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[Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24


Old school ROM-Hacker EST. 2006
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Intro

Maestro! Que intro tan hija de puta en el sentido positivo de la oración. Todo, todo en absoluto esta genial. Supongo que es la magia del ASM y todo lo que puede a llegar a hacerse con el. De verdad, te has ganado mi admiración. Es geniaaaal. Wooow.


Miembro de honor
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Intro

What quality with the details, it's simply impressive. This reminded me when the original games introduced that kind of details like when the teacher moves his mouth during the introduction while he/she is speaking to you. The big difference is that we are in GBA.

It worries me about the time that it could take to publish a beta of this project for being so ambitious. I hope you won't have a lot of difficulties so that we can play and enjoy it someday (relatively soon at least).

See ya! Miau revoir~.


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Script Starter

Good evening everyone!
After so much time, I would like to show you one of the most important scripts in the hack, or rather where we will get our starter:

There're still some things to fix like, for example, Steve's backsprite and the two npc (I'm already working on it).
I hope you like this video, see you next update!


Estoy mamadísimo
Miembro de honor
Usuario de Oro
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Script Starter

¡Awesome! It's amazing, I love the portraits and your graphic style.

This start script looks great and I'm glad to see that you're working on the project. I hope you release the Beta 1 version early, because I am following this hackrom since 2013.

See ya! Good luck. ;)


Keyblade wielder
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Script Starter

Hi Andrea!

I am really impressed by the character's desing they are really good and have show some tips of their personalities making them unique. Also the map shown in the video looks great and the landscape in the battle with growlithe is so beatiful and suits perfectly well.

Moreover the way you receive your first Pokémon reminds me of Pokémon Rubi when Profesor Abedul is attacked by poochyena but mixed with the Blasco's way of getting his Ralts, simply amazing.

Hope to see this hack growing up and i cannot wait to play this beta! Keep working hard and best of lucks!



Dead User~
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Script Starter

Es un hack que parece excelente en lo gráfico y jugable, y tiene ideas muy buenas, pero me parece que con la historia... No sé, deberían mejorarla o intentar hacer algo más atractivo. Aparte de eso, me parece que va a ser una joya, han hecho un excelente trabajo. Espero con ansias la Beta!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

Good evening guys.
Despite the very intense period because of university exams, i do something with the project; in particular:
1. I have scripted some NPCs
2. All the secret gifts that will be in the alpha have been inserted
3. I've corrected some bugs
4. I've inserted an event that i think is very interesting:

Credits - Cilerba
This small spectrum, located in an abandoned house in Route 3, will appear once a day.
It will be possible to challenge it and it will take on the appearance of a random trainer in the game and will have a random team with balanced levels based on our pokémon.
Hope you like this little update, see you!


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

Outstandig job, Andrea!

I really like your graphic style. Lovethe idea of the spectrum. It doesn´t matter if you release a playable version in 5 or 10 years. I´ll always wait for this superb project you´re developing.


Dragón negro hackeador de habitaciones
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

I think it's a very interesting idea inserting a tough trainer that can be always a challenge due to his adaptability as a spectre.Also, the graphics are awesome.

Seeing that you're still working on your game even though you haven't much time is fantastic.

I wish you can go on the GL, because it's a high leveled project and having it on WaH is an honour.

Fran Agustín

Si el sol besa tus ojos, ni cuenta te das.
Miembro insignia
Re: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

OMG Andrea! That's a great idea you were working on! I love it.
Everything about it is amazing. The graphic style inside the house, the randomness and the balanced levels -that's extremely important.

It's been quite a while since my last comment here and I really won't comment on every update, so I'll just say it's as good as ever and even better. I've been watching your progress and well, there's nothing to say. This is one of the best projects ever -if not the best.

Keep up the good work!

Muy español y mucho español pa' los chusmas

¡Por dios, Andrea! ¡Es una gran idea esa en la que has estado trabajando! Me encanta.
Todo sobre ella es fabuloso. El estilo gráfico dentro de la casa, la aleatoriedad y los niveles balanceados -que son extremadamente importantes.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que comenté por aquí y realmente no quiero comentar cada actualización, así que diré solamente que está tan bueno como siempre e incluso mejor. He estado viendo tu progreso y bueno, no hay nada que decir. Este es uno de los mejores proyectos de todos los tiempos -si no el mejor.

¡Sigue así!


Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

No dices mucho de la historia, me da a entender de que eso escrito es como una profecía.
Visualmente se ve bastante bien.
Parece que la beta 1 está en camino así que estoy esperando.


Leyenda de WaH
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

La verdad es que el juego tiene muy buena pinta y con solo ver las capturas me dan unas ganas de jugarlo, espero esta beta con ancias, par así jugarlo y darte una mejor opinión sobre no solo gráficos sino scripts y dialogos del juego, suerte, espero esta beta pronto.


Angel Asakura

Héroe Eón
Miembro de honor
Re: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

Mi inglés no es bueno, y no quiero usar el traductor porque a veces pone lo que quiere...
Solo decirte que me alegro que no dejes este maravilloso hack, espero verlo algún día terminado! Ya hace años que lo admiro y veo que sigue en su línea, es una pena no poder ver más actualizaciones, aunque es normal. El estilo que tiene este hack me encanta, siempre me encantó.
Un abrazo Andrea!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Re: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 16/02/18

Answers to previous comments:
Outstandig job, Andrea!

I really like your graphic style. Lovethe idea of the spectrum. It doesn´t matter if you release a playable version in 5 or 10 years. I´ll always wait for this superb project you´re developing.
Thank you so much! <3

I think it's a very interesting idea inserting a tough trainer that can be always a challenge due to his adaptability as a spectre.Also, the graphics are awesome.

Seeing that you're still working on your game even though you haven't much time is fantastic.

I wish you can go on the GL, because it's a high leveled project and having it on WaH is an honour.
Thank you very much, i'm very happy that my work is appreciated by so many people!

OMG Andrea! That's a great idea you were working on! I love it.
Everything about it is amazing. The graphic style inside the house, the randomness and the balanced levels -that's extremely important.

It's been quite a while since my last comment here and I really won't comment on every update, so I'll just say it's as good as ever and even better. I've been watching your progress and well, there's nothing to say. This is one of the best projects ever -if not the best.

Keep up the good work!
Thank you!!!

No dices mucho de la historia, me da a entender de que eso escrito es como una profecía.
Visualmente se ve bastante bien.
Parece que la beta 1 está en camino así que estoy esperando.
Thanks, slowly we are approaching to the first alpha, hopefully!

La verdad es que el juego tiene muy buena pinta y con solo ver las capturas me dan unas ganas de jugarlo, espero esta beta con ancias, par así jugarlo y darte una mejor opinión sobre no solo gráficos sino scripts y dialogos del juego, suerte, espero esta beta pronto.

Thank you so much, now that i'm more free i can work a lot more on the project.
It should not be long before a first alpha!

Mi inglés no es bueno, y no quiero usar el traductor porque a veces pone lo que quiere...
Solo decirte que me alegro que no dejes este maravilloso hack, espero verlo algún día terminado! Ya hace años que lo admiro y veo que sigue en su línea, es una pena no poder ver más actualizaciones, aunque es normal. El estilo que tiene este hack me encanta, siempre me encantó.
Un abrazo Andrea!
Thank you so much, really.
Slowly we are approaching the first alpha, it shouldn't be missing much.
NEW UPDATE - 05/03/18
Good evening to everyone.
The winter session is over and now i can work on the project continues without slowing down.
These days i insert the first script that will be seen inside the ROM.
Because i wan't "spoiler" so much about the events, i decided to publish only a very small part of the script:
In the gif you can see the explosion of a laboratory, who knows what went wrong?
I hope you like this update, see you!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 05/03/18

Good evening guys, little update.
The work proceeds quite well, in this last period i've dedicated most of the time to scripting.
Since i don't want to spoiler too much of the events that the ROM will contain, i show you only a small screen:

In the screen there is a recruit of the team rocket, it will be creating chaos in the city?
I hope you like it, see you at the next update!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 12/04/18

Hello everyone and welcome to a new update!
The works proceeding quite well, although they will certainly suffer a slowdown in the coming months due to university exams.

I start immediately saying that all the NPCs dialogues have been insert in the ROM, in the first screen you can see one!
Subsequently, a bug was presented that blocked the battles with trainer.
After about a week i solved it, as you can see in the second screen (all trainer were inserted in the ROM).
The third screen shows a small minigame that i had developed long time ago:
In one of the houses of the village there will be a clandestine gambling where you can bet money, in case of winning you will get four times the sum initially bet.
The script responsible for managing the honey tree has been improved; interacting with the tree, you will have 6% that a pokémon appear.
Finally, the spectrum event shown in one of the latest updates was improved, managing to better balance the team that will be loaded into battle.
The only thing left is to script the final event of the alpha and insert some graphical parts!
See you at the next update!


Grafista avanzado
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

Dios mío... me quedo sin palabras cada que veo una nueva actualización de esta hermosura de hack. El aspecto gráfico me encanta, y en la última actualización se nota un tono que le queda perfecto a esos tiles (o cambiaste las paletas o es cosa del DNS), aunque nunca me gustó el agua de Alucus.

Hablando sobre el apartado de programación, me encanta igualmente, en serio, me quedo sin palabras. El evento de la explosión es magistral, además del mini-clip al final que coloca la cereza del pastel. Por último, el minijuego Pokefind es ESTUPENDO, aunque parezca simple se nota el gran trabajo que lleva detrás, y sin duda es este tipo de cosas lo que le aumenta la calidad al proyecto. Espero futuras actualizaciones con ansias, por lo visto ya falta poco para algo jugable...

Se despide, MichaKing~


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

Sorry for the long absence, but in these months the university and work have taken almost all my free time.
Let's move on to today's update.

This is the inside of the first gym, a tropical environment where you can challenge the first Gym Leader of the region, Agata.
As you can guess, trainers inside the building will use water pokémon.
See you at the next update!


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

Pretty good, pretty good. It's not the best scan you've showed to us but it seems nice and original as a gym. As I mentioned long time ago, take all the time to do this fantastic hackrom. I will look forward for next updates.

Best regards c: