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  • Sorry for the wrong grammar. I'm using google translator.

    What this not working properly, is the routine that applies the diagonal movements in Minisprites through the tiles. The movement itself, work properly. The routine of the tiles not distinguish when the player is walking, running or cycling.

    Because of this I would like for that hook at the start of the game. For the other routine (the video) function without errors of the WalkingScripts from JPAN (not load the wild pokemon when we walk through the grasses).

    But I'll see if I can put this hook again. Thank you!
    In fact I want to have the best options.

    With your routine I can apply the movements in any OW with scripts or routine that tiles perform the movements in the player.
    However when I put it together the routine of tiles. It works only partially. The OW not move properly, and not run when the player is running or bike.
    The one that I use, works normally [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY8DEC4FxyA]. Only this limited to the loading of data in the ram and the fact that WalkingScripts are loaded in priority over other simpler routines.

    So your routine works perfectly for Rockclimb for example. [Until I could fix this problem the bike and player running]
    And the other one to the stairs, which will be carried by ground scripts only on the stairs. because of this I asked for help to write the directions on the ram.
    I was trying to use this to change where the ROM reads the data of the directions. So could handle as I want to create the diagonal movements and use a sequence of scripts to create the effect of the side stairs.

    But your routine already helped a lot. I managed to merge your routine with a DANILLS so that tiles perform the moves diagonally. but missing a small yet fit to be perfect.

    If you can help me with this hook maybe I can use both modes of diagonal movements.

    I was try to pull a hook to a similar routine with one that would record the data in RAM:
    @define moves_ROM = 0x ???????
    @define moves_RAM = 0x !!!!!!!!!



    push {r0-r2,lr}
    LDR r0, moves_ROM
    ldr r1, moves_RAM
    mov r2, # 0x ?? - Block size to be copied
    swi 0xC
    pop {r0-r2,pc}
    You know how to load a routine whenever the game is started, the screen to load / new game?
    for example, writing a sequence of data in a location of the ram.
    Haha i know, but it isn't really a big problem, because your work is amazing and very useful as i told you.
    Wow, your new work is really amazing! Specially to peoplr that like competitive in FR, battling with other people via wifi/bluetooth (in movil phones).
    About the graphic interface, it's cool but i guess that you should put the hand on the top of the pokemon icon, not above.
    Dude, you have to teach me how to do something similar to that EV/IV screen, have you commented the code on your GitHub??
    Yeah, i know!
    It would be very interesting port both sistems to rubí!
    Btw, i hope to have a pc as soon as posible D:
    What are you're new projects?
    My new projects will be the mega evolution, expand dex...
    But first i need to repair my pc! Haha
    Do you know that you're the fucking boss? I see your new knowledge and I'm very impresive. Congrats!

    Ps. Have you ever thought make a hackrom with a storyline..?
    Yep, I've already asked him haha but he seems to be retired or something because he hasn't answered me yet T_T
    Hey jiang, I have a question I hope you can answer me ^^
    Do you know how can I change the functioning of the L/R buttons? I mean, how can I make them run a routine I want instead of the help menu.
    I know it has to be done with a hook but I can't find the direction to hook from :/
    I've started learning ASM some months ago, but I'm still a noob :(
    Why do you say about adding me in Skype so I can ask you when I got doubts? :D

    My skype account is in my profile, but just in case: franco.pelusso
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