Resultados de búsqueda

  1. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Gráficos] FR | Cambiar Fondo de la Mochila

    More offsets: E830CC: lz_bag_background_tileset E832C0: lz_bag_background_tilemap E83444: lz_bag_background_tilemap_deposit_item E835B4: lz_bag_background_palette E83604: lz_bag_background_palette_2 //gender change E845D8: lz_bag_background_tm_tileset E84A24: lz_bag_background_tm_tilemap...
  2. jiangzhengwenjz

    No, I injected a "init_malloc" in the callback function haha, otherwise the malloc system will...

    No, I injected a "init_malloc" in the callback function haha, otherwise the malloc system will crash if you open the card for 3 times. We should also call different callback functions as we don't know whether the player will use the "SELECT" feature (not SELECT: back to bag; SELECT: back to...
  3. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] For OBJs, it uses a set of 'animation tables' in its template. You can define frames there. For BG pictures, you can just launch a task (the IRAM function queue) and keeps rendering it via built-in functions...
  4. jiangzhengwenjz

    FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available]

    Re: Respuesta: FR | [Finalized] 80x80 mugshots [Source Code Available] Nope, it uses BG0 instead of OBJ.
  5. jiangzhengwenjz

    Haha, thanks. See what I've done yesterday: [img]

    Haha, thanks. See what I've done yesterday: [img]
  6. jiangzhengwenjz

    When I made more progress, which means that I want to make a thread on my hack, I will surely...

    When I made more progress, which means that I want to make a thread on my hack, I will surely include a VIDEO section haha. Now I'm quite in trouble and I'm just doing some random hacks
  7. jiangzhengwenjz

    Not yet ^ ^ I'm still handling some ASM things (some are others' routines and some are mine). I...

    Not yet ^ ^ I'm still handling some ASM things (some are others' routines and some are mine). I may upload some videos when I've made more progress on my hack, as it doesn't contain much contents now.
  8. jiangzhengwenjz

    Haha, thanks! I created an "ultra rod" and it can only be used in something like "private fish...

    Haha, thanks! I created an "ultra rod" and it can only be used in something like "private fish pond", which is given to the player through renting. I guess the player will be crazy with fishing some rare pokemon loool
  9. jiangzhengwenjz

    Hi, I have created my own bait system in my hack (based on FR), what do you think of it? Gif...

    Hi, I have created my own bait system in my hack (based on FR), what do you think of it? Gif animation here: [img] I injected it in a new item "ultra rod" which can only be used in a specified map and it will make a wild pokemon based on the quality of the bait.
  10. jiangzhengwenjz

    Great indeed, thanks!

    Great indeed, thanks!
  11. jiangzhengwenjz

    Oh, my. Would you mind giving me a ROM/patch containing this for reference? I guess it will make...

    Oh, my. Would you mind giving me a ROM/patch containing this for reference? I guess it will make things clearer
  12. jiangzhengwenjz

    Hi, I'm looking at your fish system in PRHE, but as it's in spanish, I was confused by some...

    Hi, I'm looking at your fish system in PRHE, but as it's in spanish, I was confused by some statements: SCRIPT PESCA: 086B143A -> PRIMER SLOT POKES SALVAJES PESCA. 08084f3c -> Carga el pokémon del slot. 08084f36 -> LDR R0, .MY_ROUTINE BX R0 //Cargar pokes desde la tabla. What does it mean...
  13. jiangzhengwenjz

    Haha, I will take a look at it in July and let's see whether I will be amazed!

    Haha, I will take a look at it in July and let's see whether I will be amazed!
  14. jiangzhengwenjz

    Well, I promise that I will see some features in it, with the google translate opening, as I'm...

    Well, I promise that I will see some features in it, with the google translate opening, as I'm dealing with some silly things in my ROM these days. Does any Spanish hacker send you a feedback?
  15. jiangzhengwenjz

    [GBA-HACK]Pokémon Aquamarine Version "Descargar DEMO"

    The features and graphics are nice and I love the battle backgrounds. The hack is good and please keep it on! (But can we post direct link to ROM in this forum?)
  16. jiangzhengwenjz

    Temporarily no, but I will surely take a look at it someday. Would you mind telling me something...

    Temporarily no, but I will surely take a look at it someday. Would you mind telling me something included in it which may arouse my attention? As you know, reading Spanish language is really bothering me :D
  17. jiangzhengwenjz

    Thanks, there's no problem now!

    Thanks, there's no problem now!
  18. jiangzhengwenjz

    A user, absolutely haha And I can't log out lool Thank you very much

    A user, absolutely haha And I can't log out lool Thank you very much
  19. jiangzhengwenjz

    Ah, that's a fuck. I can't visit this site, as it always tells me to change my email address. I...

    Ah, that's a fuck. I can't visit this site, as it always tells me to change my email address. I have changed it to Gmail, but it has no effect :/
  20. jiangzhengwenjz

    [Script] [Script] "Fusionar" Pokémon

    Re: Respuesta: Re: [Script] "Fusionar" Pokémon I haven't read your script yet, sorry. It's nice, but an obvious problem is that the player can press B to quit the evolution and I don't know whether you have taken the fact into account or not as the pokemons shouldn't be deleted in this case.