Rom Hacker
You will play as Red with the same story of Pokemon Fire Red. The only changes that have been added to this ROM Hack are the NEW Rivals and Events that will be connected to the story of Pokemon Titanium which will be released in the future.
- New Items
- New Moves and Abilities
- AI Increased
- Day and Night system
- Exp All
- Exp Gain from catching Pokemon
- Mega in battle
- Gen 1-7 Pokemon
- Ultrawormholes
- Running Indoors
- Poison Survival
- BW Style Pokemon Menu
- New Bag Style
- BW Overworld Sprites
- New Characters
- Wonder Trade System (Located in Viridian and One Island)
- Move Maniac (Located in Viridian and One Island)
- Link Battle Available
- New Evolution Method
Current Bugs:
- When you open Teachy TV, it causes your game to freeze
- Mega Evolution Doesn't Work in Double Battle
- There are times that some moves have a graphical error (glitch) during double battle.
- You can't trade 4-7 gen Pokemon it freeze the game (But you can use them in Link Battle)
- All Pokemon in the Pokedex has no description
- When you record your 4-7 gen Pokemon in Hall of Fame that Pokemon will be replaced with other Pokemon.
- Red-kun for Trainer Red Battle Back Sprites
- joojishibuki for Red Trainer Sprite
- NePenNameGirl for Red Overworld Sprite
- tebited15 for Prof Oak and Green Overworld
- Diegoisawesome for GBA Intro Manager
- polloron for his Mega Charizard X without his artwork I won't be able to make the Game Cover for Blast Burn
- silentdeath for Lesser Sprite aka Trainer Dusk
- seiyouh for the Kanto Gym Leader Sprites
- Jaizu for bag insertion tutorial and Nisarg for his bag sprites!
- Jolt Steven: Fire Red Rombase 807 and for personally helping me when I need help with his rombase
- Sobata92 and eternalhavoc: Trainer Dhan Sprites
- Againsts: Pokémon Summary Screen BW & Pokémon Selection Screen
- Hollowroxas: Text Box Pokémon Platinum & Hot Battle Pokémon Platinum
- Think0028: Exp. All
- Gamer2020: Pokémon Game Editor (PGE)
- Lu-Ho: Advanced Map
- Froosty The_Learner: TL's Quick Enhancer
- Maël Hörz: HxD
- Jambo51: Day / Night-Evolution System.
- HackMew: Advanced Palette Editor
- MrDollSteak: MrDollSteak's Decap. and Attack Rombase.
- Darkshade: HGSS style tiles
- Omega: HGSS style trainers
- Lunos for the Wonder Trade System

Pokemon Blast Burn v4.4 Fixed
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
PS. If you encounter a bug which is not in the list kindly tell me so that I would be able to fix it immediately.
Sorry guys I can only speak and understand english.
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