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  • A mí me va bastante... Digamos que todo fluye bien. Aunque estoy impaciente por empezar ya a desarrollar cosas... Se me agota el tiempo. e.e

    Aunque haga otra cuenta,no sirve de nada. No me conecta. T_T
    Bueno, soy de los que cree que todo se puede mejorar y mi retype no es una excepción ja, ja.
    Aún así, ¡muchas gracias por el halago :)!
    ¿Cómo voy a morir? Me quedan 125 años para molestarte. >:D
    Simplemente no puedo conectarme. Me da error. xD!
    ¿Cómo te va?
    No son celos. Te estoy poniendo cara insinuante, querido.
    PD: No puedo conectarme a Skype. :<
    no quiero poner menciones me gusta poner los nombre hacin # no hacin @
    The routine written by LSA will automatically delete the item you've used and call the "task_delete" & "bag exiter" function, so you will only write a script for it. If you want to use flags or vars, feel free to go :)
    I don't consider it a good idea. If you want to create a normal item, why not make its usage function run a script? LSA & JPAN has already done that so you can just do it by using LSA's complete item editor even you do not know ASM. I think using a "special item" will be better than using an item functioning like an HM xD
    It may work, but expanding TMs are not simpler that HMs...
    A man has done that and I think you will be interested in his post (click)
    OK, now I totally know what you're saying. xD
    Yes, you're right. You can create some custom HMs in this way if you know some ASM and script. However, as there're only two empty slots after "HM08", it will be very annoying to create more HMs Because the game use some complex way to do the system so we should fix enormous functions and deal with some limiters and tables. That's very boring so I simply don't do it.
    Therefore, I only add the ROCK CLIMB to the game and I don't think we need more HMs xD
    But as I've said, if you know ASM and script, you can succeed in doing it absolutely because that's "boring" instead of "impossible".
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