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  • Hi Andrea, I have a doubt with some ASM stuff and I came up you could help me a bit e.e

    I want to make the TM reusable like in B/W/B2/W2, so I searched for it. I found THIS, but I'm not sure how to make it work. It's for FR

    Also in the Pokeco post where i started to search someone said that the offsets that the guy from the link uses are for FR v1.1, so the true offsets to use should be these ones:

    0x124EA0 and 0x124F6C.

    It would be great if you could help a bit :D

    P.S. Is it possible to combine the unlimited use TM with the new moves and TM added with THIS patch?

    Thanks in advance :)
    Hello Andrea, Congratulations! :D
    I had got a surprise when I saw you in the competition!
    Congrats again!!!:):D
    I'm sorry for my english, I'm spanish xD
    Hey Andrea, congratulations!!!

    I voted you on both categories you've won ;)

    I hope this will make you bring us the beta of your hack earlier xD. CONGRATS again :D
    Hi Andrea! I guess I already know that several times I have asked you several things "ASM".

    You see, my problem is that the textbox (WBTO) that pasastes me to clear put the textbox does not work when a trainerbattle, when I put the "WBTO" in the script, this will not start unless you talk to the mini.

    Any solution?

    PS If you have not understood me add me to "Skype": Scizornegro
    Sorry for didn't write you into english in the last messsage. I knew that you understand both languages. Well, doesn't matter, i haven't any problem write you in english, i try to do the best i can..
    Btw, the last message i don't specificate in which rom i work, sorry is on ruby where i work, and i try modificate the textbox as normal playing and it's doesnt work. I only could edit the brightness D:
    Thanks in advance
    Andrea, tengo entendido que a inmortal kaktus le cambiaste a transparente la textbox de la intro, y mi duda es, como lo hiciste?
    No funciona intentandolo poner al estilo xse (pero con asm ya que es el unico método).
    Saludos y gracias!
    Honestly, I will mournT_T, after so long ...
    Andrea worked, thanks a zillion!
    you're the best that's why I mentioned in my post ...
    Thanks for putting all this time XD:D.
    Hi andrea, I have a problem, I did everything you said, change the offset for those you gave me, but when I test my pokemon into bad eggs combierten, what do you think that is?
    Your could do me a good cover? Or at least get me? Nobody wants me to make one, and that I have not like me: '(
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