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  • That's awesome xD I think if I checked the close to those sprites I would get will be static ones. I'll seem if someone ca make them in bw style:)
    puedes buscar tiles en deviantart poniendo el buscador de la pagina pokemon tiles bw o pokemon bw tiles y ahí mira algunos y date una idea de como hacerlos por suerte are una prueba de test etc
    Ah sweet, I want to see them when you make them xD Well, All I have to do is give you the picture of the pic with all the tiles in position and then you insert. That's pretty much it, then you start mapping.
    It's going quite well, all tho no one has clarified my doubt of how to fix the repositioning-.- Anyway, outdoor mapping can be started. :)
    tiendo usar paint para los overworld y tambien aves uso Character Maker Pro que es una herramienta para hacer sprites no confundir con otro charecter maker pro que sirve para rpg maker y hacer overworld ,en realidad esas herramientas tienen casi el mismo nombre y uso a veces paint net y gimp

    en ingles por si no entendiste

    I tend to use paint for overworld and also birds use Character Maker Pro is a tool to make sprites not be confused with another charecter maker pro used to rpg maker and make overworld, in reality these tools have almost the same name and sometimes use paint net and gimp
    no me refiero a que sepas insertar tiles en rpg maker si no si que sabes hacer tiles y cuantos años o meses llevas haciendo tiles ,etc

    pd una vez al hackear gba si me aguanto tiles bw un hack de firered
    sabes hacer tilesets de tipo pokemon bw y si se insertar tiles en rpg maker
    pd también quiero saber que tipo de efecto se le pone etc
    sorry my english I mean if you can do tiles like this
    Tiles Rips Pokemon BW by TyranitarDark on deviantART
    Cool! Next time we talk I wanna see some of your maps ;D
    Keep on making maps bro!
    Hola! Sorry I didn't read the message :S
    I'm perfectly fine! About to get on bed.
    and you?

    PS: I recommend you saying "Hola que tal?" Instead of "Hola que pasa?" lol
    Dude I now have animated Pokemon!:D However,the sad thing is... The animation stops when there's text:/ It only plays when you're making a choice and attacking. Also I have to reposition them properly but I get an error every time I try to do it.
    The program? Ok so, there's 3 layers if of paper if you see them. The first one is used to make things appear in the background, like grass, ground,etc. The second one is for stuff like water, trees, rocks,etc. And the last one is for houses, signs, posts, more etc. Now, there's something that looks like a Calendar to the right. That is where you edit everything that you want the game to have. next to that are the files, there, you can import custom tiles and then export them to paint to fix. You simply import them again and boom, done, you got yourself the tiles. Next to that is the scripts area and then music.
    Ah, I see.. Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfection. Dude, get RPG Maker XP. I have a lot of the tiles set up already and you can even map xD
    Welcome to the club,bro. Hahaha when it comes in my head, the idea and imagination is great. However, putting it on paper or making it is a whole 'nother story xD
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