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  • Alright dude. I'm going to sleep now. Too tired, and in 6 hours I have to wake up. Night
    I got the tiles, putting it in a file now. By the way, I left the colored background behind the sprite and the grass in some of the sprites. You can erase those and add them as it is. But I left them because when inserting them, that's the default size. So if you erase that first without adding it, you'll get the size wrong.
    You mean just the specific ones this time? Nothing excessive or ones that are not in 16 colors right?
    Sure thing :p By the way,what about some of wesley's tiles? You know, like the bird statue, the Pokemon center y mart(which are the ones that I really, really, really want to use). And a few others? If I'm not mistaken, his tiles have always been in 16 colors so at least that part is done.
    Uy diste en el clavo , mi pc tiene recursos para correr los archivos a la papelera nomas >.< jajaj no encerio son pocos recursos los q tiene :p
    mmm no creo q sea por bajar muchas cosas, en teoria si lo hago por que hago muchas cosas jeje , pero ps provare vale? muchas gracias bro :D
    Dahh >.< me convendra mas fire que opera? para cambiarme y dejarlo , tenia antes fire pero me andaba lento y tengo solo el IE con el Opera
    jaja no te preocupes amigo, pero no, no tengo un tuto en alemán.
    Con las justas puedo hablar español (?)
    Oh si las reglas del foro? quise verlas pero salen en blanco tengo que hacer otro tipo de cosa para que se noten?
    This one also looks pretty. So we'll use this one, and add a couple of wesley's.
    Yes!! Dude these tiles are gorgeous!! I should thank fm when I see him :D
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