
[Otros] Need a story for my hack

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I need a new story for my hack,
a really unique one..

and yeah you can also be the part of the team as story writer and side quest writer.

mainly need a primary story :)


A veces comento en temas :3
Miembro de honor
Usuario de Platino
In fact, you don't really need a great story to develop a proper rom hack. You can take GameFreak's stories to follow as an example of what to do.

A dumb character born in the poorest village of your region (in terms of the number of houses and so) who receives a Pokemon by accident (R/S/E, D/P/Pt) or by the region's Pokemon Professor (B/R/Y, G/S/C, B/W/B2/W2...) Main quest is to complete the Pokedex and become the region's new Pokemon Master.

Somewhere between the first and the second medals you face the enemy team for the very first time and after that, you start interfering them until you discover their evil plan and stop them somewhere near the end of the story (7th medal for example).

The main reason that attracts people to play certain HackROMS is not always the story (which helps, is true) but the gameplay itself. If you add a bunch of new features such as Megaevolution (given to the player at some point on the adventure between the 4th and the 6th gym leader), new moves (to get up to date with current gen), new mechanics, little sidequests, a decent post-game (Battle Frontier, I'm looking to you), nice interaction with certain NPCs such as your rival or your family in the game, then you get a decent game no matter the story it has (okay, it has to be almost at GameFreak's level, but that's not difficult to get xD).

I hope this helps you to develop your own ROMHack. At last but not least important, make sure you more or less know what are you planning to project onto your project before doing anything, in order to have all your ideas set up first. Then it would be less frustrating to develop since you won't get stuck so many times trying to figure out what to add next on your game's plot :awesome:
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Emperador Kaktiácero
Miembro de honor
The main reason that attracts people to play certain HackROMS is not always the story (which helps, is true) but the gameplay itself. If you add a bunch of new features such as Megaevolution (given to the player at some point on the adventure between the 4th and the 6th gym leader), new moves (to get up to date with current gen), new mechanics, little sidequests, a decent post-game (Battle Frontier, I'm looking to you), nice interaction with certain NPCs such as your rival or your family in the game, then you get a decent game no matter the story it has (okay, it has to be almost at GameFreak's level, but that's not difficult to get xD).
There are too many games that achieve to reach the top of that category. If a game adds too many features that everybody adds as well but still keeps the same old and plain elements that we can already find in the main games, then your project is doomed, it will still be the same cheap and pre-made thing as the others. No matter how many hours you've spent, it will be the same stuff made only for Poké-nerds I mean... people who loves this kind of specific things, like me when I see a platformer. You can't get stuck in a scheme, indeed, you have to break it or, at least, try to offer your game to a certain audience.

Don't worry about the extras, just forget about them, try to pick some characters or monsters and let them live in your brain, see what happens. Trust me, in two weeks or so, you'll have an early draft of your future and final story. I'll give you some ideas:

  • Find out why people are slowly turning into stone.
  • It's boiling and you're amnesic about the reason, investigate the phenomena.
  • A rare and terrible device is summoning humanity into a permanent state of dreaming, they're collecting their energy for the Dark Enterprises and you've been psico-kidnapped by 'em.
  • A strange event related with entropy is influencing people, making them have visions and see things that didn't use to be in the world they knew. The event is caused because their brain is connecting to an unknown place in space, so their soul are in the midway between life and astral projection (that eventually leads them to death). You're a victim that has to struggle against the influence, but in your way to normality, the events will make you think more closely about your reality and if it's okay or worth to come back.
  • A space race of dark worms, called venosomma, has arrived at Earth. Their objective is to find hosts, in order to grow in number and create a giant antenna that will block sunlight. After that, they'll fuse and form a coccoon, from which will hatch a black-white stripped moth that will drain Solar system gravitational energy and will drop a special powder that will extinguish the Sun, turning Earth and the other planets into permanent wastelands full of misery and darkness.

I think that's enough for now.
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