Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    ¿Como hacer un IV Checker?

    You can use Darthatron's code to execute a script from an item.
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Fire Red] 21/08/2024 | Pokémon Team Rocket Jessie & James Edition | Nuevas misiones Isla Canela: Viaje movidito en el S.S. Anne; Sol, playa y el Lapras herido

    Re: Respuesta: Re: Pokémon Team Rocket Jessie & James Edition OK! It's really nice to see that you're still working on this hack.
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Rutina] [ASM] Wild Double Battle in BPRE

    This thread has been updated. I've created an auto-insertion project.
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Fire Red] 21/08/2024 | Pokémon Team Rocket Jessie & James Edition | Nuevas misiones Isla Canela: Viaje movidito en el S.S. Anne; Sol, playa y el Lapras herido

    Re: Pokémon Team Rocket Jessie & James Edition Wow, why not put the download there? iirr, this hack had a beta 2.5 release, right?
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    None as for now, I never thought of the exp. bug lol. There're many small glitches in it, such...

    None as for now, I never thought of the exp. bug lol. There're many small glitches in it, such as the fade, asking for switching pokemon, fleeing, music, pokedex glitch, caught pokemon glitch, pokeball glitch... But they're all fixed for now!
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR/EM | [in process] How to eliminate the multiple "showpokepic"

    Re: Respuesta: FR/EM | [in process] How to eliminate the multiple "showpokepic" Thx, but I guess there won't be more recently, as I was stuck in the workaday world.
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized][C+ASM] A EV-IV Display Screen [EMERALD UPDATE]

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized][C+ASM] A EV-IV Display Screen No bug is found till now^ ^
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    [GBA]Pokémon Johto Adventures [Actu 25/08] HP bars

    Re: [GBA]Pokémon Johto Adventures [Actu 08/08] 1º gim terminado Nice done. The battle BGs are lovely I'm quite glad that the hack is on the right track again!
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Gráficos] FR | Cambiar completamente el menu de la mochila

    Re: Fire Red - Cambiar completamente el menu de la mochila Well, I can leave the technical information here to control the animation so that you don't need to format your bag in the original form. 0x810924C: the block index in VRAM to fill the "text section" when swapping. 0x8452D08: the...
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Gráficos] FR | Cambiar completamente el menu de la mochila

    Re: Fire Red - Cambiar completamente el menu de la mochila Your tutorial is good, but will it work when swapping pockets? The game uses a clever way for pocket swapping. Another issue is that the 'deposit item' screen uses the same tileset as the bag's, have you taken it into account? (If...
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    ok, i'm glad that i can help

    ok, i'm glad that i can help
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    Oh, shit! I misunderstood what you meant. Try this one, it checks the player's walkrun state...

    Oh, shit! I misunderstood what you meant. Try this one, it checks the player's walkrun state: push {lr} mov r0, #8 ldr r3, =0x805C74D bl bx_r3 ldr r1, =0x20370c0 lsr r0, r0, #3 strh r0, [r1] pop {pc} .ltorg bx_r3: bx r3 in var_8004: 0=not surfing, 1=surfing
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    OK, try this routine instead (if I understood correctly) It will check the block you're facing...

    OK, try this routine instead (if I understood correctly) It will check the block you're facing: push {lr} sub sp, sp, #4 mov r0, sp add r1, r0, #2 ldr r3, =0x805C4F5 bl bx_r3 mov r0, sp ldrh r1, [r0, #2] ldrh r0, [r0] ldr r3, =0x8058F79 bl bx_r3 cmp r0, #0x[behavior byte in hex] @set it to your...
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    OK! I'm currently re-working on the double wild battle system to fix misc bugs

    OK! I'm currently re-working on the double wild battle system to fix misc bugs
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    I guess that building a function to compare the behavior byte should be a simple way. Try this...

    I guess that building a function to compare the behavior byte should be a simple way. Try this function: push {lr} ldr r3, =0x8055C75 bl bx_r3 cmp r0, #0x[behavior byte] @Change it to your behavior byte to compare beq set_1 mov r1, #0 b back set1: mov r1, #1 back: ldr r0, =0x20370c0 strh r1...
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    ok, I guess it's the GIF recorder's fault as it looks really nice in the emulator haha

    ok, I guess it's the GIF recorder's fault as it looks really nice in the emulator haha
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    Err, what do you mean about the "white spaces"? If you mean that the "fade into white" effect...

    Err, what do you mean about the "white spaces"? If you mean that the "fade into white" effect should be slower, it will be simple. For the bag it requires ASM skill, as the game uses a great way to refresh the bag when you change the current pocket. I also added the buttons under the "bag...
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    What do you think of this animation and the bags? :) [img] [img][img]

    What do you think of this animation and the bags? :) [img] [img][img]
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    ¿Que piensas de los hack's con mega evoluciones?

    I personally don't like mega evolution, but I can understand that many hacks include this feature. The most important thing of a hack is the plot (along with the author's thoughts) and the game experience and mega evolution is just a small attachment to the latter. Therefore, it's OK to include...
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

