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[Sprite] WaH: Pokemon XY Proyecto Devamp Dex

Pia Carrot

Backsprites for Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist :D

EDIT: Pangoro too
EDIT2: Vivillon now

Anyone else want to make some backsprites? Only a few left and we can split up the work:
I will speak in english because Pia is the only one helping me now
Bunnelby and Diggersby need better sprites, this dont have very good form
Fletchinder need more work on his face and palettes, Talonflame only need a palette change
Scatterbug, Spewpa need more work on outlines and palettes
Pyroar dont need black outlines of his hair because its look like fire
Furfrou and Binacle are perfect <3
Barbaracle palettes can be better
Added Hawlucha new sprite
Goodra family fronts sprites by jozzer26, but backsprites need more work
Klefki and Trevenant palettes changed to look like more to a gbc sprite than a gb sprite
Pumpkaboo looks lot to gb, Its need to be like more to Gourgeist (the new palettes are great!)
Diancie and Hoopa are devamps from N-Kin sprites

Pia I suggest you to use less black outlines, more shades and light with color (not only black and white), palettes with no high saturation and work more the sprite shape
Dont worry are you doing a great job!
Lets do our best!

Pia Carrot

Looking good, if you look at my last post I added backsprites for Pangoro and Vivillon.

Not sure what else to work on, I'm trying to just give us good bases to work on for backsprites but I know a lot need work.

I'll see what I can do about Barbaracle's palette.

Looking good, if you look at my last post I added backsprites for Pangoro and Vivillon.

Not sure what else to work on, I'm trying to just give us good bases to work on for backsprites but I know a lot need work.

I'll see what I can do about Barbaracle's palette.
There is no rush take all the time you need, Internet has a lot of full bases
We only need good sprites for now


Leyenda de WaH
Its aweseome all of i see now, if i could do... probably will do the backs of Bergmite and Avalugg. I dont want be out of this project.

(if my english isn't the best sorry... :c)
Re: Respuesta: WaH: Pokemon XY Proyecto Devamp Dex

Its aweseome all of i see now, if i could do... probably will do the backs of Bergmite and Avalugg. I dont want be out of this project.

(if my english isn't the best sorry... :c)
Nadie esta afuera si su sprite es aceptable, mi idea es recopilar los mejores


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia

Intente agregar el back de Diancie y Hoopa, espero hayan quedado decentes ya que son mis primeros back.
Los backsprites en GBC son de medio cuerpo, creo que no pega, asi que edité tu sprite y lo modifiqué a modo que parezca de estilo GBC

Can I ask why Carbink is in the yellow? I'd like to improve the sprite to be as good as it can be.

Also did Espurr and Meowstic backsprites.



Los sprites están genial..
Que pena que no sepa mucho Spritear :v
