are returned after battles
#define FLAG_DAILY_EVENTS_START 0xE00 //To flag + 0xFF, resets every new day.

/*===== Start Menu/Poketools Flags =====*/
#define FLAG_SYS_BAG_HIDE 0x91B //Toggle bag off
#define FLAG_SYS_PLAYER_HIDE 0x91C //Toggle [player] off
#define FLAG_SYS_SAVE_HIDE 0x91D //Toggle save off
#define FLAG_SYS_DEXNAV 0x91E //Flag to turn dexnav on/off in start menu (if undefined, this will eliminate dexnav from the start menu)

/*===== Pedometer Flags as in JPAN Engine =====*/
#define FLAG_LONG_PEDOMETER 0x920 //32 bit / 4 bytes / Max 4 294 967 295 steps
#define FLAG_MED_PEDOMETER 0x921 //16 bit / 2 bytes / Max 65 535 steps
#define FLAG_SMALL_PEDOMETER_1 0x922 //8 bit / 1 byte / Max 255 steps
#define FLAG_SMALL_PEDOMETER_2 0x923 //8 bit / 1 byte / Max 255 steps

/*===== Battle Tower Options =====*/
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TIER 0x5018 //Var
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TRAINER1_NAME 0x5019 //Empty var. Will be set to 0xFFFF after every battle.
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_TRAINER2_NAME 0x501A //Empty var. Will be set to 0xFFFF after every battle.
#define VAR_BATTLE_FACILITY_SONG_OVERRIDE 0x501B //Set this var to the song id to be played during Link Battles and in the Battle Tower.

enum //These vars need to be one after the other (hence the enum)
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID = 0x501C, //An index in the gTowerTrainers table, not Trainer ID
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID_2, //0x501D //Index of the second trainer for Multi Battlers in the gTowerTrainers table, the var should be 1 after the first one
VAR_FACILITY_TRAINER_ID_PARTNER, //0x501E //If your partner is randomized, its Id would be found in this var

/*===== Character Customization Vars =====*/
#define VAR_PLAYER_WALKRUN 0x501F //Change walking, running player sprite. 0x4054 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_BIKING 0x5020 //Change biking player sprite. 0x4055 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_SURFING 0x5021 //Change player surfing sprite. 0x4056 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_HM_USE 0x5022 //Change field move usage sprite. 0x4057 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_FISHING 0x5023 //Change fishing sprite. 0x4058 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_VS_SEEKER 0x503D //Change vs seeker usage sprite. NOT in JPAN's engine
#define VAR_PLAYER_VS_SEEKER_ON_BIKE 0x5024 //Change vs seeker on bike sprite. 0x4059 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_PLAYER_UNDERWATER 0x5025 //Change underwater sprite.
#define VAR_TRAINERCARD_MALE 0x5026 //Change trainer card image (male). 0x4060 in JPAN engine.
#define VAR_TRAINERCARD_FEMALE 0x5027 //Change trainer card image (female). 0x4061 in JPAN engine.

#define VAR_RUNTIME_CHANGEABLE 0x5028 //'Secret Base' variables, save 15 consecutive variables for this. 0x4080 in JPAN engine.

/*===== Healing Place as in JPAN's Engine =====*/
#define VAR_HEALINGMAP 0x5037 //0x405A in JPAN's Engine
#define VAR_HEALING_XPOS 0x5038 //0x405B in JPAN's Engine
#define VAR_HEALING_YPOS 0x5039 //0x405C in JPAN's Engine

/*===== TM/HM/Tutor Options (Vastly improved from other versions!) =====*/
//#define EXPANDED_TMSHMS //Comment this out if you want to keep 50 tms/8 hms
//#define EXPANDED_MOVE_TUTORS //Comment this out if you want to keep 16 move tutors and the ultimate elemental moves being exclusive to Kantonian starters
#define NUM_TMS 50 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_TMSHMS is not!!
#define NUM_HMS 8 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_TMSHMS is not!!
#define NUM_MOVE_TUTORS 16 //keep this defined even if EXPANDED_MOVE_TUTORS is not!! If using DPE, set to 128.
#define LAST_TOTAL_TUTOR_NUM 24 //Should be equal to (NUM_MOVE_TUTORS - 1) + 9. Must be set to an actual integer or the compilation will not work.
//#define TMS_BEFORE_HMS //Uncomment this if you want the HMs to appear after the TMs in your bag
//#define DELETABLE_HMS //Uncomment this if you want HMs to be deletable without the Move Deleter
//#define REUSABLE_TMS //if defined, don't forget to give all TMs a Mystery byte of 1!

/*===== Time of Day Options =====*/
#define TIME_MORNING_START 4 //4:00 AM / 4:00
#define TIME_DAY_START 8 //8:00 AM / 8:00
#define TIME_EVENING_START 17 //5:00 PM / 17:00
#define TIME_NIGHT_START 20 //8:00 PM / 20:00

/*===== General Number Options =====*/
#define KANTO_DEX_COUNT 151

#define MAX_LEVEL 100 //Also change this in the file "asm_defines.asm" found in the root
#define NUM_TRAINER_CLASSES 107 //Vanilla FR has 107
#define EVOS_PER_MON 5 //The number of maximum evolutions per Pokemon. Vanilla FR has 5. DPE has 16!!!
#define EV_CAP 252 //Also change this in the file "asm_defines.s" found in the root
#define POWER_ITEM_EV_YIELD 8 //Set to 4 for older mechanic

#define DUSK_BALL_MULTIPLIER 30 //Change this line to 35 to make the catch rate for the Dusk Ball 3.5x like before Gen 7
#define STANDARD_IV 10 //Change this to be the number of IVs Pokemon owned by random trainers should have (all stats will have this number)
#define SWARM_CHANCE 50 //Change this to the percentage that swarming Pokemon will appear if they can be found on the current route.
#define WILD_DOUBLE_RANDOM_CHANCE 50 //Change this to the percentage that a wild double battle will be initiated if the player is in special grass.
#define CREATE_WITH_X_PERFECT_IVS 3 //Change this to the number of set 31 IVs you'd like Pokemon defined in gSetPerfectXIvList to have.
#define CREATE_ROAMER_WITH_X_PERFECT_IVS 3 //Change this to the number of set 31 IVs you'd like roaming pokemon to have.
#define EGG_HATCH_LEVEL 1 //The level eggs hatch at
#define AI_TRY_TO_KILL_RATE 50 //In battles against a trainer with AI flags of 1, the AI will try to use a move to knock out the opponents XX percent of the time

/*===== Metatile Behaviours =====*/
#define MB_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_JUMP 0x7F //The tile behaviour byte that can be jumped over in all directions
#define MB_LOCKED_DOOR 0xA4 //The tile behaviour byte for doors that are locked and cannot be opened
#define MB_ROCK_CLIMB_WALL 0xA5 //The tile behaviour byte that can be climbed up using Rock Climb
#define MB_LAVA 0xA6 //The tile beahviour byte that can be lava surfed on. Comment out to remove Lava Surf

#define MAP_PLAYER_HOME ((4 << 8) | 0) //The map bank and map number of the player's home

/*===== Expanded Coins Options =====*/
#define MAX_COINS_DIGITS 9 //Max number of digits for game corner coins (eg. 4 = 9999, 9 = 999,999,999). maximum of 9

/*===== Badge Obedience Options =====*/

/*===== OW Palette Options =====*/
#define TREE_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1105 //The NPC palette id of the tree disguise movement permission.
#define ROCK_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1104 //The NPC palette id of the mountain disguise movement permission.
#define WEIRD_DISGUISE_PAL_ID 0x1103 //The NPC palette id of the weird disguise movement permission.

/*===== Pre-Battle Mugshot Options ====*/
#define FR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_STYLE //The FR Elite Four and Champion use their GF defined mugshots
#define VAR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_STYLE 0x503A //Used for changing between big, two bars, etc.
#define VAR_PRE_BATTLE_MUGSHOT_SPRITE 0x503B //Used for determining if the Vs. sprite should show
#define VAR_MUGSHOT_PLAYER_PAL 0x503C //Used to change the player's tilemap palette in the Two Bar mugshot style
#define FLAG_LOAD_MUGSHOT_SPRITE_FROM_TABLE 0x924 //Load custom mugshot for pre-battle transition

/*=====Safari Zone Options=====*/
#define EXPAND_SAFARI_BALLS //Hold up to 0xFFFF safari balls
#define SAFARI_ZONE_MAX_STEPS 600 //Number of safari zone steps the player has
#define SAFARI_ZONE_BALL_START 30 //Number of safari balls the player starts with
#define MAX_SAFARI_BALLS 30 //Total safari balls player can get (maximum is 0xFFFF or 0xFF if EXPAND_SAFARI_BALLS is defined or not)

/*=====Randomizer Options=====*/
//#define FLAG_POKEMON_RANDOMIZER 0x940 //Setting randomizes Pokemon species that are created.
//#define FLAG_POKEMON_LEARNSET_RANDOMIZER 0x941 //Setting randomizes Pokemon learnsets.
//#define FLAG_ABILITY_RANDOMIZER 0x942 //Setting randomizes Pokemon abilities.
#define NUM_SPECIES_RANDOMIZER NUM_SPECIES_GEN_7 //The final number of Pokemon (+ 1) of species that can appear in the randomizer. Change to NUM_SPECIES for Gen 8

/*===== Pre-existing Offsets =====*/
//#define EXISTING_FOSSIL_IMAGE_TABLE_ADDRESS 0x81a4600 //Uncomment this if you've already inserted a fossil image table
//#define EXISTING_OW_TABLE_ADDRESS 0x81a2000 //Uncomment if you don't want new overworld NPC tables to be generated. DON'T TOUCH IF YOU DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS FOR!

/*===== Other General Options =====*/
#define TIME_ENABLED //Comment this line to disable time based features. All time dependent features will default in Daytime.
#define DNS_IN_BATTLE //Comment this line to disable the Day/Night system from working in battle
#define OVERWRITE_RIVAL //Comment this line to disable to loading of your rival's name into trainer classes 0x51, 0x59, and 0x5A
#define TRAINER_CLASS_POKE_BALLS //Comment this line to disable creating Trainer's pokemon with Poke Balls specific to their trainer class
//#define TRAINERS_WITH_EVS //Uncomment this line to enable the Trainers with EVs hack, (only avaible with custom moveset and held item)
//#define CONTINUE_LOST_BATTLES //Uncommenting this line will allow using trainerbattle 0x9 to continue lost battles if var 0x8000 is set to 0xFEFE
#define DISPLAY_REAL_MOVE_TYPE_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move type will be displayed (such as Hidden Power, Weather Ball in Weather, etc.)
#define DISPLAY_REAL_ACCURACY_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move accuracy will be displayed (Eg. The move Psychic on a Pokemon with Compound Eyes will have its accuracy appear as 130)
#define DISPLAY_REAL_POWER_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, the "true" move power will be displayed (Eg. Moves like Fury Cutter will show their correct power)
#define DISPLAY_EFFECTIVENESS_ON_MENU //If this line remains uncommented, move types will have their effectiveness indicated on the move menu by highlighting the move type
#define OVERWRITE_BG_FOR_LEADER_CHAMPION //If this remains uncommented, special Battle Background palettes will be loaded in for battles against Gym Leaders and the Champion
#define BRIDGE_FIX //If this remains uncommented, the water battle background will only be loaded if the player's surfing sprite is shown
#define MEGA_EVOLUTION_FEATURE //Comment this line to remove Mega Evolutions
#define DYNAMAX_FEATURE //Comment this line to remove Dynamax and Raid Battles
#define TUTORIAL_BATTLES //Comment this line to remove Oak's Tutorial
#define TANOBY_RUINS_ENABLED //The Tanoby Ruins will be the only location Unown can be encountered
#define ALTERING_CAVE_ENABLED //The Altering Cave from FR will work as intended provided the proper var is set
#define SWEET_SCENT_ONLY_IN_CLEAR_WEATHER //Sweet Scent won't attract any wild Pokemon if the weather is not clear
#define SWEET_SCENT_WILD_DOUBLE_BATTLES //Sweet Scent can be used (with respect to WILD_DOUBLE_RANDOM_CHANCE) to encounter two wild Pokemon at once
#define OBEDIENCE_BY_BADGE_AMOUNT //Determines obedience based on the number of badges the Player has, rather than which badges the player has
#define SAVE_BLOCK_EXPANSION //Commenting this requires you to also manually remove Save Expansion Hooks found in hooks. It will also break several features. DO NOT COMMENT OUT!
#define SELECT_FROM_PC //Comment this out to remove select-from-pc hack
//#define SET_HEALING_PLACE_HACK //Uncomment this if you want custom map/bank whiteout respawn locations
//#define FOSSIL_IMAGE_HACK //Uncommenting includes JPANs fossil image hack (see EXISTING_FOSSIL_IMAGE_TABLE_ADDRESS)
#define EVO_HOLD_ITEM_REMOVAL //Comment this out if you want leveling up/hold item evolution (eg. sneasel) to remove the item (like normal)
#define EXPAND_MOVESETS //Comment this out if you're using the Dynamic Pokemon Expansion repo to expand the movesets
//#define FATHER_PASSES_TMS //Uncomment this out if you want TMs the father knows to be passed through breeding
//#define INHERIT_MASTER_CHERISH_BALL //Uncomment this if you want Master and Cherish balls to be inherited by daycare offspring
//#define GIVEPOKEMON_CUSTOM_HACK //Alows custom Pokemon to be given by setting the second last byte of the givepokemon scripting command
//#define GIVEPOKEMON_BALL_HACK //Allows Pokemon to be given with a custom ball by setting the last byte of the givepokemon scripting command
#define FRLG_ROAMING //When a roaming Pokemon is created, it will either be a Entei, Raikou, or Suicune, depending on the player's starter choice
#define CAN_RUN_IN_BUILDINGS //Comment this line out to prevent the player from running indoors.
//#define NO_POISON_IN_OW //Uncommenting this line will stop Pokemon from taking Poison damage in the overworld.
#define POISON_1_HP_SURVIVAL //Comment this line to allow Pokemon to faint from Poison in the overworld.
#define BW_REPEL_SYSTEM //Keep this uncommented if you want the game to ask the user to re-use another repel when it runs out
#define AUTO_NAMING_SCREEN_SWAP //Comment out if you don't want naming screens to auto-swap to lower-case after first upper-case letter
#define MULTIPLE_PREMIER_BALLS_AT_ONCE //Comment out if you don't want the player received a Premier ball for every 10 Poke Balls purchased (only 1 no matter how many over 10 balls the player buys)
#define NON_TRAINER_SPOTTING //Comment out if you don't want regular NPCs to be able to spot the player in the oveworld (vanilla only trainers can or the game will crash)
//#define BIKE_ON_ANY_NON_INSIDE_MAP //Uncomment if you still want to be able to bike on any non-inside map
//#define GEN_4_PLAYER_RUNNING_FIX //Uncomment to increase the lag between frames as the player OW runs, to simulate a more accurate Gen 4 running effect
#define EXPAND_MOVE_REMINDER_DESCRIPTION //Keep this defined to have 5 lines for the move description as opposed to 4 in the move reminder menu
//#define ITEM_PICTURE_ACQUIRE //If uncommented, item images will be shown when the player finds or obtains an item. Breaks FR Game Corner prize room
//#define ITEM_DESCRIPTION_ACQUIRE //If uncommented, item descriptions will be shown the first time an item is added to the Bag. ITEM_PICTURE_ACQUIRE must be defined to work
#define EXPANDED_TEXT_BUFFERS //Expands the number of scripting string buffers available. Comment out to keep original buffer text
#define FOOTSTEP_NOISES //Sounds will be played when any object moves through grass or across sand
#define CAN_ONLY_USE_OMNIDRECTIONAL_JUMP_ON_HEIGHT_2 //The omnidirectional jump tiles can only be used if the player is standing on a tile of height 2 (movement permission 0xC in AdvanceMap)
#define HOOPA_CHANGE_IN_PC //Hoopa-Unbound will revert to confined form when placed in or withdrawn from a box
#define SHAYMIN_CHANGE_IN_PC //Shaymin-Sky will revert to sky from when placed in or withdrawn from a box
#define HIGH_PITCH_MEGA_PRIMAL_CRY //Mega Pokemon cries will be higher pitched. This is useful if you're using the base form cries for Mega Evolutions
//#define SCROLLING_MULTICHOICE //Enables scrolling multichoice menus by using special 0x158.
//#define REPLACE_SOME_VANILLA_SPECIALS //Replaces the sp07C, sp07D, sp09E, sp156, sp18B, & the Coins scripting commands with modified versions. Breaks vanilla FR compatability.
#define REPLACE_ASH_WEATHER_WITH_WHITE_SANDSTORM //Replaces the falling ash weather effect with a white version of the sandstorm weather effect
//#define ONLY_CHECK_ITEM_FOR_HM_USAGE //Allows HMs to be used if the HM is the Bag, and as long as there is a Pokemon in the party that can learn the HM
//#define FADE_NPCS_IN_FOG //Blends the NPC palettes in foggy weather to create the illusion that they're under the fog. Breaks FR Pokemon Tower healing zone

/*===== Misc Battle Effect Options =====*/
//#define OLD_BURN_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line if you want burn damage to do 1/8 of max health instead of 1/16
//#define OLD_PARALYSIS_SPD_DROP //Uncomment this line if you want paralysis to lower Spd down to 1/4 instead of 1/2
//#define OLD_CONFUSION_CHANCE //Uncomment this line if you want the chance that confusion will stop your attack to 50% instead of 33%
//#define INFINITE_WEATHER //Uncomment this line if you want weather abilities to last for infinite turns
//#define INFINITE_TERRAIN //Uncomment this line if you want terrain abilities to last for infinite turns
//#define NO_SHEER_COLD_NERF //Uncomment this line to remove all Gen 7 Sheer Cold nerfs
//#define OLD_MOVE_SPLIT //Uncomment this line to use the Physical/Special split based on move types. Status moves are still set with the split byte.
//#define OLD_CONFUSION_HEAL_BERRIES //Uncomment this line for berries like Figy and Wiki Berry to restore only 1/8 max HP when HP is below 1/2
//#define GEN_7_CONFUSION_HEAL_BERRIES //Uncomment this line for berries like Figy and Wiki Berry to restore 1/2 max HP (Gen 8 is 1/3) when HP is below 1/4

/*===== Ability Options =====*/
//#define OLD_GALE_WINGS //Uncomment this line if you want Gale Wings to activate regardless of the user's HP
//#define OLD_PRANKSTER //Uncomment this line if you want Prankster to be able to affect Dark-Types

/*===== Damage Calculation Options =====*/
//#define OLD_CRIT_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line if you want Critical hits to do 2x damage, and 3x with Sniper
//#define CRIT_CHANCE_GEN_6 //Uncomment this line if you want the Gen 6 crit chance
//#define CRIT_CHANCE_GEN_2_TO_5 //Uncomment this line if you want the Gens 2-5 crit chance
//Uncommenting both of the above two lines will default in the Gen 6 crit chance
//#define BADGE_BOOSTS //Uncomment this line to allow Badges to give stat boosts
//#define OLD_ATE_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make 'ate' abilities give a 1.3 boost instead of 1.2
//#define OLD_GEM_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Gems give a 1.5 boost instead of 1.3
//#define OLD_TERRAIN_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Terrains give a 1.5 boost instead of 1.3
//#define OLD_EXPLOSION_BOOST //Uncomment this line to make Exploding moves halve the target's defense
//#define OLD_HIDDEN_POWER_BP //Uncomment this line for Hidden Power to have its Base Power calculated from the Pokemon's IVs
//#define PORTAL_POWER //Uncomment this line to enable Hoopa-Unbound's special ability in Pokemon Unbound, Portal Power (reduces power of non-contact moves by 25%)
//#define OLD_SOUL_DEW_EFFECT //Uncomment this line if you want the Soul Dew to double Latios + Latias' Sp. Atk & Sp. Def
//#define OLD_PARENTAL_BOND_DAMAGE //Uncomment this line to make the second hit of Parental Bond do 50% of the original damage instead of 25%
#define GEN_6_POWER_NERFS //Comment out for moves that had powers nerfed in Gen 6 to retain their original base powers.
#define GEN_7_POWER_NERFS //Comment out for Sucker Punch to retain its original base power.
#define BUFFED_LEECH_LIFE //Comment out for Leech Life to retain its original base power.
#define DARK_VOID_ACC_NERF //Comment out for Dark Void to retain its original accuracy.

/*===== Capturing Pokemon Options =====*/
//#define NO_HARDER_WILD_DOUBLES //In Gen 5, Pokemon encountered in double wild battles were harder to catch (based on how many species are owned). Uncomment this line to remove the catch rate decrement.
#define CRITICAL_CAPTURE //Comment this line to remove the Critical Capture feature

/*===== Exp Gain Options =====*/
//#define OLD_EXP_SHARE //Uncomment this line to make the Exp. Share work like it did before Gen 6
//#define TRAINER_EXP_BOOST // Uncomment this line to give the Exp boost for battling a Trainer's Pokemon (Pre Gen 7)
//#define OLD_EXP_SPLIT //Uncomment this line to split the Exp amongst all participating pokemon (Pre Gen 6)
//#define FLAT_EXP_FORMULA //Uncomment this line to use a Flat Exp calculation formula (Gens 2 - 4, 6)
#define GEN_7_BASE_EXP_YIELD //Base Exp Yield is read from gBaseExpBySpecies to use larger values that match Gen 7
#define CAPTURE_EXPERIENCE //Experience is awared upon capturing Pokemon.
#define EXP_AFFECTION_BOOST //Pokemon with friendship >= 220 gain boosted experience

/*===== Other Battle Options =====*/
//#define NO_GHOST_BATTLES //Uncomment this line to disable the Ghost battle feature from Pokemon Tower in Lavender town
//#define GEN4_PLUS_SELECTION_SCREEN //Uncommenting this line does not give you the Gen 4+ selection screen, it only adds features that supports it
//#define OBEDIENCE_CHECK_FOR_PLAYER_ORIGINAL_POKEMON //Uncommenting line line will open up the possibility that the Player's Pokemon can disobey them (not just traded mons)
//#define WILD_ALWAYS_SMART //Uncomment this line if you want all Wild Pokemon to act smartly
//#define HAIL_IN_BATTLE //Uncommenting this line enables the Hail weather effect in battle when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_STEADY_SNOW (0x7)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect in battle. Don't uncomment this line without uncommenting one of the lines below!
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_1 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_1 (0x6)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_2 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_2 (0x9)
//#define FOG_IN_BATTLE_3 //Uncommenting this line enables the Fog weather effect when the OW weather is set to WEATHER_FOG_3 (0xA)
#define HIDE_HEALTHBOXES_DURING_ANIMS //Commenting this line prevents the health boxes from being hidden during move animations and some special animations.
//#define DONT_HIDE_HEALTHBOXES_ATTACKER_STATUS_MOVES //Uncommenting this line doesn't hide the healthboxes when the attacker is using a status move that targets itself (Gen 4).
//#define ENCOUNTER_MUSIC_BY_CLASS //Plays music when a trainer spots the player based on the trainer class rather than the value set in the trainer data.
#define OKAY_WITH_AI_SUICIDE //The AI is allowed to use self-destructing moves
//#define HEALTHBAR_TYPE_ICONS //Pokemon types will always be shown next to the healthbar

/* DexNav Options */
//See "include/new/dexnav_config.h"

//#define INSTANT_TEXT // Enable Instant Text. Some Hack Authors might want this disabled because of the effects instant text has on pacing

Tambien les dejo los offsets libres de la Rom.

· De 71C440 a 7FFFF0

· De 800070 a 8FFFF0

· De A21E40 a CFFFF0

· De EB0B20 a 13BFFF0

· De 13E7DD0 a 17FFFF0

· De 1FE1B20 a 1FFFFF0

Andaba traduciendo los ataques y habilidades pero sinceramente me dio flojera XD
Si de repente me pica el b*cho termino lo que empeze y la subo, pero lo dudo.
Eso es todo espero les sirva estas cosillas que deje, aunque lo dudo :v

Feliz año ^^!
la config en una rom configurada no sirve de nada... XD


Miembro del equipo
pero esta base concretamente no tiene porque tener todo activo... más lo que activo el que la posteo
Pues tienes razón, pero el config que pase puede ayudar a probar, ¿No crees?
Sirve para lo básico por lo menos, ya que te dice las flags que se usan, etc...
Si no te sirve a ti F, pero a lo mejor a otros les viene bien, de eso estoy seguro.


Fuck off!
Pues tienes razón, pero el config que pase puede ayudar a probar, ¿No crees?
Sirve para lo básico por lo menos, ya que te dice las flags que se usan, etc...
Si no te sirve a ti F, pero a lo mejor a otros les viene bien, de eso estoy seguro.
Yo se compilar mi propio dpe y cfru XD y respecto a las flags las mayoria las conoce... acaban en esta base porque no pueden compilar


Miembro del equipo
Yo se compilar mi propio dpe y cfru XD y respecto a las flags las mayoria las conoce... acaban en esta base porque no pueden compilar
Yo se que tienes tu propio DPE y CFRU, ta' bien.
Pero no veo nada de malo subir el config.h, como dije anteriormente; De que le sirve a alguien le sirve.


Usuario de Platino
(ACTU. 3/3/21)
He visto que varios han tenido algunos fallos con las herramientas, pues aqui les traigo la solucion.

Error PGE
Skeli ha dicho que CFRU no funciona muy bien con esta herramienta, asi que mejor les recomiendo usar G3T.
Error Al Compilar Scripts
La INI del A-Map expandida da error al usar los scripts al parecer, simplemente cuando compilen scripts usen un A-Map sin modificar y funcionara bien. Tambien se recomienda descargar la ultima version de XSE.
Error con OWM (Minis Transparentes y No poder expandir la tabla)
Esto se soluciona muy facil, descargando la ultima version de OWM que la pueden encontrar en el repositorio de Github.
Error G3T Pokémon
He editado la INI y ahora se muestran TODOS los items, pokémon, y movimientos, las evoluciones tambien ahora aparecen, pero las habildades apareceran mal,no he podido solucionar ese error, pero si quieren editar la habilidad, haganlo con Hex Maniac Advance, en esa herramienta aparece bien. Aqui tienen la nueva ini: BPRE.ini (G3T Actualizada para CFRU) USAR ESTA SI O SI Y eemplazar la que ya tienen
Como cambiar los sprites de los Pokémon
Ya que varias herrameintas dan error, la unica que he encontrado hasta ahora es Hex Maniac Advance,el archivo .toml fue modificado y salen todos los pokémon y se pueden cambiar los sprites, fue proporcionado por Stardust Hurricane, agradecimientos a el.

Toml. Hex Maniac Advance CFRU
En cuanto a bugs de la ROM, no he encontrado ninguno. :3

Una pregunta, esta base tiene todas las modificaciones del cfru activas? Creo que faltó especificar cuáles opciones activaste en esta base, y cuáles no. Estoy esperando esta respuesta


Let the voice of love take you higher
Hola gente, estoy usando esta base para mi hack, pero no puedo insertar la portada porque en unLZ las fotos estás emnumeradas de forma diferente al juego original y no puedo insertar la raw.


Miembro del equipo
Hola gente, estoy usando esta base para mi hack, pero no puedo insertar la portada porque en unLZ las fotos estás emnumeradas de forma diferente al juego original y no puedo insertar la raw.
Los números se movieron, están por los 1000 ahorita no me acuerdo, cuando encuentres la imagen del logo, te vas una imagen adelante e insertas la raw.


He/Him | ♣️Aprendiz de Leyenda♠️
Hola gente, estoy usando esta base para mi hack, pero no puedo insertar la portada porque en unLZ las fotos estás emnumeradas de forma diferente al juego original y no puedo insertar la raw.
Amigo, es súper fácil con HexManiacAdvance
En la versión que uso puedo encontrar fácilmente la Portada y ando trabajando en esa RomBase


Miembro del equipo
Amigo, es súper fácil con HexManiacAdvance
En la versión que uso puedo encontrar fácilmente la Portada y ando trabajando en esa RomBase
Sep, pero hay un problema y es que tienes que saber en dónde están enumerada la portada, recuerda que tienes que insertar la Raw con unlz-gba y etc...

Aunque puedes hacer algo, insertas la portada en una Rom normal, te creas un parche, anotas los datos y listo, es más cómodo. Eso hice yo no hace mucho xd