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Contenido reciente de jiangzhengwenjz

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Dis - Otros] ¿Que es el Pokeruby?

    Re: Respuesta: ¿Que es el Pokeruby? We are now working on pokefirered, but it has no chance to be available soon. pokefirered now has ~21% source code decompiled while pokeemerald has ~96%.
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    I suggest you to read hackmew's article for shiny pokemon. It has detailed explanation.

    I suggest you to read hackmew's article for shiny pokemon. It has detailed explanation.
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    Hi. The key idea is to use built-in functions so that you can let the game engine handle it...

    Hi. The key idea is to use built-in functions so that you can let the game engine handle it. i.e. encrypt() -> recalculate_stat() See this detailed example: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=8942634&postcount=739
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    [RH - Scripting] Error con script y menú datos Pokémon

    Re: que estoy haciendo mal? At first, why do you consider var 0x7050 as usable? Obviously that will conflict with other memory area and cause unknown errors. (may be, this one) A 'null' pokemon (or bad egg) means that data in the pokemon slot can't pass the game's checksum algorithm. You can...
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    idk. Probably you can ask the moderators

    idk. Probably you can ask the moderators
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    [RH - Gráficos] Necesito una direccion de Unlz-GBA

    Hi, if you want to find the address of compressed data, you can use the log function in VBA-M as it's able to record everything related to SWI. Usually the game decompresses stuff into WRAM buffer (and will be copied to VRAM at some point via some callback with DMA probably) and you just need to...
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24

    Re: Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE Bro, I'm sure you don't really need to ask users to expand ROMs by themselves because many players may not even know what is XSE. Many hacks used UPS format and they all just ask users to patch on the original 16MB ROM (0907 Ruby)...
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    Hi, I occasionally went into your post...

    Hi, I occasionally went into your post https://whackahack.com/foro/t-54765/pokemon-version-mew-beta-1-0-a but the archive is broken. (i just want to inform you of it)
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24

    Re: Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE > Giratina Legend > has an alpha => I'm sure I'm dreaming Amazing! It worked fine on my VBA-m. You may want to give it a try probably
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    Sorry I'm not hacking now. Probably you can search for it in knizz's IDB

    Sorry I'm not hacking now. Probably you can search for it in knizz's IDB
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE No unless you can understand my code written for armips... Anyway it's easier to insert it automatically.
  12. jiangzhengwenjz


  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    [ASM] Check STAT

    Hi. LSL with the immediate number 1 is already 2x, so you should have put #1 instead of your #0x2. And as I've mentioned, you don't need push and pop here. What you need is a simple 'bx lr' under label 'end', w/o any push/pop in your routine. LR is usually only changed by BL. i.e. ldr r0...
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Otros] FR, E | Trainer Card y PokéDex en la Mochila

    Re: [GBA] | Trainer Card y PokéDex en la Mochila I don't want to discourage you but this is a really bad idea. 1. There's no point in putting script when implementing this feature. What you need is ASM, not ASM -> script -> Callasm -> ASM. 2. IDK how it looks like, but I'm quite sure it's...
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    [ASM] Check STAT

    Hi, i just took a glance at your routine and i think some points need to be improved obviously. 1. When you write a C function (e.g. something to be called by callasm script command), you never need to push r0-r3, as they're assumed to be 'temporary variables' and other functions won't need...