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[Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

Some legends never die, it looks really good.
I don't like the padding inside the text box, the Choose Pokémon text it's way to the left side. Also, that cross is as bigger as the background bar.


Miembro insignia
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

What a nice project, I think I've never posted something about this nice hack rom.

About last scan, I love that style, but I would just change the textbox, I think the style and colors aren't the best combination. Probably, changing a little bit the tbox and the color to bluish one could be enough.

In general, I love the graphic style of this project, and how not, also its ASM routines.

I hope I'll be able to play this promising hack in the future, good luck!


Usuario de platino
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Mini Update 10/05/18

Soy nuevo, y me gustaría decir que tu proyector me llama mucho la atención has hecho algo fascinante, te felicito tiene mis 10/10


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Update 7/4/19

Goodmorning to everyone!
I haven't updated the topic for so long; better to fix it!
Before actually going into the updates, it seems right to tell you that in this period of absence several improvements have been made to all the implementations inserted in the ROM, in such a way as to have better stability of the game.
Not only that, almost all the scripts of the first alpha have been insert; just a couple of dialogues and a mini-secondary event are missing.
Here is a small screen of what the last alpha script will reserve:
As you can guess, it is the script of delivery of pokédex by the professor!
Before leaving you, I would like to show you an important implementation recently completed:
This is the 2vs2 battle with trainers, implemented for the first time in pokémon emerald!
It differs slightly from the original mode, since our team will consist exclusively of 2 pokémon, unlike the usual 6: the own and the one of the trainer who accompanies us.
This allowed me to simplify the asm routines behind this implementation, which are little more than fifteen.
Since you can define our team through the use of variables (number, species, level), you can create endless double battles!
That's all for today, see you at the next update!


Héroe de WaH
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | Update 7/4/19

Launch Trailer of the Project:

This is a great suggestion!
However, i think porting the whole project on pokeruby would take me too long, I should have done it a long time ago...
Amazing hack!! Congrats, I'd like to tell you that in italian (like i'm italian) but here it's impossible to speak in our language.

Thanks for all the work you've done and hope to be able to play it soon :D


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

Goodmorning to everyone!
I'm pleased to announce that the alpha of Pokémon Giratina's legend, version 0.5, is finally available.
To download it, click on the banner below:

The alpha contains three cities and three paths, for a total of about an hour and a half of play.
Notify me of all the bugs you find, maybe even attaching a screen!

From now on, i'll publish a code a month to download a secret gift.
The first secret gift is a MUNCHLAX with cheri berry, obtainable with the code 110597.
It will be withdrawn at the postman in any pokemon market.

I also announce that work on beta 1.0 has already begun, new screens coming soon!

That said, i hope you enjoy playing ROM.
At the next update!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

@Andrea I was trying to play the game, but it didn't even let me finish the intro as it goes white after this image :(
Mmmm, honestly this problem never happened to me.
What version of visual boy advance do you use? Try using the version i (1.7.2), then update me!


Usuario de platino
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

Mmmm, honestly this problem never happened to me.
What version of visual boy advance do you use? Try using the version i (1.7.2), then update me!
I was using the 1.8.0 version, switching to 1.7.2 just gives me a white screen without even reaching the opening video.

PD: Nevermind, someone gave me another emulator and it goes fine.
Última edición:


Traductor de Videojuegos
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

No sé cómo decir lo mucho y bien trabajado que está el juego con tan solo una oración.
¡Oh! Tengo una pregunta.
¿Me dejarías traducirlo al español?


Usuario de platino
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

I managed to make it work already, don't worry.

So a little review of the Alpha.

The sprites and mugshots of the characters are amazing, mostly the important characters like the MC and Steve. The tiles used work really well and it gives the game a beautiful look, but I would mention that some maps are kind of struggling to navigate, like third town, its Pokémon Center is too far away from the route entrance that you are probably going to get a Pokémon faint if they are poisoned.

Try to always make the Pokémon Center be the first or second building you find in a town and that you reach it fast.

Another point is that you need to touch a little bit the levels of the trainers. It jumps too fast from one to another and due to this early jumps, I ended overleveling for Agata. For example, the trainers at Route 2 have Pokémon at level 10, but in Route 3 you meet ones with level 14. Normal trainers, not bosses. Knowing that Agata ends at level 15, this is a really big jump. I would suggest loweing the level of Route 2 trainers to 5-8 and having the Route 3 ones at 8-11.

About the story. I sadly can't comment a lot of it as it is in italian. I understood some parts and think that know what is happening, but I can't give an overal note. I have to say that I like that at least we are aware of who took our father and that the journey started because he isn't returning from work, not because he has been lacking for years as lot of hacks do. Is kind of an oversured trope, but at least here we know that isn't going to be because our father is the bad guy or some stupid obvious twist.

I want to know what Agata, Oak and Team Rocket are doing in Italy, but is better than having Giratina in Kanto, so don't mind xD

My only issue was the impossible battle. I was lucky of only using two Pokémon, but imagine a player with 6, they have to wait for 6 or more turns (as Hydropump can miss) for the battle to end. Would not be possible to make it last 1 turn? Like that you only have Growlithe in that battle or just not even battle, make the man summong Kingdra and knock both teens with a Surf move or something.

In general this is a nice start for the game and I can't wait to see more about it.


Cazador Sin Recompensa
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

Hey Andrea!
I have the same problem that Light, i wanted to play it in the phone using the most common emulator of android but when the game start's the screen turns white.
Did you know why?


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

I managed to make it work already, don't worry.

So a little review of the Alpha.

The sprites and mugshots of the characters are amazing, mostly the important characters like the MC and Steve. The tiles used work really well and it gives the game a beautiful look, but I would mention that some maps are kind of struggling to navigate, like third town, its Pokémon Center is too far away from the route entrance that you are probably going to get a Pokémon faint if they are poisoned.

Try to always make the Pokémon Center be the first or second building you find in a town and that you reach it fast.

Another point is that you need to touch a little bit the levels of the trainers. It jumps too fast from one to another and due to this early jumps, I ended overleveling for Agata. For example, the trainers at Route 2 have Pokémon at level 10, but in Route 3 you meet ones with level 14. Normal trainers, not bosses. Knowing that Agata ends at level 15, this is a really big jump. I would suggest loweing the level of Route 2 trainers to 5-8 and having the Route 3 ones at 8-11.

About the story. I sadly can't comment a lot of it as it is in italian. I understood some parts and think that know what is happening, but I can't give an overal note. I have to say that I like that at least we are aware of who took our father and that the journey started because he isn't returning from work, not because he has been lacking for years as lot of hacks do. Is kind of an oversured trope, but at least here we know that isn't going to be because our father is the bad guy or some stupid obvious twist.

I want to know what Agata, Oak and Team Rocket are doing in Italy, but is better than having Giratina in Kanto, so don't mind xD

My only issue was the impossible battle. I was lucky of only using two Pokémon, but imagine a player with 6, they have to wait for 6 or more turns (as Hydropump can miss) for the battle to end. Would not be possible to make it last 1 turn? Like that you only have Growlithe in that battle or just not even battle, make the man summong Kingdra and knock both teens with a Surf move or something.

In general this is a nice start for the game and I can't wait to see more about it.
Thank you so much for these many tips, i'll definitely put them into practice!

Hey Andrea!
I have the same problem that Light, i wanted to play it in the phone using the most common emulator of android but when the game start's the screen turns white.
Did you know why?
So, i think the problem arises from the different ROM header than the original ruby one.
I modified it to prevent the rom from being modified, but it can be restored through a simple hex editor.


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.51 AVAILABLE

The new version 0.51 of the alpha is available, in which the following bugs have been fixed:
- Initial white screen after the game intro
- If you clicked on "new game" with a save present, the first part of the professor's intro was not loaded correctly
- Temporary reset of the player's palette in some areas of the game (laboratory, route 4)
- Movement of some NPCs
- Graphic bug during the interaction with item scattered in the various paths
- Graphic bug during the pokédex delivery screen
- If you rename a pokémon captured during wild doubles battles, there was the possibility that this would become a BadEgg
To download the new version, click on the banner in the previous post!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

No sé cómo decir lo mucho y bien trabajado que está el juego con tan solo una oración.
¡Oh! Tengo una pregunta.
¿Me dejarías traducirlo al español?
I have only seen this comment now, sorry.
Of course, you can translate it!
Surely, transalte this project in Spanish would make it more accessible to many people!
Just yesterday, another user (@Иacho) asked me to start translating the ROM.
Maybe you could collaborate!


Traductor de Videojuegos
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.5 AVAILABLE

I have only seen this comment now, sorry.
Of course, you can translate it!
Surely, transalte this project in Spanish would make it more accessible to many people!
Just yesterday, another user (@Иacho) asked me to start translating the ROM.
Maybe you could collaborate!
Oh! hi! Well... I know Nacho, i'll talk to him to collaborate.
Thank you for giving us your permission.
Good luck!