Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] That's limited by the system in FR, as in EM and RUBY it's not the case. In those 2 versions 2 palettes are available. Basically it can be used to show some pictures, I myself won't use this mugshot system lol Yes...
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] You can even make it bigger as long as it's a rectangle, like 112x80 haha, but that really looks bad.
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    Haha, I'm honored.

    Haha, I'm honored.
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Intro: In Ruby, many hackers uses the BG0 to make mugshots. However, the same way that simply writing tileset, tilemap and palette to the RAM won't work for FR & EM as it will be cleared by the MSGBOX. However, there's still a way to do it, which requires the knowledge of "rboxes". I've...
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Otros] Lista definitiva de Sounds FR (completa al 100%)

    THUMB UP! This kind of research requires huge amount of time. Useful and great indeed!
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [In Progress] Hacking the Trainer Card Thanks! You can see this one: [Tutorial] Hacking FireRed in C tutorial - The PokéCommunity Forums Actually it's almost the same as C programming on x86 lol (I learned that by downloading a book and reading it) The link above provides...
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [In Progress] Hacking the Trainer Card Thx. I may not touch it recently:sleepy: Deactivating the function calling of trainer_card_print_pokemon() is the simplest way, but having it will make it more natural.
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [In Progress] Hacking the Trainer Card No, It won't get an crash and I won't post it if so. The string I've mentioned is the "Pokémon" string above the pokemon icons added on my own, and the bug is that it conflicts with the string at the back of the card (hall of fame...
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [In Progress] Hacking the Trainer Card You can find these table locations in data.h: u8 ** icon_pointer_table = (u8 **) 0x83D37A0; u8 * icon_palette_table = (u8 *) 0x83D3E80; Changing the 2 offsets to your new table location will work (Egg icon is loaded separated so...
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    I've sure ignored the scripts included in the level scripts... decompile the scripts at...

    I've sure ignored the scripts included in the level scripts... decompile the scripts at 0x8006B3(not sure, maybe used in other events. check the routine to know if it's relevant) and 0x80FFEB(surely useful) The latter is used in every map used, which aims to update the RAM.
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    That's all right. If you have questions, just ask:)

    That's all right. If you have questions, just ask:)
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    Well, so I to have do some 'bad' thing (looking into his ROM). Check 0x80005E8 in his hack and...

    Well, so I to have do some 'bad' thing (looking into his ROM). Check 0x80005E8 in his hack and you will find a hook. It seems that he has rewrite the "tile behavior check system" so he wrote his routines at 0x6XXXX (That's the location of the tilebehavior check function in original FR ROM). You...
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    I haven't tried to do it, but Javi4315 has done it in his Inmortal beta2. Asking him will be a...

    I haven't tried to do it, but Javi4315 has done it in his Inmortal beta2. Asking him will be a very quick way.
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    What's it: (Well, I still don't know which sub-forum to post this kind of stuff in, because it's neither script & ASM nor a tutorial. Therefore, I post it here) This hack is made with C, and the source code can be found here: This piece of code is...
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    Crear animación de ataque

    Re: Respuesta: Crear animación de ataque Battle script is used to create move effects instead of move animations.
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    ¿Los mejores hacks hasta ahora?

    Pokemon Brown, Ruby Destiny - Life of Guardians, Giratina Legend, Silver Legend are great hacks. Black Dark, PRAB, SOTS are also not bad.
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    Request is sent to you lol. :)

    Request is sent to you lol. :)
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    [3DS/Juegalo en tu PC ¡AHORA!]Pokémon NX ¡Nuevas Novedades!

    Re: Pokémon NX[3DS] (Pre-Alpha available) /Test it now/ What's the content before the offset 0x4500¿:.
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    Yes, I'm always online ;)

    Yes, I'm always online ;)
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    From about 1 year ago, I decided to learn ASM and many people helped me, such as eing, FBI. I...

    From about 1 year ago, I decided to learn ASM and many people helped me, such as eing, FBI. I think it's just learn and practice like how I learned other skills like script, basic of data, etc.