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[RPG - Gráficos] How to make the shadows of the buildings transparent?

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Hi! ^.^

I have the desire to insert tiles with shadows in the game.
I would like to make such shadows transparent, but unfortunately I haven't yet figured out how!

Can someone tell me what I have to do to get what I want?

Below, I insert a screen taken from a map of a forum user, as it perfectly represents what I want to achieve!

Thanks in advance to those who can help me!

P.S. I use Rpg Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials, Paint to edit or create tiles from scratch, Infarview to insert transparency in the tilesets!

P.P.S. Sorry for my bad English! >.<"


Pinchando ruedas de trenes
Hi ^^

When you edit the tileset in Photoshop, you have to paint the shadow on the tile you want to give it with dark gray.

Then you have to select the shadow with the Magic Wand tool and cut and paste in a new layer, and put 40% opacity in that layer.

PD: Sorry for my bad English.
Hi, Nyaruko! ^.^

First of all, thanks for the reply!

Before trying to follow your directions, could you tell me if there is a possible process on Paint or Infarview as an alternative to the Photoshop process you mentioned?


Pinchando ruedas de trenes
Respuesta: Re: How to make the shadows of the buildings transparent?

Hi, Nyaruko! ^.^

First of all, thanks for the reply!

Before trying to follow your directions, could you tell me if there is a possible process on Paint or Infarview as an alternative to the Photoshop process you mentioned?
I don´t know that because I only have used Photoshop, sorry :(
Don't worry, you've already helped me so much! ^.^

I'll wait to see if anyone can tell me some process that exploits Paint or Infarview, but in the meantime I'll try to follow your directions!


Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
I used to do this when I was going to map in RPG Maker, the effect will be worse than Nyaruko's method but you will achieve a shadow effect.

First of all you have to open the resource manager:

There you have to mark Graphics/Tilesets and import the tileset from the file where the tileset is:

Finally you just have to set the transparent color and the translucent one, right-click on the color you want to set translucent and left-click on the color you want to set transparent:

As I said before this method is worse than the other one, because if you want to change how the shadow is seen you will have to change the shadow's color on paint or photoshop, but you can try it if you want.
Thank you for your answer, Inferno! ^.^

As soon as I can, I will try to follow both your directions and I will update you on the results in this discussion!
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