Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 12/04/18
Hello everyone and welcome to a new update!
The works proceeding quite well, although they will certainly suffer a slowdown in the coming months due to university exams.

I start immediately saying that all the NPCs dialogues have been insert in the ROM, in the first screen you can see one!
Subsequently, a bug was presented that blocked the battles with trainer.
After about a week i solved it, as you can see in the second screen (all trainer were inserted in the ROM).
The third screen shows a small minigame that i had developed long time ago:
In one of the houses of the village there will be a clandestine gambling where you can bet money, in case of winning you will get four times the sum initially bet.
The script responsible for managing the honey tree has been improved; interacting with the tree, you will have 6% that a pokémon appear.
Finally, the spectrum event shown in one of the latest updates was improved, managing to better balance the team that will be loaded into battle.
The only thing left is to script the final event of the alpha and insert some graphical parts!
See you at the next update!