
[Scripts] Day Care

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Usuario mítico
Esto... ¿No puedes entrar tú en el A-Map y mirarlo tú por tu cuenta?(A no ser que sea Essentials, porque no has especificado) Entras en el mapa de la guardería, ver eventos, y le das al de la guardería.

Ni si quiera has dicho de qué juego lo quieres :v


Héroe de WaH
I already did that, I went to google translator, I replaced only the text but it was all bugged.
Firered base.


Usuario mítico
As there are two Day Cares in FR and you didn't specify which one would you like us to give you, here you have both of them:

#org 0x1719B8
special 0x187
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x81A7B58
special2 0x800D 0xB6
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171AA6
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x8171ACA
compare 0x800D 0x3
if 0x1 goto 0x8171BFE
msgbox 0x81BF857 0x5 //"I'm the DAY-CARE LADY.\pWe can rai..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A0B
msgbox 0x81BF989 0x4 //"Oh, fine, then.\nCome again."

#org 0x1A7B58

#org 0x171AA6
msgbox 0x81BF969 0x4 //"My husband was looking for you."

#org 0x171ACA
msgbox 0x81BF9FB 0x4 //"Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pY..."
setvar 0x8004 0x0
call 0x8171AB9
msgbox 0x81BF912 0x5 //"We can raise two of your POKéMON.\..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A0B
msgbox 0x81BFB5B 0x5 //"Will you take your POKéMON back?"
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B08
goto 0x8171A6F

#org 0x171BFE
msgbox 0x81BF9FB 0x4 //"Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pY..."
setvar 0x8004 0x0
call 0x8171AB9
setvar 0x8004 0x1
call 0x8171AB9
msgbox 0x81BFB5B 0x5 //"Will you take your POKéMON back?"
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B08
msgbox 0x81BF9E9 0x4 //"Fine.\nCome again."

#org 0x171A0B
special2 0x800D 0x84
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A92
msgbox 0x81BF8AC 0x4 //"Which POKéMON should we raise for\..."
fadescreen 0x1
special 0xBC
compare 0x8004 0x6
if 0x4 goto 0x8171A6F
special2 0x800D 0x85
compare 0x800D 0x0
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A9C
special2 0x8005 0xBA
cry 0x8005 0x0
msgbox 0x81BF8D3 0x4 //"Fine, we'll raise your [buffer1]\n..."
special 0xBB
cmdc3 0x2F
special2 0x800D 0xB6
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A79

#org 0x171AB9
special2 0x800D 0xBE
compare 0x800D 0x0
if 0x5 call 0x8171AB0

#org 0x171B08
special2 0x800D 0x83
compare 0x800D 0x6
if 0x1 goto 0x8171BDF
special2 0x800D 0xB6
setvar 0x8004 0x0
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B47
special 0xBD
copyvar 0x8004 0x800D
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A6F
goto 0x8171B47

#org 0x171A6F
msgbox 0x81BF9E9 0x4 //"Fine.\nCome again."

#org 0x171A92
msgbox 0x81BFB20 0x4 //"Oh? But you have just one\nPOKéMON..."

#org 0x171A9C
msgbox 0x81BFB7C 0x4 //"If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwha..."

#org 0x171A79
msgbox 0x81BF912 0x5 //"We can raise two of your POKéMON.\..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171A0B
goto 0x8171A6F

#org 0x171AB0
msgbox 0x81BFA3F 0x4 //"By level, your [buffer1] has\ngrow..."

#org 0x171BDF
msgbox 0x81BFA62 0x4 //"Your POKéMON party is full.\nMake ..."

#org 0x171B47
special 0xBF
msgbox 0x81BFAAE 0x5 //"If you want your [buffer1] back,\n..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B63
goto 0x8171A6F

#org 0x171B63
special2 0x800D 0xC5
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B7D
msgbox 0x81BF9A5 0x4 //"You don't have enough money[.]"

#org 0x171B7D
applymovement 0x1 0x8171BE9
waitmovement 0x0
special2 0x800D 0xC0
special 0xC6
sound 0x58
msgbox 0x81BFADA 0x4 //"Perfect!\nHere's your POKéMON."
cry 0x800D 0x0
textcolor 0x3
msgbox 0x81BFAF8 0x4 //"[player] took back [buffer1] from\..."
call 0x81A66ED
special2 0x800D 0xB6
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x8171BC6
goto 0x8171A6F

#org 0x1A66ED
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

#org 0x171BC6
msgbox 0x81BF9C2 0x5 //"Will you take back the other one,\..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x8171B08
goto 0x8171A6F

// Strings
#org 0x1BF857
= I'm the DAY-CARE LADY.\pWe can raise POKéMON for you.\pWould you like us to raise one?

#org 0x1BF989
= Oh, fine, then.\nCome again.

#org 0x1BF969
= My husband was looking for you.

#org 0x1BF9FB
= Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\pYour POKéMON can only be doing\ngood!

#org 0x1BF912
= We can raise two of your POKéMON.\pWould you like us to raise one\nmore POKéMON for you?

#org 0x1BFB5B
= Will you take your POKéMON back?

#org 0x1BF9E9
= Fine.\nCome again.

#org 0x1BF8AC
= Which POKéMON should we raise for\nyou?

#org 0x1BF8D3
= Fine, we'll raise your [buffer1]\nfor a while.\pCome back for it later.

#org 0x1BFB20
= Oh? But you have just one\nPOKéMON.\pCome back another time.

#org 0x1BFB7C
= If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?\pCome back another time.

#org 0x1BFA3F
= By level, your [buffer1] has\ngrown by [buffer2].

#org 0x1BFA62
= Your POKéMON party is full.\nMake room, then come see me.

#org 0x1BFAAE
= If you want your [buffer1] back,\nit will cost [$][buffer2].

#org 0x1BF9A5
= You don't have enough money[.]

#org 0x1BFADA
= Perfect!\nHere's your POKéMON.

#org 0x1BFAF8
= [player] took back [buffer1] from\nthe DAY-CARE LADY.

#org 0x1BF9C2
= Will you take back the other one,\ntoo?

// Movements
#org 0x171BE9
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x3 //Face Right
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x2 //Face Left
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1 //Face Up
#raw 0x9 //Step Up (Very Slow)
#raw 0x60 //Hide
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x1C //Delay5
#raw 0x0 //Face Down
#raw 0x61 //Show
#raw 0x8 //Step Down (Very Slow)
#raw 0xFE //End of Movements

#org 0x1BF40B
special 0x187
compare 0x800D 0x2
if 0x1 goto 0x81A7B58
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
special2 0x800D 0x178
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF4E1
msgbox 0x819DDDE 0x5 //"I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF450
msgbox 0x819DE2A 0x4 //"Come again."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1A7B58

#org 0x1BF4E1
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 0x800D 0x179
compare 0x800D 0x0
if 0x5 call 0x81BF51D
compare 0x800D 0x0
if 0x1 call 0x81BF526
special 0x177
msgbox 0x819DEF8 0x5 //"You owe me [$][buffer2] for the re..."
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF52F
goto 0x81BF4B7

#org 0x1BF450
special2 0x800D 0x84
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF4C5
msgbox 0x819DE36 0x4 //"Which POKéMON should I raise?"
fadescreen 0x1
hidemoney 0x0 0x0
special 0xBC
showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
compare 0x8004 0x6
if 0x4 goto 0x81BF4B7
special2 0x800D 0x85
compare 0x800D 0x0
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF4D3
special2 0x8005 0xBA
msgbox 0x819DE71 0x4 //"Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffe..."
cry 0x8005 0x0
msgbox 0x819DE9C 0x4 //"Come see me in a while."
special 0x176
cmdc3 0x2F
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF5B4
hidemoney 0x0 0x0

#org 0x1BF51D
msgbox 0x819DFCE 0x4 //"Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nY..."

#org 0x1BF526
msgbox 0x819DEB4 0x4 //"You're back already?\pYour [buffer..."

#org 0x1BF52F
special2 0x800D 0x83
compare 0x800D 0x6
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF5A6
special2 0x800D 0xC5
compare 0x800D 0x1
if 0x1 goto 0x81BF55D
msgbox 0x819E079 0x4 //"You don't have enough money."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF4B7
msgbox 0x819DE54 0x4 //"Fine.\nCome anytime you like."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF4C5
msgbox 0x819DF6D 0x4 //"Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwit..."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF4D3
msgbox 0x819DF95 0x4 //"If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwha..."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF5A6
msgbox 0x819E03A 0x4 //"You can't take this POKéMON back\n..."
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1BF55D
setvar 0x8004 0x0
special2 0x800D 0x17A
special 0xC6
updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
copyvar 0x8008 0x800D
subvar 0x800D 0x1
bufferpartypokemon 0x0 0x800D
copyvar 0x800D 0x8008
msgbox 0x819DF27 0x4 //"Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON."
textcolor 0x3
cry 0x800D 0x0
msgbox 0x819DF47 0x4 //"[player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom ..."
call 0x81A66ED
goto 0x81BF5B4

#org 0x1A66ED
copyvar 0x8012 0x8013

// Strings
#org 0x19DDDE
= I run the DAY-CARE service.\pWould you like me to raise one of\nyour POKéMON?

#org 0x19DE2A
= Come again.

#org 0x19DEF8
= You owe me [$][buffer2] for the return\nof this POKéMON.

#org 0x19DE36
= Which POKéMON should I raise?

#org 0x19DE71
= Fine, I'll look after your\n[buffer1] for a while.

#org 0x19DE9C
= Come see me in a while.

#org 0x19DFCE
= Your [buffer1] has grown a lot.\nYes, quite a lot, I'd say.\pLet me see[.]\nBy level, it's grown by [buffer2].\pAren't I great?

#org 0x19DEB4
= You're back already?\pYour [buffer1] needs to spend\nsome more time with me.

#org 0x19E079
= You don't have enough money.

#org 0x19DE54
= Fine.\nCome anytime you like.

#org 0x19DF6D
= Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwith you.

#org 0x19DF95
= If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?

#org 0x19E03A
= You can't take this POKéMON back\nif you've got no room for it.

#org 0x19DF27
= Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON.

#org 0x19DF47
= [player] got [buffer1] back\nfrom the DAY-CARE MAN.[/PLAIN]
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