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  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    It's very kind of you if you can make a tutorial for reference! Actually I'm very interested in...

    It's very kind of you if you can make a tutorial for reference! Actually I'm very interested in the ASM routines Jambo wrote, so if i have time i will analyze the routines and pick up this hack again. I think at that time a concise tutorial is very useful. :D
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    Really looks good, I must say that you are good at graphic (I can't draw :D) i think it even...

    Really looks good, I must say that you are good at graphic (I can't draw :D) i think it even looks better than the silver legend's VS Bar (which takes me some time to port into FR. ) :)
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] some Information about "Chain Moves"

    Re: Respuesta: [ASM] some Information about "Chain Moves" 1. No, I know nothing about EM & RUBY. :( (Although maybe we can find the cmd table, I don't have desire to do it) 2. I think this will work for any chain moves, this is judged by their move effect script (which use BS commands like...
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] some Information about "Chain Moves"

    First of all, chain moves are moves like "Bullet Seed". I have successfully expanded it so that it can support up to 99 hits. Actually, after some back trace, i have found that we can change battle script command 0x8d & 0x8e to hack it, so the modification will be veeeeeeeeery simple...
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    Pokémon Kyrama Tale | MHM Septiembre 2015

    Re: Pokémon Kyrama Tale Very nice to see you and your hack here ^_^ By the way, how can you do the fade effect in the video "Preview leggenda Kyrama Tale"? I think that really looks good!
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    Me :D

    Me :D
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    Are you speaking of how to do it? (I don't know spanish language) You can look at this thread...

    Are you speaking of how to do it? (I don't know spanish language) You can look at this thread: Research: NDS-Style Pre-Battle Mugshots - The PokéCommunity Forums As jambo51 has done the routines(tobehonest, when i do the hack i didn't know ASM yet so i can tell you nothing about the ASM codes...
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Routine for "Oval Charm"

    The routine will increase the chance of getting eggs when it goes to that judgement if you have an oval charm in your bag. It's kinda simple and i did it long time ago but i hope that it will help. This piece of code is for "Firered USA" BPRE. First we should get a branch: branch.asm...
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Duda][FR]Duda con Script con warp

    You should change 0 to 0xff and a standard way of using warp command is: //other codes warp ................. //(parameters) waitstate release(all) end This format can be found in the original firered ROM
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    [ASM] Menú con funciones personalizadas

    I beg people's help. Nice tutorial indeed and I've just tried to expanded the 2 tables. However, the screen will be very stuck haha as the 8th option can't be fully shown because of the description box. And I adjusted 2 asm codes in the ROM to reach the goal without influencing the "EXIT"...
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    [FR] Script de Nivel no se inicia exactamente al entrar en el mapa.

    I'm not good at scripts, but I have some ideas. You can put "movesprite2 ......" in the third type of level script and it should work fine. If you put in the second type, the error you've indicated will occur. I've made the same mistake months ago. (If you've done that thing and got the...
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] FR | ASM | Wild Pokemon Level Flowing with Your Highest Party Level

    Hello everyone! As I'm still a beginner in ROM hacking, I can't do much great work. (Actually this piece of code was written yesterday and now I decide to release it. )It hijacks the level loading routine so that the level of wild pokemon will be related to the highest level in your team...
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    [FR] Error con hidesprite y movesprite.

    movesprite2 should be put in the third kind of level script.
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    ~MHM de Junio 2015~

    Nice hack with a new release, whose I/O control is impressive indeed though I haven't played it. For the hack is out of cancellation and I really love the graphic style of this hack. For its nice update and I think it's one of the best gbc hacks in this forum.
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    ~MHM de Mayo 2015~

    It may be the best hack I've ever seen and I vote for it for its updates recently. (The routines are amazing) Nice hack with great graphic which releases its beta version Neat tiles and neat textbox. (I personally like this style)
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    [pokered] Pokemon Grape

    Re: Pokemon Grape [DEMO 3 DISPONIBLE] Welcome to this forum. I really love this hack when I saw it in skeetendo and pokecommunity forum and your hack has deeply impressed me. After brown there're seldom new gb hacks and I think this one is very great, indeed. (Of course Pokemon Maize is also...
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Informacion] Nuevo Administrador: ¡Cheve a sus órdenes!

    Re: [Informacion] Nuevo administrador Felicidades! I still remember that you have helped me in the insertion of the title screen XD
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    MHM Octubre 2014/Julio 2015 |Pokémon Imperial | CANCELADO

    Re: [FR-Avanzado]MHM Octubre 2014 | Pokémon Imperial [Beta 1 | 29/5/15] Very nice hack indeed!!!!!!! I suggest that you can change "spriteface 0xFF 0x2" into "spriteface 0xFF 1" in the level script in the initial map (the room of hero) because it really looks odd...
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Script] [ScriptFR]Get the highest level in your team

    I know that the script is very simple but for some guys who don't know script it's difficult and it will show the result in a textbox. Here's the code: #org @start lock faceplayer setvar 0x8004 0 copybyte 0x20370C0 0x20242d8 comparefarbytes 0x20370C0 0x202433c if 0 call @1 comparefarbytes...
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    MHA 2013-2014//Pokémon Black Dark// Beta 4

    The mugshots are buggy (At least the ariados when I talk to it) when you use hidepokepic and someone told me that you could change the "bl" command at 0x9d360 to 00 00 00 00 to totally enable the "showpokepic without background". (I don't know whether this way has any bugs or not)