
[Ruby] Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-04-24


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Goodmorning to all, i announce that the new version 0.52 of the alpha is available, in which the following bugs have been fixed:
- resolved the player palette reset
- solved the buggy dialogue during the saving of the game
- fixed bugged tile between peacefully city and path 2
- corrected the appearance of drifloon in path 3 (some actions during the adventure inhibited its appearance)
- corrected the battle of drifloon (there was the possibility that it would become a double battle)
- fixed some mapping errors
- now also the protagonist's head inside the world map and the mugshot in the VS BAR adapt to the characterization of the character

As some users asked me, I posted the patch in UPS format instead of the modified rom.
To be able to patch the ROM you need to use the Tsukuyomi UPS tool, available at the following link:
Then you will need to download a POKEMON RUBY (USA) rom and expand it to 32MB using the XSE tool.
Finally, apply the patch!

To download the new alpha version, click on the link in the main post!

Important notes:
It appears that the ROM only works with specific versions of the VBA and certain settings.
- Make sure you use version 1.7.2 of the VBA and set it as follows: "Options> Emulator> Save Type> Flash 128K".
- If you are using Windows 10, be sure to run the emulator with the "windows 7 compatibility mode".
This way, you shouldn't have any problems with freeze or white screens!


Usuario mítico
Re: Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

As some users asked me, I posted the patch in UPS format instead of the modified rom.
To be able to patch the ROM you need to use the Tsukuyomi UPS tool, available at the following link:
Then you will need to download a POKEMON RUBY (USA) rom and expand it to 32MB using the XSE tool.
Finally, apply the patch!
Bro, I'm sure you don't really need to ask users to expand ROMs by themselves because many players may not even know what is XSE. Many hacks used UPS format and they all just ask users to patch on the original 16MB ROM (0907 Ruby).

And for people not working on Windows (like me), how do we know if we need to expand the ROM with 00 or FF?

I will suggest you using the patcher used by Japanese hackers which is much better than UPS (imo)

Edit: the filler byte should be FF
Última edición:


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Good afternoon to everyone and welcome to a new update.
Before going into the numerous news of today, i wanted to thank all the users who had the opportunity and time to try the alpha of this project.
I had a positive response from you, and this encourage me to move forward and improve the project more and more.
That said, here are the first screen of beta 1.0:

Before explaining the various screens, it seems only right to "believe" the various users who made the tiles:
Phyromatical - houses, road, tree, rock
CallMeGav - inspiration for the bridge
Zetavares852 - base for the bridge
PeekyChew - base for the boat
ThatsSoWitty - lantern, cave wood porch, rails
Kyledove - interior gym tile, flowers
WilsonScarloxy - base for the temple
Nintendo - tile ruins, mill
- Let's start with the screen at the top left: We are in Bluefalls City, a maritime city built in the middle of the falls.
It also has a port, which is one of the most important points in the region for sea freight traffic.
- The screen immediately to the right shows Route 5, dotted with mills for the generation of clean and renewable energy.
It is adjacent to the previous city.
Let's move on to the central screens.
- The screen on the left shows a new part of the Origin Cave, a cave that extends into the largest mountain range in the region.
A part of it was used as a mine for the extraction of rocks and minerals; it is currently in disuse.
- The central screen depicts the final location of beta 1.0: an ancient ruin destroyed by time.
Initially it was inhabited by the family that ruled the Shinzo region.
It is said that the family kept a huge secret.
- The screen on the right shows the inside of the second gym.
It is a copy of Bugsy's gym of HGSS and, as you can guess, it's bug gym type.
Finally, let's move on to the last two screens below:
- The screen on the left depicts a small port located on route 4, west of Peacefully City.
This place is full of fishermen and water pokémon.
- Finally, in the screen on the right, we can see Quiet Wood.
This place is particularly suitable for those who want to relax, as it is characterized by a profound silence.

Before moving on to the next news, i've to point out one thing:
The effect of the light filtering from the tree branches is not complete yet, i still have to correct a small problem to make it actually usable!

Here we are with the latest news of today: in the next beta there will be weather conditions.
Each season will be characterized by 30% chance of having an active weather condition:
- In summer we will have intense sun
- In winter we will have snow
- In the autumn we will have a rain or thunderstorm
The weather will be variable and will change randomly after a certain period of time.

Finally, i wanted to warn you that due to the university/work the project updates will be suspended until September.
See you in a next update!

Usuario eliminado

Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Hi brotgher! It's nice to check that this project keeps on working, some years ago since i saw it for first time. I encorauge you to advance and finish it, as result for your great work! It keeps having a good graphic style, i will test alpha later!

Have a nice day! Thanks for updating!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Impresionante como trabajas en este proyecto, sin lugar a dudas todo lo que haz hecho es muy innovador, y conlleva un gran trabajo. Muchas felicitaciones, tu proyecto es muy inspirador.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Y yo pensando que ruby estaba muerto xD

Bueno me dejaste sorprendido al usar una base tan olvidada como ruby, la intro animada, los pequeños fragmentos de video hacen que este hack sea un paso grande para esta base que solo sigue viva por si proyecto de decompilacion, cuando lo vi pense que era essential pero no es pokemon ruby, el hack en graficos y mapas es una maravilla, tu hack es algo maravilloso se nota el esfuerzo y bueno me despido pero antes te deseo mucha suerte en la realizacion del proyecto

Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Hey que tal una duda tienes la room parchada porque yo lo intente pero no lo consegui parchar bien me podrias pasar la version parchada porfavor te lo agradeceria mucho


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

I thought I'll never see at least an alpha of this outstanding project. I'm glad to see you're still working on this and I'm looking forward for the next release. For now I'm downloading the alpha.


Your life, your fate.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Hi, Andrea, I take advantage of the fact that I have written for the MPB to comment on your post. Apparently it brings us a pretty striking game, among the RH I would say that the best that has been seen so far, as a positive aspect I can highlight the originality of the pause menu, beyond that, it is enjoyable, however I must take a couple of drawbacks to what the maps would be, they are beautiful aesthetically yes, but they abuse the tall grass a lot, which can make the backtracking very tiresome, luckily it is in the initial stages, so I trust that you correct this error, to the Once, the Kingdra is another, the combat can last from 6 to 9 turns in the case of having the complete equipment, because hydro pump could fail, causing the player to waste unnecessary time to obviously lose the fight, this is a design failure level, which should be addressed. For the rest, I can assure you that it is a pretty solid and recommendable game, despite the limitation by the language. If something else had to limit for improvement it would be the style of the mugshots, it shows a very different style in the player's mother to the same sprite. And when conversing, they do not usually look at each other among the mugshots.


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Hello everyone!
In the last update i said that the updates would resume in September.
However, to thank you for the immense support you demonstrated during the May/June MHM votes, i decided to show you something in preview:
This is the rocket team base building and will be one of the most important locations during the adventure.
The tile was built starting from the tile of St. Basil's Cathedral, built by WilsonScarloxy.
The colors of the roof were made by my friend Ivan!
Hope you enjoyed this little update, see you in September with lots of news!

Tyren Sealess

A fullmetal heart.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

First of all, congratulations for winning! You deserved it, the project is truly amazing.

Second, I love the building. It looks straight out of Florence, but with an evil touch. However, it doesn't look like it could be a base like the ones we saw in pokemon (many small rooms, kind of labyrinthine). Cathedrals are one big open space with side chapels, and here there aren't even any chapels! However you can take advantage of a cellar or multiple levels of them to create the labyrinth. I'm already waiting for more updates next month! Keep up the good work!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

First of all, congratulations for winning! You deserved it, the project is truly amazing.

Second, I love the building. It looks straight out of Florence, but with an evil touch. However, it doesn't look like it could be a base like the ones we saw in pokemon (many small rooms, kind of labyrinthine). Cathedrals are one big open space with side chapels, and here there aren't even any chapels! However you can take advantage of a cellar or multiple levels of them to create the labyrinth. I'm already waiting for more updates next month! Keep up the good work!
Thank you very much for the compliments!
The idea was exactly what you said: the structure will be divided over several floors and each of them will have more rooms that will contain research laboratories/machinery/ecc..


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Congrats on winning the MHM :3, you deserve it. Your whole project is really amazing, I really liked the pokefind and the character customization thing, them alongside all the other features and the fitting graphics. All of that combined makes a really solid and good-looking project. I haven't played the alpha, but I'm sure you're in the good way. Keep working hard, you're rocking it!


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

What can I say, except congratulations for your award. This hack is like a little masterpiece. All these years of effort deserve this and even more. You and your hackrom are breathtaking

Best regards c:


Profesional de WaH
Miembro del equipo
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | SPECIAL UPDATE | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Simplemente puedo decir: El proyecto me gusta, y espero que te diviertas en el proceso, aunque sea corto el comentario; ese esfuerzo que le propones es de gusto, y espero logres lo que iniciaste.

¡A darle!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-09-19 | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Goodmorning everyone!
Three months have passed since the last update, but despite university and work commitments i managed to get on with the project!
Let's start immediately with the news:

1. New screens.

- In the first screen there is the new battle background of the tall grass.
The old battleground has been replaced, since some users noticed me that the battlegrounds i was using in the alpha were private.
So i decided to remove them and insert new ones designed by me.
Some of these was uploaded to my DA profile:
Furthermore, all these battlegrounds will adapt to the current season:

- The second screen shows the new tile of the laboratory in the first city.
In fact, parallel to the development of the new maps, i decided to revisit some old ones (mapping and tile) to conform them to the new style i'm using recently.
Below the complete map:
- The third screen shows one of the new maps created during this period, the Moomoo farm.
It is located in the southern part of route 5 and has cultivated fields of wheat and berries.
In this place it will be possible to buy the well-known moomoo milk, useful for heal pokémon.
- The fourth and last screen shows the innermost part of the Origin Cave, a place characterized by high humidity and poor visibility.

Below, I report the credits of the tiles used in the previous screens:
- Carchagui: Base for battle battlegrounds
- Kyledove: some palettes in the battlegrounds
- Phyromitical: roof tiles farm
- WesleyFG: lower part of the farm, digger
- Magiscarf: scarecrow, wheat
- Mr-duke: large cave rocks

2. New tile animations
To make the gaming environment even more vivid, i added some tile animations:

3. Rocket team base, the final location of the beta
Protagonist of the last "scene" of the beta is this building:
It is the headquarters of the rocket team and will be one of the most important locations from the narrative point of view.
This tile was created starting from the tile of the Cathedral of San Basilio, realized by WilsonScarloxy, while the violet palette of the roof were made by Ivan.

4. Physical/Special split
One of the most requested features by you during the development of the project was the implementation of the physical/special split of the moves.
Finally, i can tell you that this implementation has been added to the hack.
Moreover, during the choice of a pokémon moves in battle an icon will be shown (bottom right) to indicate if it is a physical, special or state move:

5. Erik, the new gym leader
Parallel to the development of the various maps, i also dedicated myself to creating new characters.
One of these is Erik, the Bluefalls City gym leader:

He is the second gym leader who you will face during the adventure and, as you can imagine, he will be specialized in bug type pokémon.

6. New secret gift
Finally, here is a new code through which you can unlock a new secret gift: 190329.
To be able to insert it, go to the player's room and interact with the PC.
The secret gift will contain a masterball and can be obtained in any pokémon market.


Porrero a tiempo parcial
Miembro insignia
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-09-19 | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Outstanding job as usual. I'm really in love with these animations, they've a nice color scheme and we can feel the harmony on the first sight. The only thing that I don't like are the HP boxes.

I don't like the black text inside the greenish box. It is kinda difficult to read and I would be better if you instead use a white color text for it:

See the difference? At the end it's easier to read

Despite that minor issue, everything is stunning. Keep that good job on!


Usuario mítico
Re: Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-09-19 | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Outstanding job as usual. I'm really in love with these animations, they've a nice color scheme and we can feel the harmony on the first sight. The only thing that I don't like are the HP boxes.

I don't like the black text inside the greenish box. It is kinda difficult to read and I would be better if you instead use a white color text for it:

See the difference? At the end it's easier to read

Despite that minor issue, everything is stunning. Keep that good job on!
Those shadows are hard to read as well.
More like this:

I gota say that I'm loving the screenshots, specially the animated one, it makes the game feel so fresh :)
I love the gym leader sprite buy I feel like the mugshot is looking way too down.
I love the battle backgrounds, but if I want to be picky I would change the battle t-box, the one that's behind the "What should X do?".

Loved the update, high quality stuff as expected from you!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 01-09-19 | ALPHA 0.52 AVAILABLE

Outstanding job as usual. I'm really in love with these animations, they've a nice color scheme and we can feel the harmony on the first sight. The only thing that I don't like are the HP boxes.

I don't like the black text inside the greenish box. It is kinda difficult to read and I would be better if you instead use a white color text for it:

See the difference? At the end it's easier to read

Despite that minor issue, everything is stunning. Keep that good job on!
Those shadows are hard to read as well.
More like this:

I gota say that I'm loving the screenshots, specially the animated one, it makes the game feel so fresh :)
I love the gym leader sprite buy I feel like the mugshot is looking way too down.
I love the battle backgrounds, but if I want to be picky I would change the battle t-box, the one that's behind the "What should X do?".

Loved the update, high quality stuff as expected from you!
thank you very much to both for your suggestions!
I'll certainly change the colors of the text in the box, the result you have proposed to me is much better than the current version!

I also thank you for the compliments about game screens!
I'm trying to make maps and more complex and cared for environments, as those of the first alpha didn't completely satisfy me.
I hope by continuing to improve this aspect even more!


Usuario mítico
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 13-10-19 | ALPHA 0.6 AVAILABLE

Good evening everyone!
After several months, i announce that new version 0.6 of the alpha is available.
Unlike the previous alpha updates, which were limited to correcting the bugs of the previous roms, this new version introduces several new features:
- Physical/Special Split has been added
- Weather conditions have been added
- All Battlegrounds have been changed
- Some bugs reported to me in previous messages have been fixed
- New tile graphics, both internal and external
- New tile animations
- New event, which will be released in a couple of weeks
In order to download the new version of the rom, you can click on the banner in the main post!