Naren Jr.
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  • I use google translate to translate Spanish into English and then i understand the English text myself, and this way is efficient XD
    Spanish seems to be similar to English to some extent, but is absolutely very different from Chinese because when I try to directly translate spanish into chinese, i only get tons of rubbish information :)
    For routines, you can look at pokecommunity and there are many routines for Pokemon FR
    Some threads like ASM resource thread, ability resource thread and move resource thread are very useful indeed
    A second time, you are good at graphics :)
    I'm really a noob in drawing and creating sprites & tiles, and i only know script and ASM....
    Recently i'm focusing on ASM and try to learn new things, hoping that someday I will create a good hack :D
    As you know, a good hack requires many things and hard work, I think the enormous moves, items, TMs, abilities, scripts and sprites needed are really consuming much time :( So recently I won't create a hack:D
    I have very limited time because I'm in college now :-D
    I do not have the skill of great people like eing, Andrea........
    I'm still learning things because I have only hacked for less than 1 year
    But if I have some interesting discoveries, I will make a thread absolutely :)
    It's very kind of you if you can make a tutorial for reference! Actually I'm very interested in the ASM routines Jambo wrote, so if i have time i will analyze the routines and pick up this hack again. I think at that time a concise tutorial is very useful. :D
    Really looks good, I must say that you are good at graphic (I can't draw :D)
    i think it even looks better than the silver legend's VS Bar (which takes me some time to port into FR. ) :)
    ¡Bien! Casi no le doy uso al Skype, pero trataré de hacerlo.
    Y respecto a tu hack, le daré una buena revisada desde donde lo dejé de seguir :).
    Sí, al menos ya pasó esa mala temporada. Y vaya, moderador. ¡Suena bien :)!
    Yo me paso siempre por acá, aún no he dado un paso en el foro para publicar mi proyecto, pero cuando lo haga será porque tenga ya una base sólida. Aún tengo mucho que investigar y aprender.
    Naren si puse espero la beta tachado teoricamente no passa nada verdad?
    ¡Hey Naren! ¡Encantado de conocerte! Respecto a lo de la firma estoy dispuesto a hacerla. De hecho, ya tengo pensado la forma adecuada para resaltar tu Amarillo Eléctrico en ella. Contáctame por Skype.
    ¡Un abrazo! :)
    Solo probe que un personaje me siga en el platinum de gba
    Espero que puedas perfeccionar eso porque es la característica mas importante de tu hack
    Ese pikachu fue hecho por un usuario llamado Zarto que solia estar en wah, me extraño que no usaras ese pikachu en tu anterior portada y usaras el de gb
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