
[Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24


Tipo de incógnito
Miembro de honor
Good luck in your internship! I'm really glad to hear these news! Nice job with the hack, and good luck in everything from now on until the end of this long trip!

Let's have a chat one day on Discord, I'm really interested on your achievements!


Usuario mítico
After a long break due to an aborad intership that i mentioned in the last update, i'm back with a little update regarding the project:

Below, there are the other two temples, both of them shown in some past updates:
In the screen there's a temple in which you will be able to capture registeel and which will be visitable in the post-game.
Unfortunately, i cannot guarantee regular updates as before the break, because of severals unversity commitments, but indicatively i'll try to update the topic every couple of months!
That said, see you in the next update!


Doctorando en Ingeniería Biomédica & Game Dev
Miembro insignia
After a long break due to an aborad intership that i mentioned in the last update, i'm back with a little update regarding the project:

Below, there are the other two temples, both of them shown in some past updates:
In the screen there's a temple in which you will be able to capture registeel and which will be visitable in the post-game.
Unfortunately, i cannot guarantee regular updates as before the break, because of severals unversity commitments, but indicatively i'll try to update the topic every couple of months!
That said, see you in the next update!
Outstanding graphical work. It's a pity to just have it in italian. If you ever export a TXT file with the texts for translation, post it so we can offer some multilanguage support :D


Usuario mítico
Random small update:

The screen was taken inside a temple in Ethereal City.
I also take this opportunity to point out that despite appearances to the contrary, the project is still in development.
Unfortunately, i'm having some personal problems that are slowing down the work on the hack.
Hoping not take as long as last time, see in in a future update.


Usuario mítico
Good evening everyone and welcome after almost three months to a new update.
Today i would like to show you some news related to the development of the project.

1. Maps
In this last few weeks i focused on the development of the latest maps of the game:

Starting from the left, in the first screen you can see the roof of one of the buildings in Neomoor City, a city inspired by tokyo and characterized by numerous neon signs.
Within the second screen, you can see a small portion of the Icy Cave, a cave that connects Neomoor City to Snowveil City.
The last screen, on the other hand, features the last gym of the game and which will be located north of Ethereal City.
As can be guessed, the gym leader will use dragon-type pokémon.
Below, there's a brief gamplay of the gym:

2. Indoor Maps
In addition to the larger maps, some of the work has been devoted to creating internal maps of various cities:

In order, starting from the left, we have the interiors of Neomoor City, those of Snowveil City, and finally Drought Town, the desert city.

3. General info
Finally, i wanted to update you about the overall status of the project.
First of all, from a "map perspective" the game is almost complete. There are just a couple of maps missing, specifically the cave on the second screen and the indoor map of the third gym.
Having most of the maps ready, the development of the game scripts will proceed quite quickly.
In this regard, the related scripts of the main story have been included, so already now it's possible to play through to the end of the main story.
What remains to be done at the moment are the NPC/Trainers scripts of the main story and the (relatively short) post game, a couple of "graphical features," plus the two maps mentioned above.
That said, see you the next update!


Profesional de WaH
Good evening everyone and welcome after almost three months to a new update.
Today i would like to show you some news related to the development of the project.

1. Maps
In this last few weeks i focused on the development of the latest maps of the game:

Starting from the left, in the first screen you can see the roof of one of the buildings in Neomoor City, a city inspired by tokyo and characterized by numerous neon signs.
Within the second screen, you can see a small portion of the Icy Cave, a cave that connects Neomoor City to Snowveil City.
The last screen, on the other hand, features the last gym of the game and which will be located north of Ethereal City.
As can be guessed, the gym leader will use dragon-type pokémon.
Below, there's a brief gamplay of the gym:

2. Indoor Maps
In addition to the larger maps, some of the work has been devoted to creating internal maps of various cities:

In order, starting from the left, we have the interiors of Neomoor City, those of Snowveil City, and finally Drought Town, the desert city.

3. General info
Finally, i wanted to update you about the overall status of the project.
First of all, from a "map perspective" the game is almost complete. There are just a couple of maps missing, specifically the cave on the second screen and the indoor map of the third gym.
Having most of the maps ready, the development of the game scripts will proceed quite quickly.
In this regard, the related scripts of the main story have been included, so already now it's possible to play through to the end of the main story.
What remains to be done at the moment are the NPC/Trainers scripts of the main story and the (relatively short) post game, a couple of "graphical features," plus the two maps mentioned above.
That said, see you the next update!
The truth is I can't find words to praise your project and dedication, I have followed your project since I joined this community and you always manage to impress me more.