Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    I live in China, apparently xD I use an American IP provided by Google to view some sites (like...

    I live in China, apparently xD I use an American IP provided by Google to view some sites (like wah) because they are blocked by our government
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    really? My roommates all play League of Legends

    really? My roommates all play League of Legends
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch)

    Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch) If you want to invert the movement, I think it may not be difficult. There exists a table at 0x83A64C8 which contains 9 directions (not move, down, up, left, right, diagonal*4) (which is told by Invert) The...
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    no :/

    no :/
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch)

    Re: Respuesta: [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch) Hmmm... I don't really understand your question. But as we're using these movements in a script, why not use the command "compare" to switch between two "applymovement"s if you want to use variables?
  6. jiangzhengwenjz


  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    you can say it in skype haha, after half an hour i will be online and you cna leave messages on it

    you can say it in skype haha, after half an hour i will be online and you cna leave messages on it
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    I'm not very good at it, but if you only want to acquire some basic knowledge, we can have a...

    I'm not very good at it, but if you only want to acquire some basic knowledge, we can have a talk via skype (my account is in my profile)
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    If I know about C, I'm glad to teach you. But I don't know C at all :/

    If I know about C, I'm glad to teach you. But I don't know C at all :/
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Some new movement bytes (including a patch)

    Hello everyone, after being subject to the exams, I've spent some time in making this hack, and i've successfully added some new movement bytes which can be used in "applymovement" of XSE scripts. This will only work for BPRE 1.0 ROM. The patch will write new data to the offset 0xF80000, so...
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Mostrar sprites animados.

    i haven't seen through the post, but i didn't find you including the way to delete an OBJ via object_del?
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    i've seen it, the giratina in the title screen is great!

    i've seen it, the giratina in the title screen is great!
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    Fine, thanks. I've just finished my f**kng examinations

    Fine, thanks. I've just finished my f**kng examinations
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    Hi, long time no see : )

    Hi, long time no see : )
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    Pokémon Ediciones Platino Rojo y Azul - Alfa 1.3 Publicado!

    Re: Respuesta: Pokémon Ediciones Platino Rojo y Azul - Alfa 1.3 Publicado! nah, what will it be used for? ¿:.
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    you can ask here

    you can ask here
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    nah, I'm in the exam weeks :(

    nah, I'm in the exam weeks :(
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    2015 [PWaH 2015] Mejor Hack sin Beta

    Nice graphics and nice ASM hacks, great indeed.
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    2015 [PWaH 2015] Mejor Aporte al Rom Hacking

    an amazing engine with some routines though I don't hack Ruby.
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    [2013] Pokemon Crush [¡¡JUEGO COMPLETO DISPONIBLE!!]

    Wow, a completed hack is not common in this forum. Great work indeed and I think this hack deserves the MHA. (I hope for the English translation lol)