jiangzhengwenjz 5 May 2015 After some testing I found a strange glitch that if you save in the first town you will be stuck after reread the save file.
After some testing I found a strange glitch that if you save in the first town you will be stuck after reread the save file.
jiangzhengwenjz 4 May 2015 In the patched ROM it cannot read the data of the initial pokemon 277. (Also bugged in nse) Do you use an expanded ROM?
In the patched ROM it cannot read the data of the initial pokemon 277. (Also bugged in nse) Do you use an expanded ROM?
jiangzhengwenjz 4 May 2015 Errrr... I've just tested but there're numerous bugs. I cannot choose the middle pokemon or goto the left side of the town or the game is stuck.
Errrr... I've just tested but there're numerous bugs. I cannot choose the middle pokemon or goto the left side of the town or the game is stuck.
jiangzhengwenjz 4 May 2015 May be you can use NSE or nlz-gba or other similar programs which can decrypt lz77 data to compare the sprites... In my NSE the No. 255 Pokemon sprite is glitchy.
May be you can use NSE or nlz-gba or other similar programs which can decrypt lz77 data to compare the sprites... In my NSE the No. 255 Pokemon sprite is glitchy.
jiangzhengwenjz 4 May 2015 https://mega.co.nz/#!xBsR3RZQ!0ft9lXUrCYKbz1NzJtuox-JTqcy-BcHg_NJ9EAlpYno If you can test the game it will be very appreciated.
https://mega.co.nz/#!xBsR3RZQ!0ft9lXUrCYKbz1NzJtuox-JTqcy-BcHg_NJ9EAlpYno If you can test the game it will be very appreciated.
BLAx501! 20 Mar 2015 Fíjate si ha pasado tiempo desde la última actu, que el tema te lo movió Acs cuando aún era mod... xD Me alegra que vuelvas a darle caña a tu proyecto :3
Fíjate si ha pasado tiempo desde la última actu, que el tema te lo movió Acs cuando aún era mod... xD Me alegra que vuelvas a darle caña a tu proyecto :3