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Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 24-10-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Good evening to all, it's officially available the version 0.61 of the alpha.
Below, i report the news:
- Fixed some mapping errors and allowed movements
- Fixed the problem of "flashes" during warp and fadescreen
- Added the seasonal pokémon, a particular species of pokémon that will appear in the tall grass more frequently only in a certain season
As usual, to download the new version of the rom, you must click on the banner in the main post!
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 24-10-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
A little spooky event
From today midnight(10/30/19) until tomorrow midnight t (10/31/19) ghost-type Pokémon, normally visible only at night, will invade the entire Shinzo region.
In fact, you can meet them in wild encounters all day long.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 30-10-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Good morning everyone and happy holidays!
Like Santa Claus, today i would like to bring you a gift: a small update.
The first thing I want to tell you is that with the arrival of winter, delibird and smoochum can be found in tall wild grass.
During this period, most of the time I had available to move forward with the project was devoted almost entirely to the development of new maps.
Among those that have been completed, there are two that i would like to share with you today.
The first is a portion of the Origin Cave, an agglomeration of caves and tunnels that extend throughout the region: https://www.deviantart.com/ghha90/art/Pokemon-Giratina-s-Legend-Origin-Cave-Map-821108569
The second map, a little more particular, is the inside of the MooMoo farm: https://www.deviantart.com/ghha90/art/Mumu-Farm-INDOOR-817672091
Part of the work was also dedicated to the compatibility of the old maps with the "seasons", such as Blufalls City and the adjacent routes.
Remaining always in the "compatibility" sphere, the compatibility of the rom with the real hardware has been restored.
In other words, if you have a GBA flashcard, you can play the rom on a physical console.
Finally, i would like to say goodbye with a small implementation that i reveald a couple of weeks ago.
It is an IV/EV "viewer" of our pokémon team.
You can find this new menu instead of the MAILBOX, inside the pokémon center PC.
Hoping that you enjoyed these news, i wish you a merry Christmas and see you at the next update.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 24-12-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
I still have version 0.52 alpha, T_T, now that I can also customize the character I have realized that this hack really deserves to be among the best hacks in history. I only ask for one thing: Andrea, please add the option to change the gender of your character at the beginning of the adventure! Nota: Hablo español, solo quiero que lo entienda
I still have version 0.52 alpha, T_T, now that I can also customize the character I have realized that this hack really deserves to be among the best hacks in history. I only ask for one thing: Andrea, please add the option to change the gender of your character at the beginning of the adventure! Nota: Hablo español, solo quiero que lo entienda
No problem, i understood everything perfectly!
First of all, thank you for the compliments.
The most recent version of the alpha is 0.61 and you can find it in the main post of this discussion.
As for the choice of the M/F player, i never thought of implementing it (in my imagination, i've always seen the player as male and be Steve's best friend).
I will see with future releases what to do.
Meanwhile, thank you for the suggestion.
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 24-12-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Hi Andrea!
I like how the hack is painting, and this last update is not far behind, I see that you are trying hard and I hope that all the maps have been luxurious (create back-ups) Well, I wouldn't have much to say, I like the change and the fix of some mistakes ... (By the way, that system of Evs and Ivs is of mother fruit)
Respuesta: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 24-12-19 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Never mind Andrea, only the alpha version of this game is a masterpiece. I hope that in the future more people will recognize your work as a romhacker, I wish you success. Bye!
Re: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 03-03-20 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Hello everyone and welcome to the first update of the year.
The first news of today is that with the arrival of spring, hoppip and bellsprout they can be found in tall grass.
Now let's move on to the real news.
1. Bug Fix
During this period, I tried to solve some problems that were already known and that were reported to me several months ago:
- After several attempts, i can finally announce that the fadescreen are now working on the versions of the VBA higher than 1.7.2.
- Fixed issue related to drop in battle statistics:
- Finally, an issue related to 2 VS 2 battle with the recruits has been resolved, which caused the game to freeze
2. New Menus
In parallel with the bug fix, i developed new menus:
- The first menu is the bag menu, whose interface, taken in part from one that create Slawter, was made entirely by Emme97
- The second menu is the pokedex menu, whose graphic style was taken from that of BW.
- The third and last menu, taken from the one developed by Againsts, is the summary screen for viewing the information of the members of your team.
3. Secret Gift
Another new feature recently introduced concerns the secret gift.
From now on, this functionality will be available in the start menu and, once unlocked, will replace the option to close the menu:
In addition, the animation of receiving gifts has been updated:
4. Object
The latest implementation that i would like to show you, initially developed for FR/EMERALD, is the appearance of an object icon when it is obtained:
Finally, i wanted to warn you that i'm continuing the development of new maps, before dedicating completely to the scripts.
That said, see you in the next update.
Re: Pokemon Giratina Legend | 03-03-20 | ALPHA 0.61 AVAILABLE
Love how the bag menu is designed. Although in my opinion, you should change the background in this area, since it can get a little bit hard to read all the text.
A flatter background should work better there. Regardless of that, as I said I love the menu, how multiple images are shown (which is more visual than just the names from the regular menu) and the detail with the ammount of each item as an exponential number.
All in all, it's really fast and easy to get the info from that menu. May try to create something similar for my project.
Love how the bag menu is designed. Although in my opinion, you should change the background in this area, since it can get a little bit hard to read all the text.
A flatter background should work better there. Regardless of that, as I said I love the menu, how multiple images are shown (which is more visual than just the names from the regular menu) and the detail with the ammount of each item as an exponential number.
All in all, it's really fast and easy to get the info from that menu. May try to create something similar for my project.
Thank you, i'm very glad you like it!
Also thank you for the suggestion, it's an argument that me and the creator of the menu discussed during the creation, but we didn't know how to improve it...
Do you say that a box similar to the one on the right, simply black, can help reading the description?
Thank you, i'm very glad you like it!
Also thank you for the suggestion, it's an argument that me and the creator of the menu discussed during the creation, but we didn't know how to improve it...
Do you say that a box similar to the one on the right, simply black, can help reading the description?
It doesn't really need to be plain black, but the higher the contrast between the text and the background, the easier to read (so, in terms of readability plain black bg vs white text is the best).
Nevertheless, I know that the menu looks cooler with this kind of background... it may be enough if you change the brigther colours from that area to darker ones (this will improve readability a bit).
The last thing that cross my mind, is that instead of having 4-5 items/bags as the background, you can reduce it to 2-3, that way you dont have just a plain background, but you give more free space for the eye.
Those are all suggestions tho, you can do whatever you want, the readability of that menu box is not "terrible" either way. I guess you just have to choose between a slightly "cooler" menu or a slightly easier to read one.
I announce that the new version 0.7 of the alpha is available.
This new version introduces all the news that have been announced in the last update.
To download it, click on the banner in the main post!
Goodmorning everyone.
I wanted to inform you that tonight, at 21:30 (Italian time), pokémon Giratina's Legend will be played on this this channel.
Some unpublished contents will also be revealed, i hope you can appreciate!
Best hack i’ve never seen.
I’m really happy to see that you’re continuing the development of the giratina legend after eight years.
Best regards for you andrea.
Best hack i’ve never seen.
I’m really happy to see that you’re continuing the development of the giratina legend after eight years.
Best regards for you andrea.
Thank you!
At the moment i'm currently busy with the university, however i'm trying to carry on the project a bit.
Probably i'll reveal something on the anniversary day of the release of the first alpha!
Hello everyone and welcome to a new update!
Today is an important "symbolic" day for me, since exactly one year ago the first version of the alpha was released.
To commemorate this event, i decided to release a new version, the0.7.5, downloadable as usual from the link in the main post.
In this new version, in addition to correcting some errors:
- Correct application of purple palettes during battle poisoning:
Previously, during the poisoning animation, animation was applied to every pokemon in battle, even those not having the status.
- Added application of "dark" palettes in wild double battles also to the second pokemon:
- As it was suggested to me long ago, i improved the readability of the strings inside the HP BAR in battle
- Fixed bug that caused the image of an object to be displayed incorrectly
have been introduced many new features!
1. New Battle System
The first implementation that i would like to show you today is the new battle system that from now on will characterize the battles:
2. New map icons
The second implementation that i would like to show you concerns the icons that are shown when entering a map.
From now, each map will have a custom icon:
Below, i leave you all the icons of the locations that will contain the next beta:
3. New indoor tiles
In this period i decided to work also on the indoor maps, since the old ones no longer satisfied.
In particular, i decided to adopt a style that harmonized better with what i recently adopted also for external maps.
This is the new internal map of the player's house:
Below, i leave the credits of the tile that i used:
4. IV/EV Viewer, again
Some month ago i showed the new EV/IV Viewer function, which could be used interacting with the Pokémon Center PC.
However, i noticed that this choice was particularly uncomfortable for players.
For this reason, i decided to combine this functionality with the summary pokémon menu:
From now, you can view this screen on the fourth page of the menu, right after the moves.
5. New load screen
The latest implementation I would like to show you today is the new loading screen:
Compared to the previous version, it will show the most important information about saving.
With special exceptions, there will be no alpha updates from now on.
The new updates will focus exclusively on the events and new maps of the next beta.
That said, see you in a future update!
Take all the time to polish this awesomeness. All the effort put to show new features is simply outstanding. One of the things that I never liked was the new game screen. That font used looked pixelated and weird. Now it's more than perfect!
As someone said before, this is the best hack that i've ever seen. It's just increible how dedicated you are, and the results are simply awesome.
By the way, I can't believe you're still using ruby as ROM; but isn't a problem, because effort and dedication looks to be enough. Nice work, congratulations.
At last, I love the new indoor. I don't even know if you draw by yourself that tiles, but they're amazing. Everything looks perfectly armonized, and pallets look so sweet. Same with outdoor, u know; but that's something we already know, I have to said.
Well, I hope you be more active here! I really wanna see more from you and your hack soon.