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[Sprite] WaH: Pokemon XY Proyecto Devamp Dex

Hola, me gusta tu pokedex projecto. Lo siento a mi espanol, es asi asi o malo, que queres diga primera. Pero soy de diviantart tambien, y un amigo de pia carrot. Soy trabajando a un projecto en Little Big Planet 2 a Playstation 3. Es una juego de Pokemon Gold pero tienes pokemon de todo el pokedex. ahora tiene 100 pokemon y soy trabajo a logico para pesca. Y estoy pidiendo permiso para utilizar sus sprites? Otra vez lo siento para mi espanol. Lo intente.
Respuesta: Re: WaH: Pokemon XY Proyecto Devamp Dex

Hola, me gusta tu pokedex projecto. Lo siento a mi espanol, es asi asi o malo, que queres diga primera. Pero soy de diviantart tambien, y un amigo de pia carrot. Soy trabajando a un projecto en Little Big Planet 2 a Playstation 3. Es una juego de Pokemon Gold pero tienes pokemon de todo el pokedex. ahora tiene 100 pokemon y soy trabajo a logico para pesca. Y estoy pidiendo permiso para utilizar sus sprites? Otra vez lo siento para mi espanol. Lo intente.

English: This is public of course you can use these sprites!
Español: Esto es publico por supuesto que podes usar estos sprites!
Pikachu: Pika pi pikapika pi pika pi pika pikachu!
I can speak english here? YAY! :D Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. If you want to see what it looks like, I have an old video on YouTube under the username LVL58Designs. :)

I kind of butchered my spanish. I think I understand Pikachu language better than spanish! XD
Muchas gracias a todos los que aportaron sus sprites. Este es el resultado:

Hubo muchos pokemones actualizados, asi que no voy a nombrar todos. Aclaro otra vez: La idea es poner los mejores sprites, porque en internet ya hay de sobra, asi que mi intencion no es completar esta plantilla, sino darle calidad.


Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
Justo te iba a sugerir que pusieras la "espada" de Pikachu, pero veo que ya lo has hecho.

Crees que este nos pueda servir? no recuerdo el autor pero lo tuve que redimensionar por que media como 70x70.

Es mas gb que gbc, pero siempre puede servir para fusionar con otro sprite
Me encanta esas paletas del ave tocino
This isn't going to be in spanish, but I use Its a great program for spriting, along with all the plugins for it to make it read and use any file that photoshop can use. It also has a grid overlay for the images that you can zoom into about 4500% times the normal image size. I highly recommend it :)
I did Carbink back sprites.

I did two versions because I wasn't sure which would be preferable. I like the first one more, but please choice whichever you feel is better.

I also did Diancie.

I wasn't sure about the pallette, so I made two.
Those look awesome :)

I'm going to do my best to put as many pokemon as I can into my Pokemon Golden Flame version. Later I'm going to try and make another version with a friend called Silver Rain

So I should be able to complete it in the upcoming Little Big Planet 3 game thats coming out to Playstation 3 and 4 in November. But I am working on finishing up a demo for Little Big Planet 2, and I am going to try and include some newer gen devamped pokemon in it. :)

Pia Carrot

I made an unofficial dex, basically just added what was missing. I kept them grey because they are not my decision but if you need something to fill in your blanks in your hack or game, here you are.

Sprites I added are by:
-RZC (Bunnelby, Diggersby, Doublade, Aegislash)
-Fex (Barnicle, Barbaracle, Furfrou, Pumpkaboo, Klefki, Volcanion, Zygarde; Most recolored by me)
-Linnie (Carbink)
-Pia Carrot (Diancie, Spewpa, Hoopa. Klefki Backsprite)
-Soloo993 (Chesnaught, Hawlucha Backsprite)
-Falconinthesky (Yveltal, edited by me)

None of these are perfect, but it is good filler. Not all backsprites added.

Reference for Yveltal Sprite size:
I made an unofficial dex, basically just added what was missing. I kept them grey because they are not my decision but if you need something to fill in your blanks in your hack or game, here you are.

Sprites I added are by:
-RZC (Bunnelby, Diggersby, Doublade, Aegislash)
-Fex (Barnicle, Barbaracle, Furfrou, Pumpkaboo, Klefki, Volcanion, Zygarde; Most recolored by me)
-Linnie (Carbink)
-Pia Carrot (Diancie, Spewpa, Hoopa. Klefki Backsprite)
-Soloo993 (Chesnaught, Hawlucha Backsprite)
-Falconinthesky (Yveltal, edited by me)

None of these are perfect, but it is good filler. Not all backsprites added.

Reference for Yveltal Sprite size:
Thanks Pia!! I added this to the principal post

Pia Carrot

Thanks Solo, glad I can help. I made a quick update

Barbaracle is shaded a lot better now
Widened Yveltal to look fuller
Zygarde looks like Zygarde

EDIT: Updated Vivillon Palette to look more vibrant, added backsprites for Scatterbug, Honedge, Zygarde, and replaced Scatterbug's front sprite with mine.

EDIT2: Added a bunch of backsprites, replaced Goomy and Sliggoo, replaced Frogadier backsprite with Chamber's on the first page (it looks more official to me).

My goal right now is to complete the dex with filler, and let the community finalize it.

Credits (afaik):
-Pia Carrot

If anyone else has contributed, need to know username so I can add it to list.


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Creo que te hamo <3, esos sprites son una maravilla, ten por seguro que voy a usar varios de esa plantilla, Excelente trabajo a ti y a todos los que colaboran en este proyecto!!! c:
Re: Respuesta: WaH: Pokemon XY Proyecto Devamp Dex

Creo que te hamo <3, esos sprites son una maravilla, ten por seguro que voy a usar varios de esa plantilla, Excelente trabajo a ti y a todos los que colaboran en este proyecto!!! c:
Esperate a que le haga unas ediciones que esa plantilla me inspira!
En poco tiempo esta dex estara terminada :heart: