Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Update - Repel issue fixed (i think)
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE Do you use Darthatron's repel hack? (Can you provide your skype account? It's really annoying to talk via forum messages)
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE ok, i totally forgot the repel issue! i will see it and commit an update EDIT: I've tried to test it and watched some part in a debugger, but I haven't found anything wrong. Have you guaranteed that the levels of all your party pokemons are...
  4. jiangzhengwenjz


  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE Yes, it's because it's just an 'experiment' on C hacking, and I don't include it in my own hack. You can try to edit the pointers after insertion.
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE I guess it's fixed now, and you can try it if you want
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized][C+ASM] A EV-IV Display Screen [EMERALD UPDATE]

    Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized][C+ASM] A EV-IV Display Screen NO
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    Well I don't think 30 days are enough for a good hack, but it's really an effective way to make...

    Well I don't think 30 days are enough for a good hack, but it's really an effective way to make more hack creators take part in the forum if there're still not few people browsing but not posting.
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    An activity to make a hack in 30 days?

    An activity to make a hack in 30 days?
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE Well I didn't find all the bugs you've found and currently I don't have time to hack. Would you mind trying it on a clean bpre 1.0 ROM to see if the problems still occur? I haven't encountered any missingno in my ROM. For the other issue...
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    A group text? lol

    A group text? lol
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    happy new year! :p

    happy new year! :p
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] Apparently it will Cover the mugshot because both of them use BG0 lol (BG1-BG3 are used by the map) I'm glad I can help:p
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] Change mugshot_make.asm to this routine: (Change x_coordinate, y_coordinate, width, height to your custom value) (Still get the image pointer and palette pointer from your table) .thumb push {r4-r5, lr} sub...
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Yes, but at that time I didn't know it. :(
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [In Process] Hacking the Trainer Card

    Yes, actually it's very simple and we just need to hack the badge drawing function. However I'm too lazy to make sprites for the new medals at that time, lol
  17. jiangzhengwenjz


  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    [VS Bars] Posición final de los sprites

    For now I can't hack, you may find some useful information in this post by Derlo (who is also in this forum): If you can't get it, i will try to see it in a debugger at weekends...
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    try this one...

    try this one
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    I don't know what you mean... what's the document

    I don't know what you mean... what's the document